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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Alexander Agassiz   5 May 1881

Down. | Beckenham. Kent.

May 5th. 1881.

My dear Mr Agassiz.

It was very good of you to write to me from Tortugas, as I always feel much interested in hearing what you are about, and in reading your many discoveries— It is a surprising fact that the peninsula of Florida should have remained at the same level for the immense period requisite for the accumulation of so vast a pile of debris—1

You will have seen Mr Murrays news on the formation of Atolls & barrier reefs—2 Before publishing my book, I thought long, over the same view, but only as far as ordinary marine organisms are concerned for at that time little was known of the multitude of minute oceanic organisms. I rejected this view as from the few dredgings made in the Beagle in the S. Temperate regions, I concluded that shells, the smaller corals &c &c decayed & were dissolved, when not protected by the deposition of sediment; & sediment could not accumulate in the open ocean. Certainly shells &c were in several cases completely rotten and crumbled into mud between my fingers; but you will know well whether this is in any degree common.— I have expressly said that a Bank at the proper depth would give rise to an atoll, which could not be distinguished from one formed during subsidence; I can however hardly believe, in the former presence of as many banks (there having been no subsidence) as there are atolls in the great oceans, within a reasonable depth on which minute oceanic organisms could have accumulated to the thickness of many hundred feet.3 I think that it has been shown that the oscillations from great waves extend down to a considerable depth, and if so the oscillating water would tend to lift up. (according to an old doctrine propounded by Playfair) minute particles lying at the bottom, and allow them to be slowly drifted away from the submarine bank by the slightest current.4 Lastly I cannot understand Mr. Murray, who admits that small calcareous organisms are dissolved by the Carbonic acid in the water at great depths, & that coral reefs. &c &c are likewise dissolved near the surface but that this does not occur at intermediate depths, where he believes that the minute oceanic calcareous organisms accumulate until the bank reaches within the reef-building depth—5 But I suppose that I must have misunderstood him.— Pray—forgive me troubling you at such length, but it has occurred (to me?) that you might be disposed to give after your wide experience, your judgment. If I am wrong, the sooner I am knocked on the head and annihilated so much the better. It still seems to me a marvellous thing that there should not have been much & long continued subsidence in the beds of the great oceans.— I wish that some doubly rich millionaire would take it into his head to have borings made in some of the Pacific and Indian Atolls; and bring home cores for slicing from a depth of 500 or 600 feet.6

Believe me my dear Mr. Agassiz. | Yours very sincerely— | Charles Darwin.

P.S. I read with much interest your address before Am: Soc: Adv: of Sc:  However true your remarks on the genealogies of the several groups may be, I hope & believe that you have overestimated the difficulties to be encountered in the future.—7 A few days after reading your address, I interpreted to myself your remarks on one point (I hope in some degree correctly) in the following fashion.

“Any character of an ancient generalised or intermediate form may & often does reappear in its descendants after countless generations & this explains, the extraordinarily complicated affinities of existing groups.”

This idea seems to me to throw a flood of light on the lines, sometimes used to represent affinities, which radiate in all directions, often to very distant sub-groups.— A difficulty which has haunted me for half a century— A strong case could be made out in favour of believing in such reversion or atroversion8 after immense intervals of time— I wish the idea had been put into my head in old days. for I shall never again write on difficult subjects as I have seen too many cases of old men becoming feeble in their minds, without being in the least conscious of it— If I have interpreted your ideas at all correctly I hope that you will reurge on any fitting occasion your view— I have mentioned it to a few persons, capable of judging and it seemed quite new to them.— I beg you to forgive the proverbial garrulity of old age.



John Murray (1841–1914) had published ‘On the structure and origin of coral reefs and islands’ in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Murray 1880); it was reprinted in Nature, 12 August 1880, pp. 351–5. Murray had argued that the deposition of the remains of non-coral shells would form a base on which corals would subsequently build. CD thought Murray’s view, that reef formation could be explained without subsidence or elevation, was far fetched (see Correspondence vol. 28, letter to T. M. Reade, 22 September 1880).
In Coral reefs, p. 198, CD had noted that he ‘should undoubtedly have classed some of these fringed banks as imperfect atolls, or barrier-reefs, if the sedimentary nature of their foundations had not been evident from the presence of other neighbouring banks’.
John Playfair made the argument about the movement of particles in Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth (Playfair 1802, pp. 414–15, 432–3).
See Murray 1880, p. 510.
The first successful boring into a coral island to a depth of over 600 feet was made by a team led by Edgeworth David on Funafuti atoll in 1897 and 1898; the depth reached was 340 metres (about 1,115 feet) (Aust. dict. biog. s.v. David, Edgeworth).
Agassiz’s address, ‘Paleontological and embryological development’ (A. Agassiz 1880), was delivered to the natural history section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at its meeting in Boston in August 1880. Agassiz concluded that, since the actual number of species in any group was far less than the potential number, trying to solve the genealogy of species was a ‘hopeless task’ (ibid., p. 414).
Antroversion: a variant of ‘anteversion’, the condition of being displaced forwards (OED). CD had discussed reversion at length in Variation 2: 28–61, 372–402.


Agassiz, Alexander. 1880. Paleontological and embryological development. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 29: 389–414.

Aust. dict. biog.: Australian dictionary of biography. Edited by Douglas Pike et al. 14 vols. [Melbourne]: Melbourne University Press. London and New York: Cambridge University Press. 1966–96.

Coral reefs: The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Being the first part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. FitzRoy RN, during the years 1832 to 1836. By Charles Darwin. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1842.

Murray, John. 1880. On the stucture and origin of coral reefs and islands. [Read 5 April 1880.] Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 10 (1878–80): 505–18.

Playfair, John. 1802. Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth. Edinburgh: Cadell and Davies.

Variation: The variation of animals and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868.


Responds to comments on geology of Florida.

Discusses coral reefs and paper by John Murray ["On the structure and origin of coral reefs and islands", Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 10 (1880): 505–18].

Comments on AA’s paper ["Paleontological and embryological development", Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 29 (1880): 389–414].

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Alexander Agassiz
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 143: 11
Physical description
C 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13145,” accessed on 21 October 2024,
