How dangerous was Darwin?
Pupils explore the events that led to the publication of Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species' and the subsequent impact of the book, through an analysis and comparison of historical sources including letters, a press report and satirical media images of the day.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the activities pupils will be able to:
- assess the contribution of letters made to interpreting historical events
- compare and evaluate the usefulness of different historical sources
- draft their own versions of an historical event for print or social media
Unexpected news
Duration: 50 minutes
Reporting events
Duration: 45 minutes
Read all about it!
Duration: 1 hour
Discussion questions
Why might Darwin's book, 'On the Origin of Species', have been controversial when it was first published?
Think about: What was the position of Christianity in Britain in Darwin's lifetime? What did many people believe about the origins of life? What was Victorian culture like? What was the role of science? What new discoveries and inventions were made? How might that change make people feel?