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Darwin Correspondence Project

Beagle Voyage

Key Stage:
Art and design

Using a range of primary sources, including letters diary entries and contemporary images, the activities give pupils an understanding of Darwin's experience aboard HMS Beagle. Activities reflect on the past and make comparisons with modern expeditions.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the activities pupils will be able to:

  • describe details of Darwin's voyage, why it was significant and the impact that it has had
  • reflect on key relationships in Darwin's younger life
  • understand principles of collecting and conserving specimens
  • analyse and compare historical sources
  • compare 19th century and contemporary expeditions

Devonport, England: Design and Technology

Design a cabin for Darwin.

Duration: 50 minutes

St Jago: History

All at sea! Find out what life was like for Darwin on board.

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes

Botofugo Bay: English

Describe the magical sights that Darwin saw in a poem or word cloud.

Duration: 1 hour

Port St Julian: Science

Sending specimens home: How did Darwin collect, conserve and pack up his specimens ?

Duration: 2 x 1 hour

Galapagos Islands: Science/ Geography

Read about Darwin's adventures and plan your own expedition.

Duration: 2 hours