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Darwin Correspondence Project

'Frank' audio play

Charles Darwin's son, Francis, looks back on his childhood at Down House and the 'rustic sounds' he can still recall so vividly.

Recording the 'Here is a bee!' scene at Down House


By Craig Baxter


Charles Darwin . . . . . Nicholas Le Prevost

Frank Darwin . . . . . Sam Dale

Labourer . . . . . Will Howard

Franky (Age 6) . . . . . Patrick Brown

Etty . . . . . Maud Summers

Bernard . . . . . Arthur Fliegner

Horace . . . . . Ezra Summers

George . . . . . Claude Fliegner

Pianist . . . . . Alison Doubleday

Bassoonist . . . . . Holly Redshaw

Sound by Maria Nolan

Directed and Produced by Fiona McAlpine

Executive Producer for the Darwin Correspondence Project: Francis Neary

Recorded on location at Darwin's home, Down House, Kent (English Heritage), with many thanks to Olivia Fryman and the staff there

An Allegra Production for the Darwin Correspondence Project

(C) 2022 Cambridge University Library
