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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. M. Hacon   8 November [1879]1

Nov 8th


My dear Sir—

I am very much obliged for your letter & valuable assistance. Considering what Mr T. H Farrer will settle, I think Mr W. Farrer’s proposal reasonable.2 The sole objection that I see to it, is that in case of the early death of Horace’s wife, leaving one child, & Horace afterwards having other children, the child by the first marriage wd inherit in excess; but the risk must be run for I suppose there is no way of avoiding it.— If I understand Mr W. F. proposal correctly, it is that I shd settle on Mrs Horace Darwin 5000£ at once,3 & covenant that at my & my wife’s death £5000 additional shall be settled & on her, (this additional £5000 I trust be a [considerable] advantage of the offer) in the mean time covenanting to pay interest of 10,000£, which I presume will be 400£ annually.— Mr T. H Farrer in a note to me, said he wd covenant to pay 300£ only4

I think that you will be able to advise me how best to arrange the affair, if I tell you what I give Horace independently of any marriage.— I allow him 300£ annually & I have already made over property to which he was entitled at my death to amounting to a little over 100£ a year. I intend for the future to divide amongst all my children the overplus of my income, which for an average of the last 10 years, will give Horace about 400£, so he will have from me. 800£ annually.—

With respect to the £5000 to be placed in trust; I hold 13,000 North-Eastern Ry. Debenture stock & 27,000£ of London & N. Western 4 per cent guaranteed stock5 & I could put in trust 5000 of either of these stocks whichever Mr W. Farrer wd prefer or

Will you kindly arrange the whole affair with Mr W. Farrer


The year is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter from W. M. Hacon, 7 November 1879.
Hacon had met with Thomas Henry Farrer’s brother William James Farrer to discuss the marriage settlement of Horace Darwin and Ida Farrer (see letter from W. M. Hacon, 7 November 1879).
This was the amount that CD had settled on his other children at the time of their marriages (see letter from W. M. Hacon, 7 November 1879 and n. 2).
CD had stock in the North Eastern Railway Company and the London and Northwestern Railway Company (see letter from W. E. Darwin, 9 January 1879 and n. 1 and CD’s Investment book (Down House MS)).


Discusses the marriage-settlement for Horace and Ida.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Mackmurdo Hacon
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 202: 60
Physical description
ADraft 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12301,” accessed on 20 October 2024,
