CD finds the reading involved in "getting up all my subjects" almost "intolerable"; has had no time to write, or send insects, or catch any.
Glad WDF has heard of a curacy where he may "read all the commandments without endangering [his] throat".
CD's cargo is safe; the fossils have been sent to William Clift.
JSH asks for dried plants (those sent were all of greatest interest).
Sends news of Cambridge and mutual friends.
Cancelled: same as DCP-LETT-649. Discusses growth of various species of coral. Explains significance of dead reefs.
Describes meeting of the Council of the Geological Society; the controversy involving Edward Charlesworth.
Mentions conversations with William Lonsdale about Lonsdale's work on corals and the financial support for his work.
Murchison's views on glaciation in Wales.
Agassiz's observations at Glen Roy.
Discusses growth of various species of coral. Explains significance of dead reefs.
Describes meeting of the Council of the Geological Society; the controversy involving Edward Charlesworth.
Mentions conversations with William Lonsdale about Lonsdale's work on corals and the financial support for his work.
Murchison's views on glaciation in Wales.
Agassiz's observations at Glen Roy.
Comments on JSH's botanical work with his parishioners. Lyell will be pleased that he has done some fossil botanical work.
Describes a Geological Society meeting about Edward Charlesworth's complaints.
Declines to undertake to have AM's journal published but recommends possible publishers in England.
Expresses scepticism about AM's glacier theory. Emphasises role of floating ice instead. Mentions article by William Hopkins on movement of glaciers.
Asks about CL's new book [Travels in North America (1845)].
Discusses views of A. D. d'Orbigny on elevation.
Mentions reading W. H. Prescott [History of the conquest of Mexico (1843)].
Has nearly finished South America.
Pleased to hear JDH has worked out identical and representative species of N. Temperate and Antarctic regions.
Geoffroy Saint Hilaire's "loi du balancement" as applied to plants.
CD jaded by, but has nearly completed, South America.
Cannot come to Down to meet B. J. Sulivan as W. H. Harvey is calling.
Plant distribution and soil nature.
Forbes's modification of Watson's types of vegetation.
JDH will write comparison of representative plant species of the N. and S. Hemispheres.
Asks JDH not to think of looking at his species sketch until he has leisure.
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