Answers to [Questions about breeding].
Replies to [Questions about breeding].
Urges JSH to describe Galapagos species in a paper on the flora of the islands.
Has been interested in geographical distribution and would be interested to have a paper by JSH on the general character of flora of Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia.
"I keep on steadily collecting every sort of fact which may throw light on the origin & variation of species."
Reports on a setter puppy born of apparently pure pointer parents. Any cross must have been far back.
CD gratified that ED wants to translate his Journal. Will send a copy of Coral reefs, which contains a fuller treatment of topic. Perhaps ED would insert a note to this effect. Can lend woodcuts from Coral reefs if ED wants. CD will send a few corrections; he wants to amend way he criticised Agassiz's glacier theory.
He is also enclosing a questionnaire concerning differences between races or varieties and species, about which he intends to publish sometime.
Returns notes on mule yaks [see Natural selection, p. 438]
and sends queries on silkworms.
A bed is ready any time HF will come.
Changes in admission to Athenaeum.
Slowly working at his volume on Variation.
Experiments on insectivorous and "sensitive" plants.
Circulars are being sent to Army surgeons.
Thanks BJS for his account of S. America and the Fuegians.
Can BJS ask W. H. Stirling to make observations on expression?
Has asked Hooker about the fossil leaves, and he suggests they be sent to Oswald Heer.
Has just sent MS on domestic animals [Variation] to the printer.
Sends his [MS] questionnaire on expression and asks FvM's help in obtaining answers based on observations of aborigines living in the interior of Australia.
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