Sends a number of questions (to put to his father), mainly concerned with transmission of diseases, between Europeans and natives, "people packed together", etc.
Is investigating how to get Government support [for Zoology].
Comments on an article in Edinburgh Review [by David Brewster, 67 (1838): 271-308] on Comte's Philosophie positive.
Discusses falsity of Élie de Beaumont's views of contemporaneous parallel lines of elevation and subsidence.
Owen's views of relationship of reptiles to birds.
On "question of species" CD has filled notebook after notebook with facts, "which begin to group themselves clearly under sub-laws".
Sends John Blackwall's book [Researches in zoology (1834)]. Discusses his reasons for doubting that there are any marsupials in Java or Sumatra.
Reports observations on the behaviour of captive harvest mouse and dormouse. When descending sticks mouse uses its tail like a prehensile-tailed monkey.
Asks whether LJ can throw light on this subject: "What are the checks and what the periods of life by which the increase of any given species is limited?" CD has been driven to conclude that species are mutable; allied species are co-descendants from common stocks.
Comments on LJ's Observations [in natural history (1846)].
Discusses variation among British birds, and the conflicting treatment of bird species by C. W. L. Gloger and C. L. Brehm.
Describes collecting incident of his student days involving Carabus.
Mentions squirrels eating insects.
Astonished to hear of terrestrial Planaria.
Comments on BAAS meeting in Southampton.
Though correspondence has never ebbed so low, CD is constantly in his thoughts.
Observations on cheetahs used as domesticated hunting animals.
Finds geographical barriers sometimes separate species, but also finds species that remain separate where there are no barriers to migration.
Colour "individuates" isolated animal species.
Plains and alpine animal distribution show altitude not strictly analogous to latitude.
Impact of timber cutting on climate has led to extinction of crocodiles.
Will discuss coal formation in letter to Edward Forbes.
CD often asked whether isolated mountains in southern latitudes had closely allied representatives of Arctic and north temperate plants; JDH has found a representative barberry.
Making for Darjeeling via Calcutta.
Thanks JSH for his address [Address delivered in the Ipswich Museum on 9th March 1848]. Questions a sentence which implies that only the practical use of a scientific discovery makes it worth while. The instinct for truth justifies science without any practical results. Cites his work on cirripedes.
He can distinguish varieties of guinea-fowl as soon as birds are hatched.
Behaviour of Malay hens.
His difficulties in answering CD's letter of 3 Jan [1852] [see 1469]. There is no Lepas mitra in the Lorenz Spengler collection. He undertakes to compare the specimens of Balanus sent by CD with those of Spengler.
He thanks CD for his book [Fossil Cirripedia (1851)].
His work with Professor Forchhammer and Mr Worsaae.
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