Family and Shropshire news.
News of family and friends, much of it about forthcoming marriages: Fanny Owen and R. M. Biddulph, Fanny Mackintosh and Hensleigh Wedgwood. Charlotte Wedgwood will write to him of her own engagement to Charles Langton.
Writes with great happiness about the first part of the voyage, after his misery from seasickness passed. He finds himself well prepared, the ship quiet, comfortable, and compact; he has already a "rich harvest" and finds the natural history (especially geology) exceedingly interesting. The tropics are full of great beauty.
News of family and friends.
News of the Darwin, Wedgwood, and Owen families, including a report on Frances Wedgwood's death.
Family news.
Writes of the pleasure all feel in CD's continued good health and joy in his voyage.
Tells of the banana tree he bought, which he sits under and thinks of CD "in similar shade".
CD's financial accounts are correct.
News of family and friends. Hensleigh Wedgwood's scruples about swearing oaths.
Impressed by CD's theory [of earthworm action].
Falconer's misbehaviour.
Geology of Khashia [Khasi] mountains. Speculations on mountain building and origin of Himalayas.
Darwin Correspondence Project
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