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From Oswald Heer   23 March 1875



Discusses his work [Flora fossilis Arctica, vol. 4, pt 1 (1876)].

Sends copy of [Fossile Pflanzen von Sumatra (1874)]. Comments on climate in Tertiary period, especially on Sumatra.

Comments on theory of Thomas Belt concerning climatic change in ice age.

Author:  Oswald Heer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  23 Mar 1875
Classmark:  DAR 166: 131
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9901

Matches: 26 hits

  • … Discusses his work [ Flora fossilis Arctica , vol. 4, pt 1 (1876)]. Sends copy of [ …
  • … Bibliography Heer, Oswald. 1868–83. Flora fossilis arctica. …
  • … Die fossile flora der Polarländer. 7 vols. Zurich: J. Wurster & Comp. Heer, Oswald. 1874. …
  • … Heer, Oswald. 1875. Beiträge zur fossilen Flora Spitzbergens, gegründet aur die Sammlungen …
  • … sehen, dass Sie so warmen Antheil an meinen Arbeiten über die arctische Flora nehmen u.   …
  • … nur, dass die neuen Beiträge zur fossilen Flora Spitzbergens, für welche gegenwärtig die …
  • … geeignet seien, diess Interesse zu erhalten. Sie bringen die eigentliche Carbon Flora u. …
  • … Jura Flora Spitzbergens und füllen damit eine grosse Lücke in der Entwicklungsgeschichte …
  • … volume of his collected work on fossil flora ( Heer 1868–83 ; see letter to Oswald Heer, …
  • … 1875] and n.  2). Heer’s work, ‘Beiträge zur fossilen Flora Spitsbergens’ (Contributions …
  • … on the fossil flora of Spitsbergen; Heer 1875 ), was first published in August 1875 in …
  • … 1–141. Heer, Oswald. 1883. Beiträge zur fossilen Flora von Sumatra. Neue Denkschriften der …
  • … to me that you take such warm interest in my work on Arctic flora and I only wish that …
  • … my new contributions on the fossil flora of Spitzbergen, the tables for which are …
  • … They deal with the Carboniferous and Jurassic flora proper of Spitzbergen, and thus fill a …
  • … einige wichtigen Fingerzeige über das Aussehen der Flora Indiens zur Tertiarzeit bekommen. …
  • … Sie zeigen uns, dass die Tertiär Flora Sumatras der jetzt dort lebenden sehr ähnlich ist, …
  • … zu derselben ganz anders verhält als die Tertiär Flora der Schweiz zu der Jetztlebenden …
  • … oder gar als die Tertiäre arctische Flora zu der Jetzt über den Norden verbreiteten …
  • … ein allmäliger war zeigt das Verhalten der Flora der obern Kreide u.  das Miocen der …
  • … volume 4 of Heer’s collected work on fossil flora ( Heer 1868–83 ), which was published in …
  • … some important pointers regarding the appearance of Indian flora in the Tertiary period. …
  • … They show us that the Tertiary flora of Sumatra is very similar to that living there now, …
  • … is quite different from that of the Tertiary flora of Switzerland to that of the present …
  • … day, or even that of the Tertiary Arctic flora to the plant life now common in the nordic …
  • … retreat happened gradually is shown by the flora of the Upper Cretaceous and the Miocene …

From J. D. Hooker   [28 November 1868]



Is doing a British Flora [The student’s flora of the British Islands (1870)], for students, more scientific and more complete than former editions.

His opinion of Bentham’s [British] Flora [1858].

On Croll’s extension of glaciers – a huge relief to get rid of simultaneous cooling of the whole globe.

Watson’s garbling of passage in JDH’s Flora Indica is unprincipled.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [28 Nov 1868]
Classmark:  DAR 102: 243–6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6484

Matches: 15 hits

  • … Is doing a British Flora [ The …
  • … student’s flora of the British Islands (1870)], for students, more scientific and more …
  • … His opinion of Bentham’s [ British ] Flora [1858]. On Croll’s extension of glaciers – a …
  • … of the whole globe. Watson’s garbling of passage in JDH’s Flora Indica is unprincipled. …
  • … George. 1865b. Handbook of the British flora; a description of the flowering plants and …
  • … Joseph Dalton. 1870. The student’s flora of the British Islands. London: Macmillan. ODNB : …
  • … and subsequent editions of The British flora (W.  J.   Hooker and Arnott 1850). Arnott had …
  • … party. Now lift up your hands & eyes—when I tell you, that I am doing a British Flora! — …
  • … My father’s British Flora is just out of print, & Arnott, his coadjutor is dead, & both …
  • … Professor have been at me to write another Flora that shall be better adapted to students …
  • … editions. Benthams is far the best Flora, but he skims over very distinct subspecies &c,— …
  • … especially as sending the Equatorial Flora Southward would account for the extension of …
  • … unprincipled garbling of what is said in the “Flora Indica” did; for no one will turn to …
  • … in the preface of Hooker’s Student’s flora of the British islands ( J.  D.  Hooker 1870 , …
  • … George Bentham’s Handbook of the British flora ( Bentham 1865 ). Hooker refers to Daniel …

From A. R. Wallace   11 October 1880



Indicates portions of Island life that will interest CD. Explanation of the geological climate is the foundation stone of the book.

Hooker’s approval of the theory of Australian and New Zealand floras.

Author:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  11 Oct 1880
Classmark:  DAR 106: B144
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12752

Matches: 12 hits

  • … stone of the book. Hooker’s approval of the theory of Australian and New Zealand floras. …
  • … never been connected to a continent, their flora and fauna contained only species that had …
  • … Joseph Dalton. 1853. Introductory essay to the flora of New Zealand. London: Lovell Reeve. …
  • … Dalton. 1864–7. Handbook of the New Zealand flora: a systematic description of the native …
  • … the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted …
  • … my theory of the Australian & N.  Zealand floras a decided advance on any thing that has …
  • … posited that the difference between the flora of south-western Australia and the rest of …
  • … during the formation of the south-western flora, the eastern parts of the continent were …
  • … of tropical Australian plants in the New Zealand flora. Temperate Australian species from …
  • … regions that were present in the New Zealand flora, he argued, would have been transmitted …
  • … Hooker’s prediction that the anomalous floras of Australia and New Zealand would ‘present …
  • … p. 475). Hooker was an expert on the New Zealand flora (see J. D. Hooker 1853 and J. D. …

From J. D. Hooker   31 July 1866



Questions for his lecture on "Insular floras".

Comments on CD’s criticism of Atlantis. Has no fixed opinion on continental extensions. Great objections to hypotheses of CD and Forbes: botanical to CD’s; geological to Forbes’s. Will point out that natural selection is necessary to both hypotheses.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  31 July 1866
Classmark:  DAR 102: 81–6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5168

Matches: 20 hits

  • … Questions for his lecture on "Insular floras". Comments on CD’s criticism of Atlantis. Has …
  • … Per. 1979. Origins of the Macaronesian flora. In Plants and islands , edited by David …
  • … and to Forbes 1846 . Forbes argued that the flora of Kent had migrated from north-western …
  • … p.  346), and noted that the distinct floras of south-western England and south-eastern …
  • … favoured pre-glacial migrations for these flora, he conceded that their survival might …
  • … the present Atlantic & N.W.  of France Floras we now find there, have been there during …
  • … the distribution of the existing fauna and flora of the British Isles, and the geological …
  • … that the true character of Insular Flora is altogether (or almost) due to herbaceous forms …
  • … to me well to cover the facts of oceanic Floras, but there are grave objections to both, …
  • … you regard the old elements of Madeira flora as remains of Tertiary epoch? I quite grant …
  • … in the smaller & drier area. The Azorean Flora is almost identical with the Madeiran, It …
  • … 1866] and n.  9). In his lecture on insular floras, Hooker alluded to the absence of gum ( …
  • … transport as the means by which island floras originated, Hooker referred to a number of …
  • … was to deliver his lecture on insular floras ( J.  D.  Hooker 1866a ) at Nottingham rather …
  • … s hypotheses concerning the derivations of the floras of oceanic islands, and urged that a …
  • … of erratic boulders that some of the flora of the Azores had derived from progenitors that …
  • … In Origin , CD had cited Oswald Heer on the similarity between the flora of Madeira …
  • … and the tertiary flora of Europe (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 30 July [1866] and n.   …
  • … p.  27). Hooker mentioned differences between the floras of Madeira and Porto Santo in his …
  • … of American plants were represented in the floras of the Azores, Madeira, and the Canary …

To Oswald Heer   28 February 1877


Thanks for work on Fossil arctic flora.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Oswald Heer
Date:  28 Feb 1877
Classmark:  Landesarchiv des Kantons Glarus, Switzerland (Bestand Oswald Heer (1809–83) LAGL PA 22.A 1:14)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10872F

Matches: 5 hits

  • … Thanks for work on Fossil arctic flora. …
  • … Bibliography Heer, Oswald. 1868–83. Flora fossilis arctica. …
  • … Die fossile flora der Polarländer. 7 vols. Zurich: J. Wurster & Comp. …
  • … Heer evidently sent volume 4 of Flora fossilis arctica ( Heer 1868–83 ), published in …
  • … me your fine work on the Fossil Arctic Flora. It forms a valuable addition to the many …

To J. D. Hooker   1 August [1857]



Important issue at stake with new flora calculations: evidence that species are only strongly marked varieties. Planning large-scale survey.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  1 Aug [1857]
Classmark:  DAR 114: 206, 207
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2130

Matches: 11 hits

  • … Important issue at stake with new flora calculations: evidence that species are only …
  • … Has not Koch published good Germany Flora: does he mark varieties? Could you lend …
  • … it me? Is there not some grand Russian Flora which perhaps has vars. …
  • … marked. — The Floras ought to be well known. — I am in no hurry for a few weeks. — Will …
  • … Wilhelm Daniel Joseph. 1843–4. Synopsis florae Germanicae et Helveticae, exhibens stirpes …
  • … Ledebour, Karl Friedrich von. 1842–53. Flora Rossica sive enumeratio plantarum in totius …
  • … wish much you would think of any well-worked Floras with from 1000–2000 species, with the …
  • … done or am doing. Babington Henslow British Flora London Catalogue. H.  C. Watson Boreau. …
  • … N.  U. States Hooker. N.  Zealand ——— Fragment of Indian Flora Wollaston Madeira Insects. …
  • … Press. 1985–. Fürnrohr, August Emanuel. 1839. Flora Ratisbonensis, oder Uebersicht der um …
  • … Cambridge. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1853–5. Flora Novæ-Zelandiæ. 2 vols. Pt 2 of The botany …

Heer, Oswald. 1876–7. Flora fossilis Helvetiæ: Die vörweltliche Flora der Schweiz. 2 vols. Zurich: J. Wurster and Co.

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Heer, Oswald. 1876–7. Flora fossilis Helvetiæ: …
  • … Die vörweltliche Flora der Schweiz . 2 vols. Zurich: J. Wurster and Co. Dar Lib ( …

Heer, Oswald. 1855–9. Flora tertiaria Helvetiae. Die tertiäre Flora der Schweiz. 3 vols. Winterthur, Switzerland: J. Wurster.

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Heer, Oswald. 1855–9. Flora tertiaria Helvetiae. …
  • … Die tertiäre Flora der Schweiz. 3 vols. Winterthur, Switzerland: J. Wurster. PR5 …

Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm. 1860. Flora van Nederlandsch Indië. Erste bijvoegsel. Sumatra, zijne plantenwereld en hare voortbrengselen. (Flora Indiae Batavae. Supplementum primum. Prodromus florae Sumatranae.) Amsterdam: C. G. van der Post. Utrecht: C. van der Post Jr.

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm. 1860. Flora van Nederlandsch Indië. Erste bijvoegsel. …
  • … Sumatra, zijne plantenwereld en hare voortbrengselen. ( Flora Indiae Batavae. …
  • … Supplementum primum. Prodromus florae Sumatranae. ) Amsterdam: C. G. van der Post. …

Mitten, William (1819–1906)

Matches: 4 hits

  • … Sussex. Described the liverworts for Joseph Dalton Hooker’s Flora Novae Zelandiae ( …
  • … 1853–5) and Flora Tasmaniae (1860). Father-in-law of Alfred Russel Wallace. Journal of …
  • … Hooker, J. D. mosses liverworts Hurstpierpont Sussex Novae Zelandiae Tasmania Flora Novae …
  • … Zelandiae Flora Tasmaniae Pharmaceutical chemist bryologist …

From J. D. Hooker   9 March 1844



Thanks for information on Malden Island. Comments on its plants and their relationship to the Galapagos flora. Discusses the flora of Oceania. Gives his opinion on the extent of the uniformity in species and forms amongst South Sea Islands. Large genera are more widely diffused and have a larger proportion of species with wide ranges.

Seeks advice on expense of preparing plates [for Flora Antarctica].

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  9 Mar 1844
Classmark:  DAR 100: 8–9
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-739

Matches: 13 hits

  • … Bibliography Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1844–7. Flora Antarctica. 1 vol. and 1 vol. of plates. …
  • … on Malden Island. Comments on its plants and their relationship to the Galapagos flora. …
  • … Discusses the flora of Oceania. Gives his opinion on the extent of the uniformity in …
  • … with wide ranges. Seeks advice on expense of preparing plates [for Flora Antarctica ]. …
  • … s . till I put them into the Galap. Isld flora. Thirdly the Poa juliflores I called an …
  • … pay particular attention to the Pacific Isld. flora, & to take the Galapagos as a starting …
  • … about the identity of the S.  S. Isld floras, but my limited experience differs in the …
  • … to our Theorem. — Thus, uniformity of Flora must depend upon the genera being widely …
  • … it follows that in all countries of uniform floras, certain single, species should to a …
  • … tropical S.  S. Islds the several Islets have distinct floras;—”.. I consider the S.  S. …
  • … Oceania to have a most distinct & peculiar flora, not from possessing any one very large …
  • … these are my notions & so is this, that the Flora is more Indian than any thing else. The …
  • … to fulfil my intention of giving complete floras of V.  D Land, N.  Zealand Fuegia & the …

To J. D. Hooker   3 January [1860]



High praise and detailed comments on JDH’s introductory essay to Flora Tasmaniae, which CD has now finished reading.

Disagrees on power of transoceanic migration. Advocates glacial transport of plants.

CD’s response to reviews of Origin in Saturday Review [8 (1859): 775–6] and John Lindley’s in Gardeners’ Chronicle [but see 2651].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  3 Jan [1860]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2635

Matches: 18 hits

  • … comments on JDH’s introductory essay to Flora Tasmaniae , which CD has now finished …
  • … was unlikely. CD’s comment about the flora at the foot of the Himalayas alludes to a …
  • … essay’ was the introduction to Hooker’s Flora Tasmaniæ ( Hooker 1855–60 ). It was also …
  • … 7). CD refers to the introductory essay of the Flora Indica (Hooker and Thomson 1855) and …
  • … a similar introduction to Hooker’s Flora Novæ-Zelandiæ ( Hooker 1853–5 ). CD’s annotated …
  • … 1985–. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1853–5. Flora Novæ-Zelandiæ. 2 vols. Pt 2 of The botany of …
  • … Reeve. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1855–60. Flora Tasmaniæ. Pt 3 of The botany of the Antarctic …
  • … this beats all. The general comparison of Flora of Australia with rest of world strikes …
  • … inexplicable fact. — The invading Indian Flora very interesting; but I think the fact you …
  • … as of the races of man in Britain. Your remark on mixed invading Flora keeping down or …
  • … destroying an original Flora which was richer in number of species, strikes me as …
  • … whether to me the discussion on N.  Zealand Flora is not even more instructive. I cannot …
  • … Robert Brown’s essay on the Australian flora ( Brown 1814 ), which Hooker praised in his …
  • … were highly characteristic of the Australian flora, but not entirely confined to it, and …
  • … Australian contribution to the Indian flora ( Hooker 1859 , p.  l). CD believed that …
  • … invaded & almost exterminated Australian Flora of Tropics. —’ In his essay ( Hooker 1859 , …
  • … remarked that the future of the Australian flora depended upon its power to compete with …
  • … the remarkable difference between the flora of south-west Australia compared with that of …

From J. D. Hooker   [14 March 1858]



Summary of JDH’s objections to CD’s survey of floras and conclusion that large genera vary more than small.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [14 Mar 1858]
Classmark:  DAR 104: 182–5
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2240

Matches: 12 hits

  • … of JDH’s objections to CD’s survey of floras and conclusion that large genera vary more …
  • … 1810 ). Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) Flora ( Hooker 1855–60 ). Hooker and Thomson 1855. …
  • … George. 1858. Handbook of the British flora; a description of the flowering plants and …
  • … Reeve. Brown, Robert. 1810. Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae Van-Diemen, …
  • … always. I quite see in what respect local Floras are much the best suited to your purpose; …
  • … out upon the same principles as the general Floras, but the fact that they are not so, and …
  • … Richard Taylor. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1855–60. Flora Tasmaniæ. Pt 3 of The botany of the …
  • … Ledebour, Karl Friedrich von. 1842–53. Flora Rossica sive enumeratio plantarum in totius …
  • … works to record them. Had I been doing the Flora Indica as I should have done with an eye …
  • … curious to see the results of Benthams British Flora— He reduces the Rubi to 6 species, I …
  • … I shall certainly go over the Tasmanian Flora for your sake, & see whether or no I should …
  • … character. thus,—supposing in the VDL Flora I have but one species of Banksia which is …

From Oswald Heer   1 March 1875



Comments on his Flora fossilis Arctica [vol. 3 (1875)]. Discusses successive appearance of plant families in geological periods. Relates plant development to rise of herbivorous mammals.

Comments on death of Charles Lyell.

Author:  Oswald Heer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  1 Mar 1875
Classmark:  DAR 166: 130
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9876

Matches: 19 hits

  • … Comments on his Flora fossilis Arctica [vol. 3 (1875)]. Discusses successive appearance of …
  • … London, Special Publications 143: 137–43. Heer, Oswald. 1868–83. Flora fossilis arctica. …
  • … Die fossile flora der Polarländer. 7 vols. Zurich: J. Wurster & Comp. Kovalevsky, Vladimir …
  • … ermuthigen mich Ihnen den dritten Band meiner Flora fossilis arctica zu übersenden u.   …
  • … enthält dasselbe eine Darstellung der Kreide=Flora der arctischen Zone, welche theils in …
  • … last years none have exceeded or equalling yours about the N. Flora— | Your Book’ ink …
  • … volume of his seven-volume work on fossil flora of the Arctic regions ( Heer 1868–83 ). …
  • … me to send you the third volume of my Flora fossilis arctica, and to preface it with a few …
  • … The same contains an account of the Cretaceous flora of the Arctic zone, some of which was …
  • … Urgon angehört, zugleich aber auch eine jüngere Flora, die ins Cenoman einzurechnen ist, …
  • … me to send you the third vollume of my Flora arctic fossils, & to write you a few lines …
  • … contains a representation of the chalk-Flora of the arctic zone, which has been collected …
  • … the Urgon at the same time also a younger flora which is to be derived from Cenoman. The …
  • … change however appears all at once in the Flora, and especially where ? hitherto—fossile …
  • … impart in a relatively short time to the flora an entirely new physiognomy.  then In the …
  • … so also in the Eocene    In Europe the flora consisted for the most part of trees & shrubs …
  • … up to 78 o N.  Fortunately, an older Cretaceous flora, which probably falls into the …
  • … Urgonian, and also a younger Cretaceous flora of the Cenomanian, have both been …
  • … In the Upper Cretaceous, however, the flora suddenly underwent a great transformation, and …

From J. D. Hooker   12 October 1870



Bentham has translated Miquel’s Sumatran supplement to his Flora van Nederlandsch Indie. It should be published. What does CD think is best vehicle? Nature is wretched and too ephemeral. What about Popular Science Review?

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 Oct 1870
Classmark:  DAR 103: 60
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7343

Matches: 6 hits

  • … translated Miquel’s Sumatran supplement to his Flora van Nederlandsch Indie . It should be …
  • … Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm. 1860. Flora van Nederlandsch Indië. Erste bijvoegsel. …
  • … Sumatra, zijne plantenwereld en hare voortbrengselen. ( Flora Indiae Batavae. …
  • … Supplementum primum. Prodromus florae Sumatranae. ) Amsterdam: C. G. van der Post. …
  • … the Introduction to Miguel’s Sumatran supplement to his Flora Ned. Ind— It contains …
  • … the affinities of the Bornean & Sumatran Flora (to the exclusion of the Javan) & should be …

From J. D. Hooker   30 December 1844



Thanks for CD’s comments on "sketch".

Lengthy discussion of geographical distribution and island floras.

Has been "delighted with" [Robert Chambers’] Vestiges [of creation (1844)].

Galapagos flora work goes on well.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  30 Dec 1844
Classmark:  DAR 100: 32–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-804

Matches: 14 hits

  • … of geographical distribution and island floras. Has been "delighted with" [Robert …
  • … Chambers’] Vestiges [ of creation (1844)]. Galapagos flora work goes on well. …
  • … to get over as I proceed to the other floras’ of the South. The material approximation of …
  • … to the whole) as constituting a peculiar flora, in many instances. I have been greivously …
  • … to get any thing about the J.  Fernandez flora, without going through the Herb. Hook. ! — …
  • … polymorphous. — ? did he know any other flora’s at all or even that he argues from. I have …
  • … formations, of the same era, have similar floras, & instances Illawarra, two other very …
  • … same in composition they have not the same flora because not erupted at the same time. If …
  • … doubt Streletskis means of judging of the floras. — I think I quote him properly, his book …
  • … E.  Indies i.e. from Asia. The Sandwich Isld Flora is by far the most peculiar & the least …
  • … I send you the lists? — The Sandwich is certainly a very peculiar flora. I am reading …
  • … Pacific , to the end of investigating its flora & that of the coral & other Islds. : more …
  • … sharp knife to the Gordian knot. Galapago flora goes on well, I have stuck at a highly …
  • … causes. I shall not forget your Alpine Floras but have nothing to add at present Many many …

From J. D. Hooker   7 October 1878



Botanical evidence is against F. B. White’s origin of St Helena fauna. JDH holds flora is S. African. Since plants must arrive before insects, if fauna is Palearctic then flora survived glacial period. Flora not Miocene since old and relic orders are absent. Suggests S. African west coastal mountains as insects’ origin.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  7 Oct 1878
Classmark:  DAR 104: 118–20
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11718

Matches: 10 hits

  • … is against F. B. White’s origin of St Helena fauna. JDH holds flora is S. African. …
  • … must arrive before insects, if fauna is Palearctic then flora survived glacial period. …
  • Flora not Miocene since old and relic orders are absent. Suggests S. African west coastal …
  • … whatever between the N.  Atlantic Island Flora & that of S t . Helena— You have marked a …
  • … was collaborating with Asa Gray on a study of the flora of the Rocky Mountain region in …
  • … Hooker. I am working hard at the Rocky Mt Flora, & find that it contains many old world …
  • … has not been so I am sure. The Rocky Mt Flora will stand a very fair comparison with the …
  • … I have come to the conclusion that the Flora of S t . Helena is very S.  African & not in …
  • … they came from the North, indicate that the Flora has survived the glacial epoch i.e.  had …
  • … it. — The difficulty of attributing to the Flora a Miocene age or origin is, the absence …

From Oswald Heer   29 July 1877



Comments on Forms of flowers.

Describes his work on fossil plants collected in the Arctic.

Notes work on Ginkgo.

Author:  Oswald Heer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  29 July 1877
Classmark:  DAR 166: 133
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11078

Matches: 15 hits

  • … 83 , 4: 48–9 (‘Contributions on the Jurassic flora of east Siberia and Amurland’)). Joseph …
  • … Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1877. Heer, Oswald. 1868–83. Flora fossilis arctica. …
  • … Die fossile flora der Polarländer. 7 vols. Zurich: J. Wurster & Comp. ‘Illegitimate …
  • … gesammelt u.  die ich im zweiten Bande der Flora foss.  arctica beschrieben habe; so die …
  • … aus denen ich das Blatt zusammengesetzt habe (Flora arct. II.  Taf. VI.  Fig.  3–12); aus …
  • … zunächst an die merkwürdige Gattung Phoenicopsis, die ich in der Jura Flora nachgewiesen …
  • … habe (Flora foss.  arct. IV.  Sibirica p.   …
  • … Gruppe der Salisburieen hatte in der Jura-Flora die reichste Entfaltung u d .  tritt uns …
  • … that I described in the second volume of the Flora foss. arctica; namely the Taxodiae, the …
  • … fragments from which I assembled a leaf (Flora arct. II. Pl. VI. Fig. 3–12); I now have …
  • … to the remarkable genus Phoenicopsis, which as I have shown existed in the Jura flora ( …
  • Flora foss. Arct. IV. Sibirica p. …
  • … had its richest unfolding in the Jura flora, & there we encounter it in a series of …
  • … See Heer 1868–83 , vol. 2, ‘Die Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens’, p. 7 (papers are …
  • … In Heer 1868–83 , 5: 20 (‘Die Miocene Flora des Grinnell-Landes’, published in 1878), Heer …

From J. D. Hooker   12 December 1844



Thanks for pleasant stay at Down.

Remarks on boulders found on southern islands.

Describes the alpine character of the Andes flora and relays information on other mountain floras.

Quotes instances of seeds that retained their vitality after being carried by ocean currents.

Sends notes on the comparative floras of New Zealand, Australia, and west coast of South America.

Encloses a copy of part of a letter from George Gardner in Ceylon concerning the European character of the mountain flora.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 Dec 1844
Classmark:  DAR 100: 29–31
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-799

Matches: 15 hits

  • … pencil crossed pencil 9.1 Bishop … returned. ] crossed pencil 10.3 in their Flora] ‘in’ …
  • … added pencil ; ‘Flora’ crossed …
  • … pencil and ‘Flora’ added in pencil above scored pencil crossed pencil crossed pencil …
  • … southern islands. Describes the alpine character of the Andes flora and relays information …
  • … on other mountain floras. Quotes instances of seeds that retained their vitality after …
  • … currents. Sends notes on the comparative floras of New Zealand, Australia, and west coast …
  • … from George Gardner in Ceylon concerning the European character of the mountain flora. …
  • … p. 64. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1844–7. Flora Antarctica. 1 vol. and 1 vol. of plates. Pt 1 …
  • … analogies between Juan Fernandez & S t . Helena Floras’, but shall remember the subject. …
  • … Anent M t . Floras I have nothing to say, but if I meet any account of those of the E Ind. …
  • … Mts more characteristically alpine in their Flora—Gentian’s, Drabas & other Cruciferæ, …
  • … I send you some notes on Comparative Floras of N.Z.  Terra Australis & S.  Am West coast; …
  • … s & delivered a verdict in the Antarct. Flora of w h . I will send a proof sheet to Down …
  • … have laid out the latter to do so. Galapago Flora is progressing Henslowe spent parts of …
  • … comparisons are commenced. The only Bourbon Flora is Bory’s quatre-Isles de’Afrique I will …

To Asa Gray   2 May [1856]


Suggests affinities of the U. S. flora that he considers would be worth investigating. Wants to know the ranges of species in large and small genera.

Questions AG on naturalised plants; whether any are social in U. S. which are not so elsewhere and how variable they are compared with indigenous species. Would like to know of any differences in the variability of species at different points of their ranges and also the physical states of plants at the extremes of their ranges.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  2 May [1856]
Classmark:  Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (4)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1863

Matches: 14 hits

  • … 369– 403. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1844–7. Flora Antarctica. 1 vol. and 1 vol. of plates. Pt …
  • … Ross. London: Reeve Brothers. Wahlenberg, Göran. 1824–6. Flora Suecica. 2 pts. Upsala. …
  • … Suggests affinities of the U. S. flora that he considers would be worth investigating. …
  • … first part of his paper ‘Statistics of the flora of the northern United States’ ( A.  Gray …
  • … del Fuego are not separately listed in Flora Antarctica ( Hooker 1844–7 ), but presumably …
  • … Gray would extract them from the Fuegian flora details. A.  de Candolle 1855 , 1: 457–73. …
  • … 1985–. Gray, Asa. 1856–7. Statistics of the flora of the northern United States. American …
  • … be a real kindness to me. — I suppose your Flora is too great; but a simple list in close …
  • … in introduction to N.  Zealand & other Flora. — I am sure I have given you a larger dose …
  • … and convenient form, the elements of flora I was occupied with. ’ ( A.  Gray 1856–7 , p.   …
  • … a discussion of the alpine and sub-alpine flora of the United States ( A.  Gray 1856–7 , …
  • … 226–9. Gray attempted a ‘Comparison of the flora of the northern United States with that …
  • … calculations made on data for the Cape flora of South Africa, CD concluded by stating: ‘So …
  • … Nothing would give me a better idea of Flora of U.S.  than the proportion of the genera to …
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flora in keywords
Origin in Commentary
3 Items

Darwin in letters, 1858-1859: Origin


The years 1858 and 1859 were, without doubt, the most momentous of Darwin’s life. From a quiet rural existence filled with steady work on his ‘big book’ on species, he was jolted into action by the arrival of an unexpected letter from Alfred Russel Wallace…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Darwin’s forthcoming book and Hooker’s essay on the flora of Australia, which formed the …
  • … and theories of Mr. Darwin and Mr. Wallace.' The flora of Australia, Hooker stated, …

Origin: the lost changes for the second German edition


Darwin sent a list of changes made uniquely to the second German edition of Origin to its translator, Heinrich Georg Bronn.  That lost list is recreated here.

Matches: 2 hits

  • … before the Glacial period of a pleistocene equatorial flora and fauna, fitted for a hotter climate …
  • … and reduced in number, will then have formed the equatorial flora. There will also probably have …

Darwin in letters,1866: Survival of the fittest


The year 1866 began well for Charles Darwin, as his health, after several years of illness, was now considerably improved. In February, Darwin received a request from his publisher, John Murray, for a new edition of  Origin. Darwin got the fourth…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … specimens, and seeds. With the rich Brazilian orchid flora at his disposal, Müller was able to send …