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To T. M. Reade   20 February [1878]


Doubtful that great heat would favour development of lower organisms.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Mellard Reade
Date:  20 Feb [1878]
Classmark:  University of Liverpool Library (TMR1.D.7.4)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11369

Matches: 7 hits

  • … To T.  M.  Reade   20 February [1878] …
  • … Library (TMR1.D.7.4) Charles Robert Darwin Down 20 Feb [1878] Thomas Mellard Reade …
  • … Bibliography Reade, Thomas Mellard. 1878. The age of the world as viewed by the geologist …
  • … between this letter and the letter from T. M. Reade, 18 February 1878 . ‘The age of the …
  • … geologist and the mathematician’ ( Reade 1878 ) was published in the Geological Magazine ; …
  • … see letter from T. M. Reade, 18 February 1878 and n. 2. …
  • … In his letter of 18 February 1878 , Reade had asked what conditions would explain an extra …

To W. T. Thiselton-Dyer   21 November [1878]


CD hopes his book [Movement in plants] will be worth the effort WTT-D has put into getting plants for him; fears he has achieved little.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
Date:  21 Nov [1878]
Classmark:  Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Thiselton-Dyer, W. T., Letters from Charles Darwin 1873–81: 207–8)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11753

Matches: 8 hits

  • … To W.  T.  Thiselton-Dyer   21 November [1878] …
  • … Charles Robert Darwin London, Bryanston St, 4 21 Nov [1878] William Turner Thiselton-Dyer …
  • … Royal Society of London was held on 30 November 1878; Hooker delivered the presidential …
  • … address (see Nature , 5 December 1878, p. 109). …
  • … He served as president from 1873 to 1878 ( ODNB ). …
  • … tangere , western touch-me-not) in his letter to Thiselton-Dyer of 30 October [1878] . See …
  • … to Francis Darwin, [21 November 1878] . Thistelton-Dyer’s assistance is acknowledged in …
  • … Bryanston Street, London, from 19 to 27 November 1878 (CD’s ‘ Journal’ (Appendix II)). The …

To F. J. Cohn   3 January 1878


Comments on discovery of micro-organisms in disease.

Describes experiments carried out by Francis Darwin on filaments of Dipsacus.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ferdinand Julius Cohn
Date:  3 Jan 1878
Classmark:  Joseph R. Sakmyster, ADS Autographs (dealer) (no date)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11310

Matches: 8 hits

  • … To F.  J.  Cohn   3 January 1878
  • … Autographs (dealer) (no date) Charles Robert Darwin Down 3 Jan 1878 Ferdinand Julius Cohn …
  • … Journal , 22 December 1877, pp. 879–81; 29 December 1877, pp. 913–15; 5 January 1878, pp. …
  • … 1–2; 12 January 1878, pp. …
  • … 45–7; 26 January 1878, pp. …
  • … 119–20; 9 February 1878, pp. 179–83. Correspondence : The correspondence of Charles …
  • … Down, | Beckenham, Kent. Jan 3. 1878. My dear Sir. I thank you sincerely for your most …
  • … see British Medical Journal , 9 February 1878, p. 181). Splenic or splenetic fever is now …

To The Times   1 May 1878


Appending his name to a declaration that there is no justification for a war between Russia and Great Britain.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  The Times
Date:  1 May 1878
Classmark:  The Times, 1 May 1878, p. 10
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11492F

Matches: 3 hits

  • … To The Times    1 May 1878
  • … The Times , 1 May 1878, p. …
  • … 10 Charles Robert Darwin 1 May 1878 The Times …

To Alfred Moschkau   28 March 1878


Does not believe that nature of milk can affect character of child.

Facts about starling very curious, but CD now absorbed by vegetable physiology. Not likely to attend to animal minds again.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Otto Carl Alfred (Alfred) Moschkau
Date:  28 Mar 1878
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.532)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11451

Matches: 5 hits

  • … To Alfred Moschkau   28 March 1878
  • … Mss.B.D25.532) Charles Robert Darwin Down 28 Mar 1878 Otto Carl Alfred (Alfred) Moschkau …
  • … Letter from Alfred Moschkau, 26 March 1878 See letter from …
  • … Alfred Moschkau, 26 March 1878 . For CD’s views on the inheritance of moral tendencies, …
  • … Station | Orpington. S.E.R. March 28 th 1878 Dear Sir I thank you for your very kind …

To Fritz Müller   24 July 1878


Thanks for seeds

and information about earthworms.

Is working hard at movement in plants.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller
Date:  24 July 1878
Classmark:  The British Library (Loan MS 10 no 47)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11626

Matches: 11 hits

  • … To Fritz Müller   24 July 1878
  • … 10 no 47) Charles Robert Darwin Down 24 July 1878 Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller …
  • … Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R. July 24. 1878 My dear Sir Many thanks for the 5 kinds …
  • … is the letter from Fritz Müller, 5 April 1878 , but the seeds mentioned may have been sent …
  • … see letter from Hermann Müller, 5 July 1878 ). Müller had sent seeds of Cassia neglecta (a …
  • … destroyed (see letter to Fritz Müller, 16 May 1878 and n. 3). In a letter to Müller of 13 …
  • … may have enclosed the case in his letter to Meldola of 24 July [1878] . In a letter from …
  • … to his brother Hermann Müller of 25 June 1878, Müller mentioned observing a caterpillar …
  • … Joseph Dalton Hooker visited CD from 20 to 22 July 1878 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). …
  • … evidently refers to a now missing letter, probably written in June 1878 (see n. 4, below). …
  • … of the Brazilian grass to Kew on 31 January 1878 ( Inwards book , Archives, Royal Botanic …

From Arnold Dodel-Port   18 June 1878



Comments on positive response to publication [of Atlas]. CD’s approval will help make an English edition possible. Rejects suggestion that CD should subscribe.

Author:  Arnold Dodel-Port
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  18 June 1878
Classmark:  DAR 162: 198
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11558

Matches: 10 hits

  • … From Arnold Dodel-Port    18 June 1878
  • … DAR 162: 198 Arnold Dodel-Port Zurich 18 June 1878 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Hottingen | Zürich, 18. Juni 1878. Herrn Charles Darwin in Down, Beckenham | Kent. …
  • … Salvia sclarea (Dodel-Port and Dodel-Port 1878–83, plate 11) because CD had worked on the …
  • … Cross and self fertilisation ; see letter from Arnold Dodel-Port, 12 June 1878 and n. 6. …
  • … See letter to Arnold Dodel-Port, 15 June 1878 . …
  • … Hottingen | Zurich, 18.  June 1878. Mr Charles Darwin in Down, Beckenham | Kent. England. …
  • … see pp. 240–1. See letter to Arnold Dodel-Port, 15 June 1878 . Dodel-Port had sent CD the …
  • … first part of his botanical atlas (Dodel-Port and Dodel-Port 1878–83). In …
  • … his letter to Dodel-Port of 15 June 1878 , CD had recommended Longman & Co. as a publisher …

From Wilhelm Behrens   11 October 1878



Thanks for CD’s remarks on and agreement with his paper on history of pollination theories [see 11678].

Will shortly send his essay on the anatomy of nectaries in flowers [see 12300].

Author:  Georg Wilhelm Julius (Wilhelm) Behrens
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  11 Oct 1878
Classmark:  DAR 160: 123
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11723

Matches: 7 hits

  • … From Wilhelm Behrens   11 October 1878
  • … 123 Georg Wilhelm Julius (Wilhelm) Behrens Elberfeld 11 Oct 1878 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Bibliography Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 1878. Beiträge zur Geschichte der …
  • … See letter to Wilhelm Behrens, 29 August [1878] . In …
  • … his letter to Behrens of 29 August [1878] , CD had discussed Beiträge zur Geschichte der …
  • … the history of pollination theory; Behrens 1878 ), and praised Behrens’s analysis of the …
  • … Elberfeld. Octbr 11 th . 1878. To D r . Charles Darwin Dear Sir, Having just returned from …

From J. D. Hooker   31 July 1878



Burdened with Anniversary Address to the Royal Society.

Quips that even Huxley is running out of speeches.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  31 July 1878
Classmark:  DAR 104: 114
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11636

Matches: 8 hits

  • … From J.  D.  Hooker   31 July 1878
  • … DAR 104: 114 Joseph Dalton Hooker Kew 31 July 1878 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Hooker’s visit to Down from 20 to 22 July 1878 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). The …
  • … to W.  T.  Thiselton-Dyer, 2 August [1878] . Hyacinth Hooker was visiting her father, …
  • … meeting held in Dublin from 14 to 21 August 1878. Thomas Henry Huxley was chairman of the …
  • … event, he did give an address on 16 August 1878, though he began it by stating that he had …
  • … Advancement of Science; held at Dublin (1878), Transactions of the sections, pp. 573–8). …
  • … anniversary meeting of the Royal Society of London on 30 November 1878 ( Hooker 1878b ). …

To W. T. Thiselton-Dyer   19 and 21 February [1878]


Letter from Gaston de Saporta.

Germination of onion.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
Date:  19 and 21 Feb [1878]
Classmark:  Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Thiselton-Dyer, W. T., Letters from Charles Darwin 1873–81: 112–13)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11367

Matches: 9 hits

  • … To W.  T.  Thiselton-Dyer   19 and 21 February [1878] …
  • … 81: 112–13) Charles Robert Darwin Down 19 and 21 Feb [1878] William Turner Thiselton-Dyer …
  • … to D. F. Nevill of 19 and 21 February [1878] . Joseph Dalton Hooker evidently asked George …
  • … embryonic organs in grasses; see memorandum from George Henslow , [ c. 20 February 1878]. …
  • … the letter from Gaston de Saporta, 16 February 1878 . CD had asked for seeds of Trifolium …
  • … resupinatum (Persian clover) in his letter to Thiselton-Dyer of 16 February [1878]. See …
  • … letter from Gaston de Saporta, 16 February 1878 ; Thiselton-Dyer had sent Joseph Dalton …
  • … leaf in his letter of [before 3 February 1878] . Ceratopteris is a genus of aquatic, …
  • … letter from J. D. Hooker, [ c. 20 February 1878] . CD discussed the apheliotropic (growing …

From Francis Darwin   [22 June 1878]


Describes his talk with Julius von Sachs about canary-grass.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [22 June 1878]
Classmark:  DAR 274.1: 51
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12131F

Matches: 14 hits

  • … From Francis Darwin   [22 June 1878] …
  • … 274.1: 51 Francis Darwin Hotel de Russie, Würzburg [22 June 1878] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … by the relationship between this letter and the letter to Francis Darwin, 26 June [1878] . …
  • … In 1878, the Saturday before 26 June was 22 June. Francis was investigating whether there …
  • … the ‘micro-telescope’ he used in Vines 1878 , p. 135. The instrument had been made by C. …
  • … for Social Benefit. Vines, Sydney Howard. 1878. The influence of light upon the growth of …
  • … unicellular organs. Arbeiten des botanischen Instituts in Würzburg 2 (1878–82): 133–47. …
  • … from George Henslow, [ c. 20 February 1878] and n. 3; for CD’s own usage, see Movement in …
  • … see letter to W. T. Thiselton- Dyer, 2 June 1878 and n. 5). CD had asked Francis to read …
  • … see also Ciesielski 1872 , p. 25). See letters to Francis Darwin , [13–26 May 1878] and …
  • … 18 June [1878]) . In his paper ‘Ablenkung der Wurzel von ihrer normalen Wachsthumsrichtung …
  • … see letter to Francis Darwin, 18 June [1878] ). Falsch : wrong (German). Ciesielski 1871 , …
  • … at night (see letter to Francis Darwin, 18 June [1878] ). Francis later identified the …
  • … letter from Francis Darwin, [29 June] 1878 ). In taxonomic literature, Porliera is …

To T. H. Farrer   11 March 1878



Has returned letter to Caird and dispatched corrected letter to Hooker [11406] [concerning potato experiments].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Date:  11 Mar 1878
Classmark:  DAR 144: 93
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11412

Matches: 6 hits

  • … To T.  H.  Farrer   11 March 1878
  • … 144: 93 Charles Robert Darwin Down 11 Mar 1878 Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st …
  • … Down. | Beckenham, Kent (&c). March 11 th . 1878. My dear Farrer. I have returned the …
  • … the second letter from T. H. Farrer, 9 March 1878 . CD had written a letter of support for …
  • … potatoes (see letter to T. H. Farrer, 7 March 1878 and enclosure, and the first and second …
  • … letters from T. H. Farrer, 9 March 1878 ). The corrected version sent to Joseph Dalton …

To Martin Beckhard   10 February [1878]



Thanks him for works by Lazarus Geiger [probably Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Menschheit (1871)

and Der Ursprung der Sprache, 2d ed. (1878)].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Martin Adolf (Martin) Beckhard
Date:  10 Feb [1878]
Classmark:  DAR 143: 73
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11349

Matches: 5 hits

  • … To Martin Beckhard   10 February [1878] …
  • … DAR 143: 73 Charles Robert Darwin Down 10 Feb [1878] Martin Adolf (Martin) Beckhard …
  • … der Menschheit (1871) and Der Ursprung der Sprache , 2d ed. (1878)]. …
  • … G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung. Geiger, Lazarus. 1878. Der Ursprung der Sprache. 2d edition. …
  • … 2d ed. (The origin of language; Geiger 1878 ). A copy of Geiger 1871 is in the Darwin …

To S. B. J. Skertchly   2 March 1878



Thanks for letter. Comments on SBJS’s research on Palaeolithic flint tools.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Sydney Barber Josiah Skertchly
Date:  2 Mar 1878
Classmark:  DAR 147: 480
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11394

Matches: 8 hits

  • … To S.  B.  J.  Skertchly   2 March 1878
  • … Darwin London, Bryanston St, 4 Down letterhead 2 Mar 1878 Sydney Barber Josiah Skertchly …
  • … pp. 536–46). See letter from S. B. J. Skertchly, 27 February 1878 and n. 2. Skertchly had …
  • … requested a copy of one of CD’s books in his letter of 27 February 1878 . …
  • … 4 Bryanston Street, London. ] March 2 nd . 1878. My dear Sir. It is the greatest possible …
  • … See letter from S. B. J. Skertchly, 27 February 1878 . CD stayed in London with Henrietta …
  • … Buckley Litchfield from 27 February to 5 March 1878 (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). He saw …
  • … London ( letter to Sara Darwin, [1 March 1878] ). Skertchly sent Geology of the fenland , …

From Fritz Müller   5 April 1878


Observations on a sensitive Mimosa.

Comments on structure and positioning of "odoriferous organs" of moths and butterflies,

and feeding habits of butterfly larvae.

Author:  Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  5 Apr 1878
Classmark:  Oxford University Museum of Natural History (Hope Entomological Collections 1350: Hope/Westwood Archive, Darwin folder)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11463

Matches: 13 hits

  • … From Fritz Müller   5 April 1878
  • … Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller Santa Catharina 5 Apr 1878 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Blumenau, S a Catharina, Brazil April 5. 1878 My dear Sir I have to thank you for your …
  • … See letter to Fritz Müller, 12 January 1878 . CD evidently had later sent …
  • … Entomological notes bearing on evolution’ ( Meldola 1878 ), which was published in Annals …
  • … and Magazine of Natural History , February 1878. Müller’s ‘Notes on Brazilian entomology’, …
  • … Entomological Society of London, 5 June 1878 and published in the society’s Transactions ( …
  • … F. Müller 1878 ). The original enclosure has not been found. Doña Francisca was a German …
  • … Nature was published weekly; numbers 430 to 433 cover the period from 24 January 1878 to …
  • … 14 February 1878. Müller had visited São Bento do Sul, …
  • … Catarina, Brazil, from 8 to 18 February 1878 (Möller ed. 1915–21, 2: 372–6). For CD’s …
  • … John Murray. 1845. Meldola, Raphael. 1878. Entomological notes bearing on evolution. …
  • … see letter to Fritz Müller, 12 January 1878 and n. 5). The primary petiole is the leaf …

From G. J. Romanes   10 April 1878


Thanks for letter of sympathy.

Would like to visit in May.

Author:  George John Romanes
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  10 Apr 1878
Classmark:  E. D. Romanes 1896, p. 70
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11469

Matches: 7 hits

  • … From G.  J.  Romanes   10 April 1878
  • … p. 70 George John Romanes London, Cornwall Terrace, 18 10 Apr 1878 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … test CD’s hypothesis of pangenesis (see letter to G. J. Romanes, 9 April [1878] and n. 4). …
  • … in his letter to Romanes of 9 April [1878] . Georgina had nursed Romanes when he had …
  • … pp. 9 and 70 n. 1). Romanes visited Down on 18 May 1878 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). …
  • … From 27 April to 13 May 1878, CD and Emma Darwin visited William Erasmus Darwin in …
  • … 18 Cornwall Terrace: April 10, 1878. Many thanks for your kind expressions of sympathy. …

From Francis Darwin to Clarke Hawkshaw   [before 18 April 1878]


FD reports that CD thinks CH’s observations on limpets worth publishing (Hawkshaw 1878).

Marlborough Robert Pryor of Weston Park, Stevenage, is an admirable naturalist, especially concerning limpets.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  John Clarke (Clarke) Hawkshaw
Date:  [before 18 Apr 1878]
Classmark:  Bonhams (dealers) (27 March 2019, lot 160)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11711F

Matches: 7 hits

  • … From Francis Darwin to Clarke Hawkshaw   [before 18 April 1878] …
  • … 2019, lot 160) Francis Darwin Down [before 18 Apr 1878] John Clarke (Clarke) Hawkshaw …
  • … on limpets worth publishing (Hawkshaw 1878). Marlborough Robert Pryor of Weston Park, …
  • … Bibliography Hawkshaw, John Clarke. 1878. On the action of limpets ( Patella ) in sinking …
  • … of the chalk at Dover. [Read 18 April 1878. ] Journal of the Linnean Society. Zoology. …
  • … in and abrading the surface of the chalk at Dover’ ( Hawkshaw 1878 ) was read before the …
  • … Linnean Society on 18 April 1878. Marlborough Robert Pryor . According to the sale …

To Hugo de Vries   [10 or 11 August 1878]


Arranges for HdeV to call.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Hugo de Vries
Date:  [10 or 11 Aug 1878]
Classmark:  Artis Library (De Vries 4a)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11643

Matches: 7 hits

  • … To Hugo de Vries   [10 or 11 August 1878] …
  • … De Vries 4a) Charles Robert Darwin Leith Hill Place [10 or 11 Aug 1878] Hugo de Vries …
  • … s niece. De Vries visited CD on Wednesday 14 August 1878 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). …
  • … this letter and the letter to Hugo de Vries, 8 August [1878] , and by the date of CD’s …
  • … departure from Leith Hill Place, 12 August 1878 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). …
  • … De Vries evidently replied to CD’s letter of 8 August [1878] in a now missing letter. …
  • … The Darwins left Down on 7 August 1878 and visited Leith Hill Place, Surrey, the home of …

To James Torbitt   [28 February 1878]



T. H. Farrer will consider which department of Government to apply to [for funds for potato experiments]. Government will probably ask Hooker for advice, so CD has written to him. How much money does JT need?

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  James Torbitt
Date:  [28 Feb 1878]
Classmark:  DAR 148: 97
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11383

Matches: 8 hits

  • … To James Torbitt   [28 February 1878] …
  • … DAR 148: 97 Charles Robert Darwin London, Bryanston St, 4 [28 Feb 1878] James Torbitt …
  • … between this letter, the letter to J. D. Hooker, 28 [February 1878] , and the letter to …
  • … James Torbitt, 1 March 1878 . The telegram has not been found, …
  • … letter from James Torbitt, 28 February 1878 . Torbitt had evidently addressed the telegram …
  • … the ones described in the enclosure to the letter from James Torbitt, 24 February 1878 . …
  • … In his letter of 26 February 1878 , CD had asked Torbitt to send copies of Torbitt’s …
  • … to letter from James Torbitt, 24 February 1878 ), Thomas Henry Farrer , and Joseph Dalton …

To T. H. Farrer   31 March 1878


Thanks THF and James Caird for their assistance. Will send back the £100 to Torbitt.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Date:  31 Mar 1878
Classmark:  DAR 144: 96b
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11457

Matches: 5 hits

  • … To T.  H.  Farrer   31 March 1878
  • … 144: 96b Charles Robert Darwin Down 31 Mar 1878 Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st …
  • … Down | Beckenham Kent & c . March 31. 1878. My dear Farrer. I write one line to thank …
  • … s potato experiments (see letter to T. H. Farrer, 26 March [1878] ). See letter from T. …
  • … H. Farrer, 29 March 1878 and n. 1. …
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Darwin in letters, 1878: Movement and sleep


In 1878, Darwin devoted most of his attention to the movements of plants. He investigated the growth pattern of roots and shoots, studying the function of specific organs in this process. Working closely with his son Francis, Darwin devised a series of…

Matches: 29 hits

  • … is to lessen injury to leaves from radiation In 1878, Darwin devoted most of his …
  • … scientific man’ ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 14 December [1878] ). Writing to Ernst Haeckel on …
  • … plants.’ Movement in plants In the spring of 1878, Darwin started to focus on the …
  • … come up arched’ ( letter to Sophy Wedgwood, 24 March [1878–80] ). While Darwin was studying the …
  • … of apex’ ( letter to Francis Darwin, [11 May 1878] ). Having found plants responsive to …
  • … at my blunder’ ( letter to John Tyndall, 22 December [1878] ). Son abroad Darwin’s …
  • … kind to him’ ( letter to W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, 18 June [1878] ). While Francis was away, Darwin …
  • … work, I scribble to you ( letter to Francis Darwin, 7 [July 1878] ). Two weeks later he wrote: ‘I …
  • … to discuss it with’ ( letter to Francis Darwin, 20 [July 1878] ). It is unclear why the …
  • … reported ( letter from Francis Darwin, [after 7 July 1878] ): ‘The oats have only just begun to …
  • … Francis wrote ( letter from Francis Darwin, [before 17 July 1878] ), ‘a strong horizontal axis …
  • … rather’ ( letter from Francis Darwin, [before 3 August 1878] ). One day Francis observed that the …
  • … out one’ ( letter from Francis Darwin, [after 7 July 1878] ). Sachs’s confidence was apparently …
  • … him,’ he reported ( letter from Francis Darwin, [22 June 1878] ). ‘Sachs doesn’t consider that …
  • … all evils’ ( letter from Francis Darwin, [24 and 25 July 1878] ). Babies and animals …
  • … he added a week later ( letter to Francis Darwin, 14 July [1878] ). Darwin had of course observed …
  • … have said a gee-gee’ ( letter to Francis Darwin, 17 July [1878] ). On 12 September , Darwin …
  • … will always do so’ ( letter to G. J. Romanes, 20 August [1878] ). Darwin remarked that a monkey …
  • … in your house!’ ( letter to G. J. Romanes, 2 September [1878] ). More remarkable cases of …
  • … of a thieving wasp’ ( letter from G. J. Romanes, 21 June 1878 ). An inspiration In …
  • … ( letter from J.-B. Dumas and Joseph Bertrand, 5 August 1878 ). Despite his many botanical …
  • … to me quite ridiculous’ ( letter to John Price, 2 April [1878] ). When a wealthy businessman tried …
  • … ( letter from Edmund Mojsisovics von Mojsvár, 28 April 1878 ). ‘What a wonderful change in the …
  • … The Swiss botanist Arnold Dodel-Port announced on 12 June 1878 the first issue of an atlas with …
  • … come together’ ( letter from Arnold Dodel-Port, 18 June 1878 ). In countries where …
  • … are without you’ (letters from Carl Kraus, [31?] January 1878 and 10 February 1878 ). Darwin …
  • … been school-boys’ ( letter to Karl von Scherzer, 1 April 1878 ). More critics Closer …
  • … matter’ ( letter from H. N. Ridley, [before 28 November 1878] ). Darwin received a copy of the …
  • … care of himself ’ ( letter from J. B. Innes, 1 December 1878 ). Darwin did not think the Oxford …

Darwn's letters from 1878 online


Investigating the movements and 'sleep' of plants, being entertained by the mental faculties of his young grandson Bernard, finally elected a corresponding member of the French Académie des sciences, trying to secure a government grant to support…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … of  over 550 letters written to and from Darwin in 1878  are now online. Read more about  Darwin& …
  • … of plants & bloom . Darwin summed up his work in 1878 briefly in his journal. …
  • … then in Afghanistan; Darwin signed two anti-war petitions in 1878. I may say with …

Wearing his knowledge lightly: From Fritz Müller, 5 April 1878


Darwin received letters from so many people and wrote so many fascinating letters himself, that it’s hard to choose from many letters that stand out, but one of this editor’s favourites, that always brings a smile, is a letter from Fritz Müller written 5…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … smile, is a letter from Fritz Müller written 5 April 1878 . Müller was a German naturalist …

Diagrams and drawings in letters


Over 850 illustrations from the printed volumes of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin have been added to the online transcripts of the letters. The contents include maps, diagrams, drawings, sketches and photographs, covering geological, botanical,…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … specimen, both sides of which are reproduced,  29 January 1878 S. B. J. Skertchly's …

Power of movement in plants


Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment Family experiments Darwin was an active and engaged father during his children's youth, involving them in his experiments and even occasionally using them as observational subjects. When his children…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Letter 11586 - Darwin to Francis Darwin, 2 July 1878 Darwin writes to Francis to …
  • … Letter 11628 - Francis Darwin to Darwin, 24 July 1878 Francis writes to his father …

3.8 Leonard Darwin, interior photo


< Back to Introduction Leonard Darwin, who created the distinctive image of his father sitting on the verandah at Down House, also portrayed him as a melancholy philosopher. His head, brightly lit from above, emerges from the enveloping darkness; he…

Matches: 6 hits

  • … when he took his photographs. This one must be before August 1878, when it was reproduced as a …
  • … copies in the Darwin archive say the photograph was taken in 1878. The latter date is accepted by …
  • … Leonard wrote to his father from Brompton Barracks in April 1878 enclosing two photographs …
  • … of the photograph at Down House that he took it in 1878.   It was this photograph which …
  • … date of creation undated; probably early 1878 
 computer-readable date c.1878-01-01 to c …
  • … to his father, enclosing unidentified photographs, 25 April 1878. Woodburytype reproduction of …

Photograph album of German and Austrian scientists


The album was sent to Darwin to mark his birthday on 12 February 1877 by the civil servant Emil Rade, and contained 165 portraits of German and Austrian scientists. The work was lavishly produced and bound in blue velvet with metal embossing. Its ornate…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … east Bohemia, sent Darwin birthday wishes a year too late in 1878 and pleaded to have his photograph …
  • … German album ( Letter from Carl  Kraus , 10 February 1878 )   …

Darwin and the Church


The story of Charles Darwin’s involvement with the church is one that is told far too rarely. It shows another side of the man who is more often remembered for his personal struggles with faith, or for his role in large-scale controversies over the…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … a high opinion of Darwin’s character that he claimed in 1878 to have made the following declaration …
  • … of himself. Letter from J. B. Innes, 1 December 1878 This was a stirring …

Movement in Plants


The power of movement in plants, published on 7 November 1880, was the final large botanical work that Darwin wrote. It was the only work in which the assistance of one of his children, Francis Darwin, is mentioned on the title page. The research for this…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … son Francis worked in this laboratory in the summers of 1878 and 1879,  he encountered some of the …
  • … Movement in plants , p. 179. In May 1878, Darwin had pointed out the importance of …
  • … his experiments on the function of bloom. By December 1878, Darwin was thinking about the …
  • … accuracy ( letter from J. D. Cooper, 13 December 1878 ). The method would be expensive, so Darwin …

4.31 'La Lune Rousse', Gill cartoon


< Back to Introduction A drawing of Darwin by André Gill borrows a satirical trope found in The Hornet, Fun and Punch, showing him with a large caricatured head joined to the body of an ape. However, La Lune Rousse is distinctively French in…

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  • … at bottom left 
 date of creation August 1878 
 computer-readable date 1878-01 …
  • … and bibliography La Lune Rousse , 2:89 (18 August 1878), pp. 1-2. Janet Browne, Charles …

Darwin in letters, 1882: Nothing too great or too small


In 1882, Darwin reached his 74th year Earthworms had been published the previous October, and for the first time in decades he was not working on another book. He remained active in botanical research, however. Building on his recent studies in plant…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … experiments. Francis went to Germany in the summer of 1878 for more experience in physiological …
  • … this to you’ ( letter to Francis Darwin, [1 August 1878] ). The last years also saw Darwin …
  • … and Earthworms , pp. 221–8). Darwin resumed contact in 1878. On receiving Darwin’s letter, …
  • … at wormbs”’ ( letter from Mary Johnson, [after 22 July 1878] ).   Edition complete …

Darwin’s Photographic Portraits


Darwin was a photography enthusiast. This is evident not only in his use of photography for the study of Expression and Emotions in Man and Animal, but can be witnessed in his many photographic portraits and in the extensive portrait correspondence that…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … than a postman’s bag. Image: Charles Darwin, 1878, Leonard Darwin, Dar 225:119, ©Cambridge …
  • … on a wicker chair. Image: Charles Darwin, 1878, Leonard Darwin, Dar 225:1, ©Cambridge …

Dining at Down House


Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment Dining, Digestion, and Darwin's Domestic Life While Darwin is best remembered for his scientific accomplishments, he greatly valued and was strongly influenced by his domestic life. Darwin's…

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  • … Leonard Darwin to George Darwin, 8 February [1878] Darwin’s youngest son, Leonard (Lenny), …

1.13 Louisa Nash, drawing


< Back to Introduction This sketch portrait of Darwin was drawn by Louisa A‘hmuty Nash as a memento of her friendship with the Darwin family and a token of her unbounded admiration and affection for Darwin himself.  She and her husband, the lawyer…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … tragedy that prompted the couple to emigrate to Oregon in 1878. In a letter to Wallis Nash deploring …
  • … ‘L.A’hN’. 
 date of creation c.1873–1878 
 computer-readable date 1873-01-01 to …
  • … DCP-LETT-10732. Letter from Darwin to Wallis Nash, 27 March 1878, DCP-LETT-11450A, granting Nash’s …

1.12 Marian Huxley, drawing


< Back to Introduction Portrayals of Darwin by women in his social circle cannot be lumped together as the products of adoring amateurs. In 1878 he was sketched by Marian (‘Mady’) Huxley, who was then only in her late teens, but already a trained and…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … be lumped together as the products of adoring amateurs. In 1878 he was sketched by Marian (‘Mady’) …
  • … twenties.   The drawing of Darwin is dateable to 1878 from an inscription on the original …
  • … bottom right ‘MH’ 
 date of creation 1878 
 computer-readable date …

Cross and self fertilisation


The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom, published on 10 November 1876, was the result of a decade-long project to provide evidence for Darwin’s belief that ‘‘Nature thus tells us, in the most emphatic manner, that she abhors…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … A. W. Rimpau, 10 December 1877 ). By the end of February 1878, Murray was ready to print the second …

4.33 'Harper's Weekly', Bellew caricature


< Back to Introduction In a page of comic drawings by Frank Bellew, ostensibly his ‘Sketches in the New York Aquarium’, yet another joke about Darwin’s simian connections makes an appearance. ‘The Chimpanzee’ sits on a fancy bed amid the straw…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Frank Bellew 
 date of creation May 1878 
 computer-readable date c. …
  • … New York Aquarium’, Harper’s Weekly , 22:1115 (11 May 1878), p. 368. J. van Wyhe, ‘Iconography’, …

4.30 'La Petite Lune', Gill cartoon


< Back to Introduction La Petite Lune was a sister paper of La Lune Rousse, and was published, edited and illustrated by André Gill, through 1878-9. It featured a series of caricatures titled ‘Les hommes illustrés’, to which this belongs. Gill again…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … published, edited and illustrated by André Gill, through 1878-9. It featured a series of …
  • … date of creation July or August 1878 
 computer-readable date c. 1878-07-01 to 1878-08 …
  • … references and bibliography La Petite Lune , 10 (August 1878). Janet Browne, Charles Darwin: …

2.23 Hope Pinker statue, Oxford Museum


< Back to Introduction Henry Richard Hope Pinker’s life-size statue of Darwin was installed in the Oxford University Museum on 14 June 1899. It was the latest in a series of statues of great scientific thinkers, the ‘Founders and Improvers of Natural…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … lap. It compensated him for the rebuff he had received in 1878, when his proposal to create a bust …
  • … from William Darwin to his father Charles Darwin, 10 July [1878], in The Correspondence of Charles …

3.17 Lock and Whitfield, 'Men of Mark'


< Back to Introduction The ambitious series of photographs of Men of Mark, published by the firm of Lock and Whitfield between 1876 and 1883, was a successor to similar sets which had appeared in the 1850s and 1860s. This one was distinguished by its…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … at the end of the third series or volume, published in 1878, rounding off a miscellany of …
  • … 1877-8 
 computer-readable date 1877-01-01 to 1878-12-31 
 medium and material …
  • … (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1878), no. 36. Lithographic vignette by Jan …
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