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To C. J. F. Bunbury   9 May [1856]


On geographical dispersal of plants. Would be interested in CJFB’s views on representative species and on his hypothesis of a mundane cold period, which CD cannot prove geologically, but thinks, if it explains many facts of geographical distribution, may be admitted as probable. Hooker and Alphonse de Candolle do not agree with him.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles James Fox Bunbury, 8th baronet
Date:  9 May [1856]
Classmark:  Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds (Bunbury Family Papers E18/700/1/9/6)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1871

Matches: 1 hit

  • … DCP-LETT-1871

From E. R. Lankester   17 April [1871]



Has had Hinrich Nitsche’s pointed ear photographed. Nitsche also has photographed the ear of a foetal orang. [See Descent 1: 21–3.]

Author:  Edwin Ray Lankester
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  17 Apr [1871]
Classmark:  DAR 87: 39–40
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7693

Matches: 20 hits

  • … From E.  R.  Lankester   17 April [1871] …
  • … DAR 87: 39–40 Edwin Ray Lankester Leipzig 17 Apr [1871] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … summary of CD’s writings, culminating in Descent , on 11 March 1871, pp.  243–4. …
  • … The Times published their review of Descent on 7 April 1871, p.   …
  • … 3, and 8 April 1871, p.  5. …
  • … in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. [Leifchild, …
  • … John R. ] 1871. Review of Descent . …
  • … Athenæum 4 March 1871, pp. 275–7. …
  • … the letter from Hinrich Nitsche, 18 April 1871 . Lankester refers to Hinrich Nitsche (see …
  • … letter to E.  R.  Lankester, 22 March [1871] ). The photographer has not been identified. …
  • … See letter from Hinrich Nitsche, 18 April 1871  and enclosures 1 and 2. CD discussed …
  • … see letter from Hinrich Nitsche, 18 April 1871  and enclosure 3). CD published a woodcut …
  • … Nature. Lankester refers to the first volume of Carus trans.  1871 (see also letter from …
  • … Eduard Koch, 14 April 1871 ). The first 2500 copies of Descent had sold out within a week …
  • … March and a further 2000 in April (see letters from John Murray , 23 February [1871] , 27  …
  • … February [1871] , 9  …
  • … March [1871] , and …
  • … 10 May 1871 ). Descent was given …
  • … a negative review in the Athenæum on 4 March 1871 ( [ …
  • … Leifchild] 1871 ). The Illustrated London News published a …

From Arthur Nicols   15 April 1871



Objects to the negative reviews of Descent, notably in the Athenæum and the Times.

The exceptions are the Academy, Nature, and his own, in the Field [37 (1871): 210].

Author:  Robert Arthur (Arthur) Nicols
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  15 Apr 1871
Classmark:  DAR 172: 57
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7687

Matches: 18 hits

  • … From Arthur Nicols   15 April 1871
  • … DAR 172: 57 Robert Arthur (Arthur) Nicols Mill Hill 15 Apr 1871 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … The exceptions are the Academy , Nature , and his own, in the Field [37 (1871): 210]. …
  • … 3, and 8 April 1871, p.  5. …
  • … in the Saturday Review , 4 and 11 March 1871; although the review was generally positive, …
  • … of sexual selection to human beings ( Saturday Review 11 March 1871, pp.  315–16). …
  • … in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. [Leifchild, …
  • … John R. ] 1871. Review of Descent . …
  • … Athenæum 4 March 1871, pp. 275– 7. …
  • … The Priory | Mill Hill | NW. April.  15 1871. Dear Sir. I have to thank you for your kind …
  • … to the letter from Arthur Nicols, 7 March 1871 . Nicols refers to Descent. Descent was …
  • … by Philip Henry Pye-Smith in Nature ( Pye-Smith 1871 ), and by an anonymous author …
  • … in the Field , 18 March 1871. For reviews of Descent , see Correspondence vol. 19, …
  • … reviewed Descent in the Athenæum ( [Leifchild] 1871 ); there was an anonymous review …
  • … in The Times , 7 April 1871, p.   …
  • … Pye-Smith, Philip Henry. 1871. Review of Descent of man , …
  • … by Charles Darwin. Nature , 6 April 1871, pp. …
  • … 442–4, 13 April 1871, pp. 463–5. …

To William Preyer   30 April 1871



Is sending copy of Descent.

Thanks for copy of WP’s book [Die Blutkrystalle (1871)].

Discusses shape of external ear.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Thierry (William) Preyer
Date:  30 Apr 1871
Classmark:  DAR 147: 265–7
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7729

Matches: 16 hits

  • … To William Preyer   30 April 1871
  • … DAR 147: 265–7 Charles Robert Darwin Down 30 Apr 1871 William Thierry (William) Preyer …
  • … Thanks for copy of WP’s book [ Die Blutkrystalle (1871)]. Discusses shape of external ear. …
  • … See letter from William Preyer, 27 April 1871  and n.  7. …
  • … See annotations to letter from Hubert Airy, 3 April 1871  and n.  3. …
  • … See letter from William Preyer, 27 April 1871  and n.  8. …
  • … See letter from William Preyer, 27 April 1871  and n.  2. …
  • … in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Müller, …
  • … Wilhelm. 1871. Beiträge zur pathologischen Anatomie und Physiologie des menschlichen …
  • … Leipzig: Voss. Preyer, William Thierry. 1871. Die Blutkrystalle. Jena: Mauke’s Verlag. …
  • … See letter from William Preyer, 27 April 1871 . CD refers to the presentation list for …
  • … 19, Appendix IV. See letter from William Preyer, 27 April 1871  and n.  3. CD refers to …
  • … CD refers to Preyer’s Die Blutkrystalle ( Preyer 1871 ) and Wilhelm Müller’s Beiträge zur …
  • … Anatomie und Physiologie des menschlichen Rückenmarks ( W.  Müller 1871 ); see letter from …
  • … William Preyer, 27 April 1871  and nn.  5 and 6. …
  • … April 30. 1871. My Dear Sir, I am very much obliged for your extremely kind letter. — …

To A. R. Wallace   24 March [1871]


On the flourishing sales of their respective books. Mentions reviews of Descent in Pall Mall Gazette [21 Mar 1871] and in the Spectator [11 Mar 1871, pp. 288–9; 18 Mar 1871, pp. 319–20].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Date:  24 Mar [1871]
Classmark:  The British Library (Add MS 46434)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7616

Matches: 14 hits

  • … To A.  R.  Wallace   24 March [1871] …
  • … Library (Add MS 46434) Charles Robert Darwin Down 24 Mar [1871] Alfred Russel Wallace …
  • … and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. …
  • … books. Mentions reviews of Descent in Pall Mall Gazette [21 Mar 1871] and in the …
  • … Spectator [11 Mar 1871, pp. …
  • … 288–9; 18 Mar 1871, pp. 319–20]. …
  • … Wallace 1871b ), published in the second half of March 1871 ( Publishers’ Circular , …
  • … 1 April 1871, p.  211). CD’s copy is in the Darwin Library–Down. The …
  • … see letter from John Murray, 22 March 1871 ). CD refers to Philip Brookes Mason . See …
  • … letter to P.  B.  Mason, 24 March [1871] and n.  1. …
  • … letter from Wallace is that of [15 March 1871]; CD had already acknowledged it ( letter to …
  • … A.  R.  Wallace, 16 March 1871 ). CD refers to the …
  • … second part of [Morley] 1871a, which appeared on 21 March 1871, and to a review in …
  • … the Spectator , 11 and 18 March 1871, pp.  288–9 and 319–20. …

From J. W. Spengel   10 May 1871



Thanks CD for his letter referring to JWS’s bibliographical paper ["Darwinian bibliography", Z. Ethnol. 3 (1871): 56–67]. Will be glad to inform CD of any additions to the list and would be grateful for information on future publications.

Author:  Johann Wilhelm Spengel
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  10 May 1871
Classmark:  DAR 177: 235
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7751

Matches: 24 hits

  • … From J.  W.  Spengel   10 May 1871
  • … DAR 177: 235 Johann Wilhelm Spengel Berlin 10 May 1871 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Darwinian bibliography", Z. Ethnol. 3 (1871): 56–67]. Will be glad to inform CD of any …
  • … in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Du Bois- …
  • … Reymond, Emil Heinrich. 1871. Das Kaiserreich und der Friede; Leibnizische Gedanken in den …
  • … Naturgeschichte 36(1): 235–43. Wagner, Moritz. 1871. Neue Beiträge zu den Streitfragen des …
  • … Dorotheenstrasse 66 | Berlin, May 10. 1871. Dear Sir I have been very glad to receive this …
  • … Darwins, kritisch betrachtet. München 1871. E.  du Bois-Reymond. (Das Kaiserreich und der …
  • … preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin 1871 E.  v. Hartmann. Die Philosophie des …
  • … Abänderung der Arten. Naturforscher.  1871. No 15. Die Theorie der “natürlichen Zuchtwahl” …
  • … naturwissenschaftliche Vorträge) Wien, 1871 D.  Riolacci. La théorie de Darwin. Conférence …
  • … 2nd ed. Berlin: C. Dunker. Huber, Johannes. 1871. Die Lehre Darwin’s kritisch betrachtet. …
  • … Vienna: n.p. Spengel, Johann Wilhelm. 1871. Die Darwinsche Theorie. Verzeichniss der in …
  • … been found. The reference is to Spengel 1871 , a bibliography of works on Darwinian theory …
  • … and Italian. There are two copies of Spengel 1871  in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection– …
  • … CUL; one is dated 24 August 1871 and contains numerous additions on interleaved pages in …
  • … letter from J.  W.  Spengel, 4 November 1871 ). Spengel’s brother has not been identified. …
  • … was published in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 3 (1871): 133–43; there is also a review by …
  • … German translation of Descent (Carus trans.  1871) in the same journal issue, pp.  349–59. …
  • … between CD and Spengel has been found. The references are to J.  Huber 1871 , Du …
  • … Bois-Reymond 1871 , Hartmann  …
  • … 1870  and 1871, Hofmeister 1868 , Klein 1870a , …
  • … Jäger 1870 , Veltmann 1870 , Wagner 1871 (a copy of parts 1 and 2 is in the Darwin …
  • … Collection–CUL), Klein 1870b , Anon.  1871, Wagner 1870 , Reuschle 1869 , E.  O.  Schmidt  …

To F. E. Abbot   6 June [1871]


Sends subscription for the Index.

FEA’s article ["The intuitional and scientific schools of free religion", Index 15 Apr 1871] is one of the most striking CD has read.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Ellingwood Abbot
Date:  6 June [1871]
Classmark:  Harvard University Archives (Papers of F. E. Abbot, 1841–1904. Named Correspondence, 1857–1903. Folder: Darwin, Charles and W. E. Darwin (son), 1871–1883, box 44. HUG 1101)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7804

Matches: 12 hits

  • … To F.  E.  Abbot   6 June [1871] …
  • … schools of free religion’ ( Abbot  1871 ). The …
  • … lecture appeared in the 15 April 1871 issue of the Index . CD’s copy has not been found. …
  • … Bibliography Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. 1871. The intuitional and scientific schools …
  • … of free religion. [Read 5 February 1871. ] Index 2: 113–15. …
  • … 1857–1903. Folder: Darwin, Charles and W. E. Darwin (son), 1871–1883, box 44. …
  • … HUG 1101) Charles Robert Darwin Down 6 June [1871] Francis Ellingwood Abbot …
  • … schools of free religion", Index 15 Apr 1871] is one of the most striking CD has read. …
  • … between this letter and the letter from F.  E.  Abbot, 11 May 1871 . See letter from F.   …
  • … E.  Abbot, 11 May 1871 , and letter to F.   …
  • … E.  Abbot, 27 May [1871] . There are three issues of the Index in the Darwin Archive–CUL ( …
  • … refers to a lecture delivered by Abbot on 5 February 1871, ‘The intuitional and scientific …

To James Crichton-Browne   26 March [1871]



Has sent photographs of insane woman to be engraved. Assumes JC-B has no objection.

Is making immense use of JC-B’s MS. The book ought to be described as "by Darwin & Browne".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  James Crichton-Browne
Date:  26 Mar [1871]
Classmark:  DAR 143: 341
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8253

Matches: 13 hits

  • … Browne is extensively cited. See letter to James Crichton-Browne, 20 February [1871] . …
  • … To James Crichton-Browne   26 March [1871] …
  • … DAR 143: 341 Charles Robert Darwin Down 26 Mar [1871] James Crichton-Browne …
  • … between this letter and the letters to James Crichton-Browne , 20 February [1871] and …
  • … 7 April [1871] (see nn.  2 and 7, below). For the photographs, see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … in Expression , p.  296. See also letter to James Crichton-Browne, 7 April [1871] . See …
  • … letters to James Crichton-Browne , 8 February 1871  and …
  • … 20 February [1871] . CD had requested photographs …
  • … in his letters to James Crichton-Browne , 8 February 1871 , and …
  • … 20 February [1871] ; Crichton-Browne had offered to send …
  • … some in his letters of 16 February 1871 and …
  • … 19 February 1871. CD probably refers to the …
  • … letter from James Crichton-Browne, 16 February 1871 . CD refers to Expression , in which …

From Emma Darwin to F. P. Cobbe   [14 April 1871]


Thanks for FPC’s book (presumablyAlone to the alone: prayers for theists (Cobbe ed. 1871)).

CD much interested in article ‘Darwinism in morals’ in the Theological Review (Cobbe 1871).

CDs and FPC’s views on moral sense in hive bees, and an article in the Pall Mal Gazette ([Morley] 1871b).

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  Frances Power Cobbe
Date:  [14 Apr 1871]
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (CB 389)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7684F

Matches: 14 hits

  • … From Emma Darwin to F.  P.  Cobbe   [14 April 1871] …
  • … Library (CB 389) Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin Down [14 Apr 1871] Frances Power Cobbe …
  • … 1871b; see letter to John Morley, 14 April [1871] and n.  8). …
  • … Alone to the alone: prayers for theists (Cobbe ed.  1871)). CD much interested in …
  • … morals’ in the Theological Review (Cobbe 1871). CDs and FPC’s views on moral sense in hive …
  • … Bibliography Cobbe, Frances Power. 1871. Darwinism in morals. Theological Review 8: 167– …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Keynes, Randal. 2001. Annie’s box. Charles …
  • … to the article in the Pall Mall Gazette of 12 April 1871 ([Morley] 1871b; see n.   …
  • … 5, below). In 1871, the Friday after 12 April was 14 April. Cobbe presumably sent …
  • … the alone: prayers for theists (Cobbe ed.  1871). On Emma Darwin’s religious beliefs, see …
  • … in morals’ in the Theological Review ( Cobbe 1871 ). See letter from Emma Darwin to F.   …
  • … P.  Cobbe, [7 April 1871] . Cobbe had criticised CD’s hypothetical case of hive bees who …
  • … it implied an abolition of moral principles ( Descent 1: 73; Cobbe 1871 , pp.  190–1). …
  • … The article appeared in the 12 April 1871 issue of the Pall Mall Gazette ([Morley] …

From Emma Darwin to F. P. Cobbe   [7 April 1871]


CD is reading the Theological Review (Cobbe 1871) with the greatest interest and attention.

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  Frances Power Cobbe
Date:  [7 Apr 1871]
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (CB 388)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7666F

Matches: 12 hits

  • … From Emma Darwin to F.  P.  Cobbe   [7 April 1871] …
  • … Library (CB 388) Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin Down [7 Apr 1871] Frances Power Cobbe …
  • … is reading the Theological Review (Cobbe 1871) with the greatest interest and attention. …
  • … 106). CD’s heavily annotated copy of Cobbe 1871  is in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL. …
  • … Bibliography Cobbe, Frances Power. 1871. Darwinism in morals. Theological Review 8: 167– …
  • … and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. …
  • … The date is established by the publication date of Cobbe 1871 , and by the Darwins’ return …
  • … to Down on 5 April 1871 (see n.   …
  • … 2, below). In 1871, the Friday after 5 April was 7 April. Cobbe’ …
  • … Descent appeared in the April issue of the Theological Review ( Cobbe 1871 ). The Darwins …
  • … were in London from 1 to 5 April 1871 (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). Cobbe praised ‘the …
  • … of every sketch and recital’ ( Cobbe 1871 , p.  169). She went on to criticise CD’s theory …

Baranoff, W. (fl. 1870s)

Matches: 7 hits

  • … Dresden. Co-author with Heinrich Koch of a work on human evolution (1871). Letter from W. …
  • … Baranoff and Heinrich Koch, 27 October 1871 Baranoff …
  • … and Koch 1871. Bibliography Baranoff, W. …
  • … and Koch, Heinrich. 1871. Die Abstammung des Menschengeschlechts und damit zusammenhängen …
  • … Fragen. Blätter des Psychologischen Vereins zu Dresden , 27 October 1871, pp. …
  • … 73–87, 10 November 1871, pp. …
  • … 89–103, 31 December 1871, pp. 105–16. 19 Member Psychologischer Verein zu Dresden Dresden …

To George Fraser   14 April [1871]



Cannot provide comment on GF’s paper for publication. Hopes GF will publish in Nature. Will consider his remarks when revising book [Descent].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  George Rae Thomson (George) Fraser
Date:  14 Apr [1871]
Classmark:  DAR 144: 297
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7684

Matches: 12 hits

  • … To George Fraser   14 April [1871] …
  • … DAR 144: 297 Charles Robert Darwin Down 14 Apr [1871] George Rae Thomson (George) Fraser …
  • … Darwin. 2d edition. London: John Murray. 1874. Fraser, George. 1871. Sexual selection. …
  • … Nature , 20 April 1871, p. 489. …
  • … relationship between this letter and the letter from George Fraser, 12 April 1871 . See …
  • … letter from George Fraser, 12 April 1871 . Fraser published the …
  • … observations he recorded in his letter of 12 April 1871  in Nature , …
  • … 20 April 1871 ( G.   …
  • … Fraser 1871 ). There was no additional note from …
  • … CD. CD incorporated two observations from Fraser 1871  in Descent 2d ed. ; …
  • … see letter from George Fraser, 12 April 1871  and n.  14. …
  • … See letter from George Fraser, 13 April 1871  and n.  3. …

To T. H. Huxley   21 September [1871]


On Mivart’s Genesis of species, and THH’s intention to reply to it.

Chauncey Wright’s pamphlet [see 7940].

CD is revising Origin and will answer Mivart on incipient organs. "Pendulum is swinging against us, but will swing back again".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Huxley
Date:  21 Sept [1871]
Classmark:  Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Archives (Huxley 5: 279)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7958

Matches: 15 hits

  • … To T.  H.  Huxley   21 September [1871] …
  • … Archives (Huxley 5: 279) Charles Robert Darwin Down 21 Sept [1871] Thomas Henry Huxley …
  • … to Henry Huxley ; see letter from T.  H.  Huxley and H.  A.  Huxley, 20 September 1871 . …
  • … from T.  H.  Huxley and H.  A.  Huxley, 20 September 1871 . See letter from T.  H.   …
  • … Huxley and H.  A.  Huxley, 20 September 1871 . St George Jackson Mivart . CD refers to …
  • … of species ( Mivart 1871a ; see letter from T.  H.  Huxley, 20 September 1871  and n.  3). …
  • … in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Lorenzi, …
  • … Giovanni de. 1871. Caso di rara anomalia dell’osso malare. Giornale della Regia Accademia …
  • … malar bones in Descent 1: 124. See letter from Michele Lessona, 5 August 1871 , n.   …
  • … 3, and Lorenzi 1871 . CD refers to Origin 6th ed. ; see …
  • … letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 16 September [1871] and n.  5. …
  • … from Alexander Agassiz, [before 1 June 1871] and n.  6. CD refers to Thomas Robert Malthus …
  • … see letter from Michele Lessona, 5 August 1871  and n.  3. CD refers to Chauncey Wright …
  • … letter from T.  H.  Huxley, 20 September 1871  and n.  1. Mivart wrote a hostile review of …
  • … letter from T.  H.  Huxley, 20 September 1871  and n.  2. Mivart made this accusation in [ …

From A. R. Wallace   7 August 1871



Sends notes on Fritz Müller’s letter.

Author:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  7 Aug 1871
Classmark:  DAR 89: 85–6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7899

Matches: 13 hits

  • … From A.  R.  Wallace   7 August 1871
  • … DAR 89: 85–6 Alfred Russel Wallace Barking 7 Aug 1871 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … province (now state), Brazil. See letter from Fritz Müller, 14 June  1871  and n.  14. …
  • … See letter to Fritz Müller, 2 August [1871] . CD had suggested …
  • … that the letter from Fritz Müller, 14 June [1871] , should be published ( letter to A.   …
  • … R.  Wallace, 1 August [1871] ). There is no evidence that CD submitted it for publication …
  • … Letter from Fritz Müller, 14 June 1871 . See also letters to A.   …
  • … R.  Wallace, 1 August [1871] and …
  • … 4 August [1871] . See …
  • … letter from Fritz Müller, 14 June 1871  and n.  4. …
  • … See letter from Fritz Müller, 14 June 1871  and n.  5. …
  • … See letter from Fritz Müller, 14 June 1871  and n.  7. Müller lived in Santa …
  • … Holly House, Barking, E. Aug.  7th.  1871 Dear Darwin I send a few notes on Fritz Muller’s …

From Paolo Mantegazza   10 June 1871



Michele Lessona will translate Descent into Italian [1871].

Sends his review from Nuova Antologia [17 (1871): 177–94].

In a letter to Archivio per l’Anthropologia he raises some doubts about sexual selection and proposes "Neogenesis" as a complement to natural selection in cases of rapid change.

Author:  Paolo Mantegazza
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  10 June 1871
Classmark:  DAR 171: 37
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7814

Matches: 17 hits

  • … From Paolo Mantegazza    10 June 1871
  • … DAR 171: 37 Paolo Mantegazza Florence 10 June 1871 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Michele Lessona will translate Descent into Italian [1871]. Sends …
  • … his review from Nuova Antologia [17 (1871): 177–94]. In a letter to Archivio per l’ …
  • … and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. …
  • … Florence 10 Juin 1871— Illustre Professeur. Votre grande ouvrage a fait une grande …
  • … was done by Michele Lessona (Lessona trans.  1871). Mantegazza reviewed Descent as well as …
  • … in the May issue of Nuova Antologia 17 (1871): 177–94; there is a lightly annotated copy …
  • … note was evidently made after CD had read Mantegazza 1871  and is probably a reminder for …
  • … his letter to Mantegazza of 22 September 1871 . ‘S.  S. ’: …
  • … see letter to Paolo Mantegazza, 22 September 1871  and n.  3). This note was probably …
  • … that has not been found. In Mantegazza 1871 , p.  306, Mantegazza refers to his receiving …
  • … Florence 10 June 1871— Illustrious Professor. Your great work has made a great impression, …
  • … under my direction since the beginning of 1871— In my Anthropology course, I devoted one …
  • … ma direction dépuis le commencement du 1871— Dans mon cours d’Anthropologie j’ai dedié une …
  • … l’Antropologia e la Etnologia ( Mantegazza 1871 ) is in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection– …
  • … of ‘neogenesi’ (neogenesis), see Mantegazza 1871 , pp.  323–5. Mantegazza argued that …

To Chauncey Wright   23 September [1871]


Forwards a letter. Has distributed 220 copies of the pamphlet [Darwinism 1871].

Thomas Henry Huxley has sent review of St George Jackson Mivart’s On the genesis of species and his review of Descent in Quarterly Review (Mivart 1871a and [Mivart] 1871c) to the Contemporary Review [18 (1871): 443–76] .

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Chauncey Wright
Date:  23 Sept [1871]
Classmark:  Massachusetts Historical Society (George E. Nitzsche Unitariana collection, box 4)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7964F

Matches: 14 hits

  • … To Chauncey Wright   23 September [1871] …
  • … Unitariana collection, box 4) Charles Robert Darwin Down 23 Sept [1871] Chauncey Wright …
  • … 220 copies of the pamphlet [ Darwinism 1871]. Thomas Henry Huxley has sent review of St …
  • … Review (Mivart 1871a and [Mivart] 1871c) to the Contemporary Review [18 (1871): 443–76] . …
  • … Review titled ‘Mr Darwin’s critics’ ( T. H. Huxley 1871 ). See Correspondence vol. …
  • … 19, letter from Michele Lessona, 5 August 1871 and n. 3. Michele Lessona had defended CD’s …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Huxley, Thomas Henry. 1871b. Mr. Darwin’s …
  • … the letter to Chauncey Wright, 11 October 1871 ( Correspondence vol. 19). CD arranged for …
  • … letter to Chauncey Wright, 13 and 14 July [1871] and n. 5. The enclosure was a letter from …
  • … of species’, North American Review 113 (1871): 63–103, with an appendix. ] London: John …
  • … vol. 19, letter to John Murray, 23 September [1871] ). See Correspondence vol. 19, letter …
  • … from W. W. Reade, 18 September 1871 , and letter from …
  • … Roland Trimen, 20 September 1871 . See Correspondence vol. 19, letter from T. …
  • … H. Huxley and H. A. Huxley, 20 September 1871 . Thomas Henry Huxley published an article …

To John Murray   19 February [1871]



Discusses publication of Descent. Orders copies of vol. 2 sent to Wallace, Mivart, and F. P. Cobbe.

Will attend Athenaeum and vote for RC.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Murray
Date:  19 Feb [1871]
Classmark:  DAR 143: 280
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7489

Matches: 14 hits

  • … To John Murray   19 February [1871] …
  • … DAR 143: 280 Charles Robert Darwin Down 19 Feb [1871] John Murray …
  • … Bibliography Cobbe, Frances Power. 1871. Darwinism in morals. Theological Review 8: 167– …
  • … Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Freeman, Richard Broke. 1977. The works …
  • … for Descent is addressed ‘Albemarle Street’ and dated 23 February 1871 ( letter to John …
  • … Murray, 23 February 1871 ). See …
  • … letter from John Murray, 18 February [1871] . CD refers to Alfred Russel Wallace , St …
  • … Mivart , and Frances Power Cobbe (see letters to R.  F.  Cooke, 17 January [1871] and …
  • … 30 January [1871] ). See …
  • … letter from John Murray, 18 February [1871] . CD’s letter to Cobbe has …
  • … been found. Cobbe’s article ( Cobbe 1871 ) appeared in the April issue of the Theological …
  • … between this letter and the letter from John Murray, 18 February [1871] . Robert …
  • … Francis Cooke had written on 15 February 1871 that he expected the whole edition of 2500  …
  • … went to London on Thursday 23 February 1871 (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)), and probably …

From John Murray   12 April [1871]



Asks CD’s opinion of a request from Loescher of Turin. Thinks Loescher should have named his translator.

Does CD know the name of the Times reviewer?

Author:  John Murray
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 Apr [1871]
Classmark:  DAR 171: 395
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7676

Matches: 10 hits

  • … From John Murray   12 April [1871] …
  • … DAR 171: 395 John Murray London, Albemarle St, 50 12 Apr [1871] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Michele Lessona (see letter from Luigi Pomba, 6 May  1871 ). Murray refers to the …
  • … anonymous review of Descent in The Times (7 April 1871, p.   …
  • … 3, and 8 April 1871, p.  5). …
  • … and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. …
  • … and the letter from R.  F.  Cooke, 26 April 1871 (see n.  2, below). Ermanno Loescher had …
  • … translation of Descent (Lessona trans.  1871). No letter from Loescher has been found, but …
  • … see the letter from R.  F.  Cooke, 26 April 1871 , and the letter from …
  • … Luigi Pomba, 6 May 1871 . Loescher’s translator was …

From Francis Galton   25 April 1871



Upset to learn he has misrepresented CD’s doctrine on Pangenesis [in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 19 (1871): 393–410]. Hopes that CD’s letter to Nature [3 (1871): 502–3; Collected papers 2: 165–7] will clarify the doctrine and attract attention to it.

Author:  Francis Galton
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  25 Apr 1871
Classmark:  DAR 105: 28–29
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7717

Matches: 13 hits

  • … From Francis Galton   25 April 1871
  • … DAR 105: 28–29 Francis Galton London, Rutland Gate, 42 25 Apr 1871 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … misrepresented CD’s doctrine on Pangenesis [in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 19 (1871): 393–410]. …
  • … Hopes that CD’s letter to Nature [3 (1871): 502–3; Collected papers 2: 165–7] will clarify …
  • … in his letter to Nature , [before 27 April 1871]. There is no other passage containing the …
  • … Bibliography Galton, Francis. 1871. Experiments in pangenesis, by breeding from rabbits of …
  • … been largely transfused. [Read 30 March 1871. ] Proceedings of the Royal Society of London …
  • … On 30 March 1871, Galton gave a paper before the Royal Society of London , in which he …
  • … that according to CD gemmules travelled through the blood ( Galton 1871 ; see letter from …
  • … Francis Galton, 9 January 1871 , n.  1). …
  • … CD published a letter in Nature , 27 April 1871, pp.  502–3, in order to …
  • … clarify his position on gemmules (see letter to Nature , [before 27 April 1871]). …
  • … No letter to Galton concerning Galton 1871  or CD’s letter to Nature has been found. …

To Hubert Airy   10 [December] 1871



Discusses movement of ears and contraction of the platysma.

Discusses phyllotaxy, citing work of Carl Nägeli and Chauncey Wright.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Hubert Airy
Date:  10 [Dec] 1871
Classmark:  DAR 143: 16
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8060

Matches: 15 hits

  • … To Hubert Airy   10 [December] 1871
  • … DAR 143: 16 Charles Robert Darwin Down 10 [Dec] 1871 Hubert Airy …
  • … also letter from Chauncey Wright, 1 August 1871  and n.  15. George Henslow’s paper was …
  • … Down. Beckenham. | Kent Nov.  10. 1871. My dear Sir. I am much obliged for your letter …
  • … the letter from Hubert Airy, 9 December 1871 . The copyist presumably misread the date on …
  • … the original letter. See letter from Hubert Airy, 9 December 1871 . Robert Lowe …
  • … had visited Down House on 15 January 1871, with John Lubbock , Thomas Henry Huxley , and …
  • … See letter from Hubert Airy, 9 December 1871  and n.  1. CD refers James Crichton-Browne , …
  • … letter to James Crichton-Browne, 2 November [1871] ), and probably to William Ogle (see …
  • … letter to William Ogle, 13 April [1871] ). See …
  • … also letter from John Wood, 11 April 1871 , and letter from …
  • … Charles Langstaff, 3 May 1871 . See …
  • … letter from Hubert Airy, 9 December 1871  and n.  3. Carl Wilhelm von Nägeli’s observation …
  • … in CD’s letter to Chauncey Wright, 13 and 14 July [1871] . Wright discussed his paper …
  • … on phyllotaxy ( Wright 1871c ) in his letter of 11 October 1871 . See …
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Publishers artists and illustrators in Commentary
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Marianne North


Marianne North was born in Hastings where her father became a Liberal MP. Her family supported Marianne’s attempts at singing and painting as suitable activities for a Victorian lady. After her parents died, Marianne sold the family home and began…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … aim of painting the flora of different countries. Between 1871 and 1885 Marianne North visited …

John Murray


Darwin's most famous book On the origin of species by means of natural selection (Origin) was published on 22 November 1859. The publisher was John Murray, who specialised in non-fiction, particularly politics, travel and science, and had published…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … ‘I hope to Heaven book will sell well’ (12 January [1871] Letter 7438 ). A second printing was …
  • … planning a third ( Letter 7604 ). In the summer of 1871, Darwin decided to publish on …