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Syms Covington


When Charles Darwin embarked on the Beagle voyage in 1831, Syms Covington was ‘fiddler & boy to Poop-cabin’. Covington kept an illustrated journal of his observations and experiences on the voyage, noting wildlife, landscapes, buildings and people and,…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … When Charles Darwin embarked on the  Beagle  voyage in 1831, Syms Covington was ‘ fiddler & …

Beagle voyage begins


HMS Beagle sails

Matches: 1 hits

  • … HMS Beagle sets sail from Plymouth with Darwin on board. What was supposed to be a two-year …

Darwin and the Beagle voyage


In 1831, Darwin joined a voyage that he later referred to ‘as by far the most important event in my life’. Dive in to our 3D model of the Beagle and find out more about life on board and the adventures that he had.

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  • … around the world on his greatest adventure  In 1831, Charles Darwin joined a voyage that he …

Adam Sedgwick


One of the early leaders of geology in Britain, Adam Sedgwick  was born in the Yorkshire village of Dent in 1785. Attending Trinity College Cambridge, he was ordained as clergyman and in 1818 was appointed to the Woodwardian Chair of Geology, which offered…

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  • … to know him through informal gatherings. In the summer of 1831 Darwin accompanied Sedgwick on a tour …

John Maurice Herbert


John Maurice Herbert was a close friend of Darwin’s at Cambridge University. He was affectionately called ‘Cherbury’ by Darwin, a reference to the seventeenth-century philosopher Edward Herbert, Baron Cherbury, who, like John Herbert, hailed from…

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  • … Herbert not only collected beetles for Darwin, but also, in 1831, sent him an anonymous gift of a …

People featured in the Dutch photograph album


Here is a list of people that appeared in the photograph album Darwin received for his birthday on 12 February 1877 from scientific admirers in the Netherlands. Many thanks to Hester Loeff for identifying and researching them. No. …

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Institution   Den Haag 18 november 1831 Breda 15 April 1911 …
  • … Surgeon   Breda 14 november 1831 Breda 2 December 1916 …

George Peacock


George Peacock was born 9 April 1791 in Denton near Darlington in Yorkshire. He was the son of a clergyman, the Rev. Thomas Peacock, curate of Denton for 50 years and school master. George was educated at Sedbergh School, Cumbria and Richmond School in…

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  • … cathedral and improved sanitation in Ely. In August 1831 Peacock wrote to John Stevens …

Darwin in letters, 1865: Delays and disappointments


The year was marked by three deaths of personal significance to Darwin: Hugh Falconer, a friend and supporter; Robert FitzRoy, captain of the Beagle; and William Jackson Hooker, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and father of Darwin’s friend…

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  • … Robert FitzRoy, captain of the  Beagle  on Darwin’s 1831 to 1836 voyage, committed suicide at the …

Alexander von Humboldt


The phases of Charles Darwin’s career have often been defined by the books that he read, from Lyell’s Principles of Geology during the Beagle voyage to Malthus’s Essay on the Principle of Population during his London years. The book that encouraged him to…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Beagle . The documents of the exciting autumn of 1831 prove that almost everyone in Darwin’s …

People featured in the Dutch photograph album


List of people appearing in the photograph album Darwin received from scientific admirers in the Netherlands for his birthday on 12 February 1877. We are grateful to Hester Loeff for providing this list and for permission to make her research available.…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Institution   Den Haag 18 November 1831 Breda 15 April 1911 …
  • … Surgeon   Breda 14 November 1831 Breda 2 December 1916 …

Darwin in Conversation exhibition


Meet Charles Darwin as you have never met him before. Come to our exhibition at Cambridge University Library, running from 9 July to 3 December 2022, and discover a fascinating series of interwoven conversations with Darwin's many hundreds of…

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  • … 9 July – 3 December 2022 Milstein Exhibition Centre, Cambridge University …

Darwin and barnacles


In a letter to Henslow in March 1835 Darwin remarked that he had done ‘very little’ in zoology; the ‘only two novelties’ he added, almost as an afterthought, were a new mollusc and a ‘genus in the family Balanidæ’ – a barnacle – but it was an oddity. Who,…

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  • …   When Darwin sailed on the Beagle at the end of 1831, John Vaughan Thompson’s …

New material added to the American edition of Origin


A ‘revised and augmented’ American edition of Origin came on the market in July 1860, and was the only authorised edition available in the US until 1873. It incorporated many of the changes Darwin made to the second English edition, but still contained…

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  • … created: the author first promulgated this opinion in 1831. M. Isidore Geoffroy Saint Hilaire …

Rewriting Origin - the later editions


For such an iconic work, the text of Origin was far from static. It was a living thing that Darwin continued to shape for the rest of his life, refining his ‘one long argument’ through a further five English editions.  Many of his changes were made in…

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  • … an anticipation of his theory by Patrick Matthew in an 1831 treatise on naval timber, and in …

Satire of FitzRoy's Narrative of the Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, by John Clunies Ross. Transcription by Katharine Anderson


[f.146r Title page] Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle Supplement / to the 2nd 3rd and Appendix Volumes of the First / Edition Written / for and in the name of the Author of those / Volumes By J.C. Ross. / Sometime Master of a…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … as I did – but of this more anon. It was in Feby 1831 that the Barque arrived at the Cocos …
  • … Cocos from England in Feb y 1827 and Mr H left in March 1831 my chronological ideas must be …
  • … number of two hundred?” “Oh they are some few born since 1831 and the others are people brought from …
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