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Darwin in letters, 1874: A turbulent year


The year 1874 was one of consolidation, reflection, and turmoil for Darwin. He spent the early months working on second editions of Coral reefs and Descent of man; the rest of the year was mostly devoted to further research on insectivorous plants. A…

Matches: 21 hits

  • … The year 1874 was one of consolidation, reflection, and turmoil for Darwin. He spent the …
  • … on insectivorous plants. A vicious dispute over an anonymous review that attacked the work of Darwin …
  • … be done by observation during prolonged intervals’ ( letter to D. T. Gardner, [ c . 27 August …
  • … pleasures of shooting and collecting beetles ( letter from W. D. Fox, 8 May [1874] ).  Such …
  • … And … one looks backwards much more than forwards’ ( letter to W. D. Fox, 11 May [1874] ). …
  • … was an illusory hope.— I feel very old & helpless’  ( letter to B. J. Sulivan, 6 January [1874] …
  • … inferred that he was well from his silence on the matter ( letter from Ernst Haeckel, 26 October …
  • … in such rubbish’, he confided to Joseph Dalton Hooker ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 18 January [1874] …
  • … that Mr Williams was ‘a cheat and an imposter’ ( letter from T. H. Huxley, 27 January 1874 ). …
  • … his, ‘& that he was thus free to perform his antics’ ( letter to T. H. Huxley, 29 January [1874
  • … Darwin had allowed ‘a spirit séance’ at his home ( letter from T. G. Appleton, 2 April 1874 ). …
  • … In August 1873, he had published in the  Contemporary Review  ‘On beneficial restrictions to …
  • … 1873b). In July 1874, an anonymous essay appeared in the  Quarterly Review  discussing works on …
  • … of vice in order to check population’. The review was by St George Jackson Mivart, one of the …
  • … previous anonymous attacks ([Mivart] 1869; 1871c). In his review, Mivart criticised both son and …
  • … 'scurrilous libel' As the authorship of the review became known within Darwin’s …
  • … essay. Mivart’s attack had been published in the  Quarterly Review , one of the most …
  • … in my position, and imagine me to be the proprietor of a review in which according to your own …
  • … why he had written to Murray and not the editor of the  Quarterly : ‘I cannot expect fair …
  • … 1871b), which had also been published anonymously in the  Quarterly . This review had caused …
  • … apology’ and sent a retraction to the editor of the  Quarterly Review . Huxley concluded: ‘our …

St George Jackson Mivart


In the second half of 1874, Darwin’s peace was disturbed by an anonymous article in the Quarterly Review suggesting that his son George was opposed to the institution of marriage and in favour of ‘unrestrained licentiousness’. Darwin suspected, correctly,…

Matches: 13 hits

  • … In 1874, the Catholic zoologist St George Jackson Mivart caused Darwin and his son …
  • … restrictions to liberty of marriage’ in the Contemporary Review (G. H. Darwin 1873b). In this …
  • … granted divorce on very slight causes. Mivart's review George’s article appeared …
  • … Murray, his own publisher and also the proprietor of the Quarterly Review. George took advice …
  • … Darwin send it for publication in the next issue of the Quarterly ( letter from G. H. Darwin, …
  • … kind of thing Murray would be likely to wish to circulate ( letter to G. H. Darwin, 1 August [1874] …
  • … laws’. Darwin’s main objection to the Quarterly Review article was the suggestion that …
  • … were mentioned in the text Darwin wanted to quote from the review, and, if George did not repudiate …
  • … of encouraging licentiousness. A postscript to Darwin’s letter, which may belong to another letter, …
  • … was to ask Murray to publish George’s letter in the Quarterly. George was anxious not to bring …
  • … appeared, followed by an anonymous rejoinder from Mivart ( Quarterly Review 137 (1874): 587–8). …
  • 1874. Sir, In the July number of the ‘Quarterly Review’ of the present year reference …
  • … | George Darwin.   To the Editor of the Quarterly Review. Nothing could …

4.16 Joseph Simms, physiognomy


< Back to Introduction In September 1874, the American doctor Joseph Simms, then on a three-year lecture tour of Britain, sent Darwin a copy of his book, Nature’s Revelations of Character; Or, Physiognomy Illustrated. He was seeking a public…

Matches: 5 hits

  • … < Back to Introduction In September 1874, the American doctor Joseph Simms, then on a …
  • … physiognomy was not, however, restricted to the face. In his letter to Darwin he explained, ‘I wish …
  • … was anxious on occasion to disprove such associations. In a letter to Lyell of 21 August 1861, …
  • … James Paget, ‘Physiognomy of the human form’, Quarterly Review , 99:198 (Sept. 1856), pp. 452-491 …
  • … and to Gray, 17 Sept. [1861] (DCP-LETT-3256]. Simms’s letter to Darwin, 14 Sept. 1874 (DCP-LETT-9637 …

Darwin in letters, 1875: Pulling strings


‘I am getting sick of insectivorous plants’, Darwin confessed in January 1875. He had worked on the subject intermittently since 1859, and had been steadily engaged on a book manuscript for nine months; January also saw the conclusion of a bitter dispute…

Matches: 23 hits

  • … attack upon Darwin’s son George, in an anonymous review in 1874 (see Correspondence vol. 22, …
  • … On 8 January , he told Hooker: ‘I will write a savage letter & that will do me some good, if I …
  • … some of his anger toward John Murray, the publisher of the Quarterly Review , in which Mivart’s …
  • … whose anthropological work had been reviewed in the same Quarterly article that attacked George. …
  • … laid to rest, another controversy was brewing. In December 1874, Darwin had been asked to sign a …
  • … botanical research and had visited Down House in April 1874 (see Correspondence vol. 22, letters …
  • … offered to pay the costs for printing an additional 250 ( letter to John Murray, 3 May 1875 ). …
  • … plants lured insects to their death were described in a review of the book in the Academy , 24 …
  • … & bless the day That ever you were born (letter from E. F. Lubbock, [after 2 …
  • … A scientific friendship had developed between the men in 1874, and this was enhanced by Romanes’s …
  • … that the originally red half has become wholly white’ ( letter from G. J. Romanes, [before 4 …
  • … pp. 188–90). He drew attention to this discussion in a letter to George Rolleston, remarking on 2 …
  • … Darwin wrote, ‘I beg ten thousand pardon & more’ ( letter to Francis Darwin, [ c . February …
  • … signed himself, ‘Your affect son … the proofmaniac’ ( letter from Francis Darwin, 1 and 2 May [1875 …
  • … articles for leading periodicals such as the Contemporary Review . Having just emerged from the …
  • … marriage, he was embroiled in another as the result of a review of William Dwight Whitney’s work on …
  • … in letters (see Correspondence vol. 21), and George’s review prompted Max Müller to write to …
  • … that ‘Mr Darwin, jun.’ had used the pretext of a review of Whitney to defend his father. He compared …
  • … both critical and reverential. On 16 July he received a letter from an advocate of women’s …
  • … her presentation copy of Insectivorous plants ( letter to D. F. Nevill, 15 July [1875] ). Such …
  • … of Darwin’s theories. In August, he published a favourable review of Insectivorous plants for …
  • … Darwin pleaded that the paper not be referred to him for review. In the end, it was firmly rejected …
  • … had learned of Lyell’s failing health from Hooker in 1874 and January 1875. On 22 February, he was …

Darwin in letters, 1882: Nothing too great or too small


In 1882, Darwin reached his 74th year Earthworms had been published the previous October, and for the first time in decades he was not working on another book. He remained active in botanical research, however. Building on his recent studies in plant…

Matches: 24 hits

  • … ‘I feel a very old man, & my course is nearly run’ ( letter to Lawson Tait, 13 February 1882 ) …
  • … fertility of crosses between differently styled plants ( letter from Fritz Müller, 1 January 1882 …
  • … François Marie Glaziou (see Correspondence vol. 28, letter from Arthur de Souza Corrêa, 20 …
  • … quite untirable & I am glad to shirk any extra labour’ ( letter to G. J. Romanes, 6 January …
  • … probably intending to test its effects on chlorophyll ( letter to Joseph Fayrer, 30 March 1882 ). …
  • … we know about the life of any one plant or animal!’ ( letter to Henry Groves, 3 April 1882 ). He …
  • … of seeing the flowers & experimentising on them’ ( letter to J. E. Todd, 10 April 1882 ). …
  • … find stooping over the microscope affects my heart’ ( letter to Henry Groves, 3 April 1882 ). …
  • … Correspondence vol. 29, Appendix V). The conservative Quarterly Review , owned by Darwin’s …
  • … the highest admiration for those researches themselves’ ( Quarterly Review , January 1882, p. 179) …
  • … sooner or later write differently about evolution’ ( letter to John Murray, 21 January 1882 ). The …
  • … leaves into their burrows ( Correspondence vol. 29, letter from J. F. Simpson, 8 November 1881 …
  • … on the summit, whence it rolls down the sides’ ( letter from J. F. Simpson, 7 January 1882 ). The …
  • … light on it, which would have pleased me greatly’ ( letter from J. H. Gilbert, 9 January 1882, …
  • … annelid seemed to have rather the best of the fight’ ( letter from G. F. Crawte, 11 March 1882 ). …
  • … by the American educator Emily Talbot (Talbot ed. 1882). His letter to Talbot written the previous …
  • … by the flippant witlings of the newspaper press’ ( letter from A. T. Rice, 4 February 1882 ). Rice …
  • … payment for an article in his journal, North American Review . Darwin nearly always declined such …
  • … men, and their role as providers for the family. In his letter, he conceded that there was ‘some …
  • … of our homes, would in this case greatly suffer’ ( letter to C. A. Kennard, 9 January 1882 ). …
  • … she be fairly judged, intellectually his inferior, please ( letter from C. A. Kennard, 28 January …
  • … he has allied himself to so dreadful a man, as Huxley’ ( letter to John Collier, 16 February 1882 …
  • … Would my actions be the same without my consciousness?’ ( letter from John Collier, 22 February …
  • … father confessor. ( Letter from Charles Lyell, 1 September 1874 .) Darwin’s fame continued …

John Murray


Darwin's most famous book On the origin of species by means of natural selection (Origin) was published on 22 November 1859. The publisher was John Murray, who specialised in non-fiction, particularly politics, travel and science, and had published…

Matches: 20 hits

  • … end of 1845, Darwin was not happy with Colburn’s terms ( Letter 856 ). Instead he asked his friend …
  • … John Murray, to open negotiations with his own publisher ( Letter 824 ). Lyell’s talk with Murray …
  • … have transacted the business with me’ (27 August [1845] Letter 908 ). Thus began the business …
  • … copies some pages in Darwin’s chapter were transposed ( Letter 1244 ). Darwin was anxious lest an …
  • … & make the poor workman some present’ (12 June [1849] Letter 1245 ). Darwin’s next …
  • … his ‘big species book’; on 18 June 1858, he received a letter from Alfred Russel Wallace with the …
  • … asked Lyell to act as his intermediary with John Murray ( Letter 2437 ), who, without even reading …
  • … not repent of having undertaken it’ (15 October [1859] Letter 2506 ). Murray decided on a retail …
  • … proud at the appearance of my child’ ([3 November 1859] Letter 2514 ). In the event, all Murray’s …
  • … – and a second edition was immediately called for ( Letter 2549 ). In the end Murray paid Darwin …
  • … (Variation ), but work progressed slowly ( Letter 3078 ); meanwhile in 1862 Murray published  On …
  • … Murray only offered Darwin half profits for this title ( Letter 3261 ); it was never a best-seller …
  • … ‘I fear it can never pay’ (3 January [1867] Letter 5346 ). In the end Murray decided to print …
  • … to Brazil, the beginning of a life-long correspondence ( Letter 4881 ). Subsequently Darwin …
  • … the risk himself. Murray suggested printing 750 copies ( Letter 6597 ), but Darwin decided on 1000 …
  • … fail, I think, to be much read’ (28 September [1870] Letter 7329 ). Murray decided to print 2500 …
  • … hope to Heaven book will sell well’ (12 January [1871] Letter 7438 ). A second printing was …
  • … 750 copies of a pamphlet of Chauncey Wright‘s critical review, published in America, of St George …
  • … ) ;  this was Darwin’s riposte to Mivart’s cutting review ( Letter 7863 ) of Darwin and  …
  • … proved very slow ( Letter 9071 ). At the end of 1874, Darwin offered Murray a new book,  …

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 26 hits

  • … Read Loudon’s Arboretum [Loudon 1838] in Edinburgh Review July 1839 [Anon. 1839a]— there are …
  • … Man. Mentioned by Athenæum 1839 p. 765. in Geograph. Soc?? Review of this in Edin. Phil Jour. 1840. …
  • … [Reimarius 1760] The Highlands & Western Isl ds  letter to Sir W Scott [MacCulloch 1824 …
  • … 1839. p. 408 [Flourens 1839] read Quarterly Review 1839. p. 336 [Broderip] 1839]. M r …
  • … in Lib. Useful Knowledge [Bacon 1827] Num 41. Ed. Review. Sir. J. Mack. on Deaf & Dumb …
  • … 1834–40]: In Portfolio of “abstracts” 34  —letter from Skuckard of books on Silk Worm …
  • … [DAR *119: 15v.] From Herschel’s Review Quart. June /41/ [Herschel 1841] I see I  must   …
  • … par August. de Saint-Hilaire [Saint-Hilaire 1841]: review annal. des Scien. p. 100/41/—dull—but …
  • … species (alluded to by Hooker) Foreign & British Med. Review by D r  Forbes [ British …
  • … M rs  Fry’s Life [Fry 1847] Horace Walpoles letter to C t . of Ossory [Walpole 1848] …
  • … Asiatic Society ]—contains very little Macleay’s letter to D r  Fleming [Macleay 1830] …
  • … [T. Gray 1775] Jeffrey. art. on Alison Taste. Ed. Review [Jeffrey] 1811] Maer. 68 …
  • … living Animals [Leidy 1853]. (Read) Some paper or Review in a Medical Journal which Hooker …
  • … Field Sports [Williamson 1807] recommended by Blyth in Review 107 M. de Castelnau, Cattle …
  • … [Heer 1854].— Hooker has it.— Very important Hookers letter Jan. 1859 Yules Ava [Yule 1858] …
  • … of the material from these portfolios is in DAR 205, the letter from William Edward Shuckard to …
  • … ( Notebooks , pp. 319–28). 55  The letter was addressed to Nicholas Aylward Vigors …
  • … to William Jackson Hooker. See  Correspondence  vol. 3, letter to J. D. Hooker, [5 or 12 November …
  • … design . (Bridgewater Treatise no. 4.) London. [9th ed. (1874) in Darwin Library.]  119: 5a …
  • … on the natural history and fishery of the sperm whale.  Quarterly Review  63: 318–41.  *119: 9v. …
  • … 119: 21b Broughton, William Grant. 1832.  A letter in vindication of   the principles of …
  • … methods in   natural history , by J. E. Bicheno, Esq.  Quarterly Review  41: 302–27.  119: 1a …
  • … [——]. 1841. Whewell on the inductive sciences.  Quarterly Review  68: 177–238.  *119: 15v. …
  • … by Bekhur to   Garoo and the Lake Manasarowara: with a letter from … J.   G. Gerard, Esq. …
  • … 1830. On the dying struggle of the dichotomous sytem. In a letter to N. A. Vigors.  Philosophical …
  • … *119: 8v., 22v.; *128: 165 ——. 1850a. Letter to the Rev. John Bachman, on the question of …