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From Johannes Huber   22 March 1873



Describes his critique of natural selection [Die Lehre Darwins kritisch betrachtet (1871)].

Author:  Johannes Nepomuk (Johannes) Huber
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  22 Mar 1873
Classmark:  DAR 166: 280
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8820

Matches: 4 hits

  • … his critique of natural selection [ Die Lehre Darwins kritisch betrachtet (1871)]. …
  • … Bibliography Huber, Johannes. 1871. Die Lehre Darwin’s kritisch betrachtet. Munich: J. J. …
  • … see p.  135. The reference is to Huber 1871 ; CD’s copy is in the Darwin Library–Down. …
  • … The Saturday Review briefly reviewed Huber 1871  in its German literature section in the …

From László Dapsy   1 June 1873



The Natural Philosophical Society [Academy of Sciences] will publish his translation of Origin in August, before Descent.

A distinguished member of the Hungarian Parliament attacked CD’s theory. LD answered, and a controversy ensued.

LD has noted many signs of public support for CD.

Author:  Laszlo Dapsy
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  1 June 1873
Classmark:  DAR 162: 41
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8931

Matches: 5 hits

  • … Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Mund, Katalin. 2008. The reception of …
  • … permission to translate Descent into Hungarian in 1871 (see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 19, letter from László Dapsy, 12 June 1871 ). He published a translation …
  • … of the last chapter of Descent in the July 1871 issue of the journal Természettudományi …
  • … the series had been proposed by Dapsy in 1871. Dapsy never completed the translation of …

From W. W. Keen   26 September 1873


Sends corrections of Descent and Expression.

Author:  William Williams Keen
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  26 Sept 1873
Classmark:  DAR 89: 24–5, DAR 169: 2, and Expression 2d ed., p. 169 n. 19
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9072

Matches: 9 hits

  • … Cambridge University Press. Thomson, William. 1871. Presidential address. Report of …
  • … British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Edinburgh (1871): lxxxiv–cv. …
  • … CD’s works; Descent US ed.  was published in 1871 and reprinted in 1872, and Expression US …
  • … By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Descent US ed. : The descent of man, …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. New York: D. Appleton. 1871. Expression 2d ed. : The expression of the …
  • … York: Charles Scribner. Meyer, Ludwig. 1871. Ueber das Darwin’sche Spitzohr. Archiv für …
  • … und für klinische Medicin ( Meyer 1871 ), which maintained that the ‘Woolnerian tip’ …
  • … nerve. A longer account of the case was published in Keen and Thomson 1871 . There is …
  • … paginated offprint of Keen and Thomson 1871  in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL.  CD …

To T. W. Higginson   27 February [1873]


Praises TWH’s Army life in a black regiment [1870]. CD always thought well of Negroes, and is delighted to have his impressions confirmed.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Date:  27 Feb [1873]
Classmark:  LL 3: 176
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8790

Matches: 4 hits

  • … E.  Abbot, 6 June [1871] ). Higginson’s article, ‘The progress and perils of free …
  • … and Co. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. 1871. Out-door papers. Boston: James R. Osgood and …
  • … Higginson’s Out-door papers ( Higginson 1871 ); CD’s copy is in the Darwin Library–Down. …
  • … letter. CD had subscribed to the Index from 1871 ( Correspondence vol.  19, letter to F.   …

To J. V. Carus   17 November [1873]


Informs JVC that he is beginning a second, corrected edition of Descent, in case a new edition is wanted in Germany.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Julius Victor Carus
Date:  17 Nov [1873]
Classmark:  Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter. Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 108–109)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9147

Matches: 3 hits

  • … and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. …
  • … by Carus and published in two German editions (Carus trans.  1871 and Carus trans.   …
  • 1871–2); he also translated the second edition into German (Carus trans.  1875). …

To J. D. Hague   3 April [1873]



Has sent JDH’s letter to Nature ["Perception in ants", Nature 7 (1873): 443–4].

Sons recall kindness received from JDH and others in America.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  James Duncan Hague
Date:  3 Apr [1873]
Classmark:  DAR 144: 394
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8840

Matches: 3 hits

  • … 1873] and n.  2. Hague had met CD in London in February 1871 ( Hague 1884 , p.  759). …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Hague, James Duncan. 1884. A reminiscence of …
  • … while on their tour of the United States in 1871 (see Correspondence vol.  19). See letter …

From Otto Caspari   12 March 1873



Sends CD a copy of his book [Die Urgeschichte der Menschheit, 2 vols. (1873)].

In Germany CD’s views have achieved great recognition among naturalists, but in other disciplines there is great controversy. OC’s book seeks to resolve the controversy by showing how state, morals, religion, and church have developed from natural beginnings.

Author:  Gotthold Heinrich Otto (Otto) Caspari
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 Mar 1873
Classmark:  DAR 161: 117
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8808

Matches: 3 hits

  • … German translation of Descent had already appeared (Carus trans.  1871 and Carus trans.   …
  • 1871–2); on its reception in Germany, see Backenköler 2008, pp.  111–15. No English …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Marginalia : Charles Darwin’s marginalia. …

From Ernst Haeckel   23 February 1873



Thanks CD for comments on Die Kalkschwämme.

Plans trip to Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt.

Discusses work of a Polish translator, Ludwik Masłowski.

Author:  Ernst Philipp August (Ernst) Haeckel
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  23 Feb 1873
Classmark:  DAR 166: 60
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8783

Matches: 5 hits

  • … in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Haeckel, …
  • … Ernst. 1871. Dzieje utworzenia przyrody. (Polish translation of Natürliche …
  • … Naturliche Schöpfungsgeschichte ( Haeckel 1871 ). Masłowski later translated Descent into …
  • … Krakau, welcher meine Schöpfungsgeschichte 1871 in das Polnische übersetzt hat, er wünsche …
  • … my history of creation into Polish in 1871, wrote to me that he wishes to translate your …

To G. H. Darwin   24 November 1873



Pleased that GHD will help with second edition of Descent. Cautions him not to alter strength of CD’s expression or improve the style too much.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  George Howard Darwin
Date:  24 Nov 1873
Classmark:  DAR 210.1: 18
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9159

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Freeman, Richard Broke. 1977. The works …
  • … 1000 copies of Descent in December 1871, bringing the total to 8000 (see Correspondence …
  • … 19, letter to R.  F.  Cooke, 17 November 1871 , and Freeman 1977 ). CD refers to his niece …

To Alphonse de Candolle   18 January [1873]


The evidence of tameness of Alpine butterflies [see 8672] seems good and the fact is surprising to CD for they can hardly have acquired this in their short life-time.

The question whether butterflies are attracted to bright colours independently of the supposed presence of nectar is still unanswered.

CD has great difficulty in believing that any temporary condition of parents can affect the offspring.

Pangenesis is much reviled, but CD must still look at generation from this point of view, which makes him averse to believing that an emotion has any effect on the offspring.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Alphonse de Candolle
Date:  18 Jan [1873]
Classmark:  Archives de la famille de Candolle (private collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8741

Matches: 4 hits

  • … it (see Correspondence vols.  18 and 19, and Galton 1871 ). See Expression , pp.  345–7. …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Expression : The expression of the emotions in …
  • … London: John Murray. 1872. Galton, Francis. 1871. Experiments in pangenesis, by breeding …
  • … been largely transfused. [Read 30 March 1871. ] Proceedings of the Royal Society of London …

To W. H. Leggett   10 October [1873]


Has not seen number of Botanical Bulletin with account of Apocynum.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Henry Leggett
Date:  10 Oct [1873]
Classmark:  Archives of the New York Botanical Garden (Charles Finney Cox Collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9093

Matches: 2 hits

  • … L.  H.  Morgan, 1 August 1871 , and Correspondence vol.  20, letter to L.  H.  Morgan, 20  …
  • … had been requested on his behalf in August 1871 (see Correspondence vol.  19, letter from …

From S. V. Wood Sr to Charles Lyell   30 September 1873


Sends proofs of pages on shells with revised species names. Discusses Crag Moll, Sutton and Butley Red Grag, and Scrobicularia beds. Son asks him to thank Lyell for extract from Darwin’s book.

Author:  Searles Valentine Wood
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  30 Sept 1873
Classmark:  The University of Edinburgh Centre for Research Collections (Gen.117/6422-3)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9077F

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Society. Wood, Searles Valentine. 1871. Supplement to the crag Mollusca, Part I ( …
  • … to the first supplement appeared in Wood 1871 . The red crag, a shelly sand stained red by …
  • … to my Supplement in the Pal l Vol for the year 1871 My son desires me to thank you for the …

From A. W. Bennett   12 July 1873



Believes some flowers fail to produce seed because of the access of too great a quantity of pollen. Asks for CD’s opinion and references.

Author:  Alfred William Bennett
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 July 1873
Classmark:  DAR 160: 141
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8976

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Bibliography Bennett, Alfred William. 1871. On the floral structure of Impatiens fulva , …
  • … fertilized flowers. [Read 16 November 1871. ] Journal of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) …
  • … Impatiens fulva (jewelweed; Bennett 1871 ). At the end of the paper, Bennett quoted a note …

To Agnes Haeckel   [before 3 March 1873]

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Agnes Huschke; Agnes Haeckel
Date:  [before 3 Mar 1873]
Classmark:  Ernst-Haeckel-Haus (Bestand A [34831])
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8703F

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Bibliography Haeckel, Ernst. 1871. Dzieje utworzenia przyrody. (Polish translation of …
  • … Naturliche Schöpfungsgeschichte ( Haeckel 1871 ), and later translated Descent into …

From J. D. Hague   26 February 1873



Sends a paper on behaviour he has observed in ants.

Author:  James Duncan Hague
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  26 Feb 1873
Classmark:  DAR 166: 81
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8788

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Francis Darwin , who had visited the United States in 1871 (see Correspondence vol.  19). …
  • … Hague had met CD in London in February 1871 ( Hague 1884 , p.  759). …

From G. S. Ffinden to Emma Darwin   24 December 1873


Answers Emma Darwin’s request that the school room be used in the winter as a Reading Room. Protests the Darwins approaching the Education Department directly.

Author:  George Sketchley Ffinden
Addressee:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Date:  24 Dec 1873
Classmark:  Bromley Historic Collections, Bromley Central Library (P/123/25/3/5)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9189F

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Ffinden refers to the Revised New Code (1871) of the Elementary Education Act, 33 & 34  …
  • … the School, according to rule 15. Code 1871, I deem such a proceeding quite out of order, …

From Thomas Meehan   3 March 1873



Although he believes in evolution, TM feels that natural selection is an inadequate cause;

nor is he satisfied with E. D. Cope’s law of acceleration and retardation.

Discusses some of his work relating to nutrition and sex and colour and sex.

Author:  Thomas Meehan
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  3 Mar 1873
Classmark:  DAR 171: 109
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8796

Matches: 4 hits

  • … Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Gould, Stephen Jay. 1977. Ontogeny and …
  • … found; Meehan had sent CD a number of his publications in 1871 (see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … letter from Thomas Meehan, 10 February 1871 and n.  1). In his early work on the origin of …
  • … to W.  E.  Darwin, [after 11 November 1871] , and Correspondence vol.  20, letter to …

From J. L. H. Down   20 December 1873



Describes an ear from a microcephalous idiot, which does not lend support to Ludwig Mayer’s view [that points on ears are mere variations; see Descent, 2d ed., pp. 15–16].

Is working on involution rather than evolution, with results confirming CD’s teaching.

Author:  John Langdon Haydon Down
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 Dec 1873
Classmark:  DAR 87: 61–2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9188

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. Down, John Langdon Haydon. 1866. Observations …
  • … a result of random variability ( Meyer 1871 , pp.  489–90). In Descent 2d ed. , p.  16, CD …
  • … Hospital Reports 3: 259–62. Meyer, Ludwig. 1871. Ueber das Darwin’sche Spitzohr. Archiv …

From Francis Darwin   [30 September 1873]


He is travelling overnight by train from London to Pantlludw and will wake A. R. Ruck with a morningade on his flute.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [30 Sept 1873]
Classmark:  DAR 274.1: 27
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8942F

Matches: 3 hits

  • … 370–80, 401–5, 443–52. Dalton, John Call. 1871. A treatise on human physiology; designed …
  • … fifth edition of John Call Dalton’s A treatise on human physiology was published in 1871 ( …
  • … Dalton 1871 ). Moritz Schiff’s Leçons sur la physiologie de la digestion ( Schiff 1867 ) …

From T. W. Higginson   30 March 1873



Pleased CD enjoyed his book [Outdoor papers (1871)].

Rejoices at CD’s kindly feelings toward the coloured race.

The Index is in financial trouble due to F. E. Abbot’s unworldliness.

Agassiz is setting up a summer school for natural history off the Massachusetts coast. His pupils develop more liberal scientific opinions than Agassiz’s.

Encloses some notes on expression.

Author:  Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  30 Mar 1873
Classmark:  DAR 166: 198
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8830

Matches: 3 hits

  • … CD enjoyed his book [ Outdoor papers (1871)]. Rejoices at CD’s kindly feelings toward the …
  • … Francis Darwin when they visited Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1871 ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 19, letter from Asa Gray, 12 October 1871 ). In Expression , pp.  6–7, CD described the …
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1871 in keywords
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Darwin in letters, 1871: An emptying nest


The year 1871 was an extremely busy and productive one for Darwin, with the publication in February of his long-awaited book on human evolution, Descent of man. The other main preoccupation of the year was the preparation of his manuscript on expression.…

Matches: 30 hits

  • … The year 1871 was an extremely busy and productive one for Darwin, seeing the …
  • … promotes the sale’ ( letter from J. D. Hooker, 26 March 1871 ). The profits for Darwin were …
  • … first two printings, Darwin wrote to Murray on 20 March 1871 , ‘It is quite a grand trade to be a …
  • … in memory of the book’ ( letter to H. E. Darwin, 20 March 1871 ). Reaction …
  • … to read it ( letter from James Crichton-Browne, 19 February 1871 ). The African explorer and …
  • … pleasant or not’ (letter from W. W. Reade, 21 February 1871). The geologist William Boyd Dawkins …
  • … to buy them’ ( letter from W. B. Dawkins, 23 February 1871 ). Thomas Henry Huxley marvelled that …
  • … tide-marks!’ ( letter from T. H. Huxley, 20 February 1871 ). Asa Gray remarked, somewhat …
  • … and pointed ears”  (letter from Asa Gray, 14 April 1871) Like his previous book,  …
  • … arms and legs ( letter from C. L. Bernays, 25 February 1871 ). Samples of hair arrived from …
  • … his head ( letter from W. B. Tegetmeier, [before 25 April 1871] )). Hinrich Nitsche, ‘the lucky …
  • … orang-utan foetus ( letter from Hinrich Nitsche, 18 April 1871 ). Darwin thought he might use the …
  • … poor return’ ( letter to Hinrich Nitsche, 25 April [1871] ). Animal anecdotes appeared in …
  • … space each morning ( letter from Arthur Nicols, 7 March 1871 ; letter from B. J. Sulivan, 11 …
  • … of beauty ( letter from E. J. Pfeiffer, [before 26 April 1871] ). Roland Trimen, a long-time …
  • … in the past ( letter from Roland Trimen, 17 and 18 April 1871 ). Candid disagreement …
  • … were raised to a high pitch, as Innes wrote on 26 May 1871 about the darker races arising …
  • … as far as this goes’ ( letter to J. B. Innes, 29 May [1871] ). On religion and morality …
  • … Creator made it’ ( letter from George Morrish, 18 March 1871 ). Darwin received an anonymous …
  • … Descent  ( letter from a child of God, [after 24 February 1871] ). Yet some continued to …
  • … religious feeling’ ( letter from F. E. Abbot, 20 August 1871 ). The Anglican clergyman and …
  • … brethren’ ( letter from George Henslow, 5 December 1871 ). Ernst Haeckel boasted of his month …
  • … monkey !’ ( letter from Ernst Haeckel, 21 December 1871 ). Descent  was extensively …
  • … independent of all times and all circumstances’ (8 April 1871, p. 5). Darwin condemned the author of …
  • … & classics’ ( letter to John Murray, 13 April [1871] ). But a similar point was made by …
  • … the killing of some members of a hive a duty (Cobbe 1871, pp. 174, 188–9). Darwin was particularly …
  • … by culture, not biology ( letter from John Morley, 30 March 1871 ). Reaction at home …
  • … its master. ( Letter from Hensleigh Wedgwood, [3–9 March 1871] .) Some of Darwin’s …
  • … to me’ ( letter to Hensleigh Wedgwood, 9 March 1871 ). A widening rift By far the …
  • … 1871a), which appeared just prior to  Descent  in early 1871. ‘I daresay it will tell heavily …

Darwin’s queries on expression


When Darwin resumed systematic research on emotions around 1866, he began to collect observations more widely and composed a list of queries on human expression. A number of handwritten copies were sent out in 1867 (see, for example, letter to Fritz Muller…

Matches: 14 hits

  • … Blair, R.H. 11 July 1871 Worcester College for the …
  • … Brooke, C.A.J. 30 April 1871 Sarawak, Borneo …
  • … Chaumont, F.S.B.F. de 11 March 1871 Woolston, …
  • … Crichton-Browne, James 3 April 1871 West Riding …
  • … Donders, F.C. 28 March 1871 Utrecht, Netherlands …
  • … Foster, Michael 4 June [1871] Trinity College, …
  • … Gray, Asa 14 April 1871 Cambridge, Massachusetts, …
  • … Gray, Asa 10 & 14 March [1871] Cambridge, …
  • … Mivart, G.J. 26 Jan 1871 North Bank, London, England …
  • … Reade, Winwood W. 1 Feb 1871 11 St Mary Abbot's …
  • … Rejlander, O.G. [1871] Victoria Street, London, …
  • … Smith, Andrew 1 Feb. 1871 11 Saint Mary Abbot's …
  • … Smith, Andrew 17 April 1871 16 Alexander Square, …
  • … Swinhoe, Robert 14 March 1871 33 Oakley Square, …

Frank Chance


The Darwin archive not only contains letters, manuscript material, photographs, books and articles but also all sorts of small, dry specimens, mostly enclosed with letters. Many of these enclosures have become separated from the letters or lost altogether,…

Matches: 6 hits

  • … first is undated but we know it was written before 25 April 1871 because Darwin alluded to a case …
  • … report by the pigeon-fancier W. B. Tegetmeier, 25 April [1871] . In his letter Chance is …
  • … (Letter from Frank Chance, [before 25 April 1871] ) Responding to this meticulous self …
  • … were very rare. When we were editing volume 19 (1871), Chance’s enclosure of beard and …
  • … : In your work on the ""Descent of Man"" (ed. 1871) ii. 298, 299, in …
  • … followed up on a similar case that CD had observed on 13 May 1871. William’s letter of 5 June 1871

4.17 'Figaro', unidentifiable 1871


< Back to Introduction Yet another portrayal of Darwin as a tree-dwelling ape was published in The Figaro in October 1871, and titled ‘A Darwinian hypothesis’. The image survives in a torn page in the Darwin archive, but it has so far proved…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … tree-dwelling ape was published in The Figaro in October 1871, and titled ‘A Darwinian …
  • … date of creation October 1871 
 computer-readable date 1871-10-01 to 1871-10-27 

Darwin’s favourite photographer: From O. G. Rejlander, 30 April 1871


In the 1860s Darwin began collecting photographs of emotional expression. They seemed to capture fleeting movements of the face, and allowed him to observe with more detachment. But the technology was still new. Even under the best conditions, exposure…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … In the 1860s Darwin began collecting photographs of emotional expression. They seemed to capture …

Animals, ethics, and the progress of science


Darwin’s view on the kinship between humans and animals had important ethical implications. In Descent, he argued that some animals exhibited moral behaviour and had evolved mental powers analogous to conscience. He gave examples of cooperation, even…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … sleep to-night’ ( letter to E. R. Lankester, 22 March [1871] ). In Descent , Darwin described …
  • … perseverance’ ( letter to Nature , [before 27 April 1871] ). When Galton could no longer look …
  • … ‘Siamesing’ ( letter from Francis Galton, 13 September 1871 ). Several years later, proof …

Henrietta Emma Darwin


Henrietta “Etty” Darwin (1843–1927) was the eldest of Charles Darwin’s daughters to reach adulthood. She married Richard Buckley Litchfield in 1871. She was a valued editor to her father as well as companion and correspondent to both of her parents.…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … reach adulthood. She married Richard Buckley Litchfield in 1871. She was a valued editor to her …
  • … by her father for his scientific writing, particularly his 1871 work,   The Descent of Man .  In …

Cross and self fertilisation


The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom, published on 10 November 1876, was the result of a decade-long project to provide evidence for Darwin’s belief that ‘‘Nature thus tells us, in the most emphatic manner, that she abhors…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … of self-fertilisation’ ( To J. D. Hooker, 23 July [1871] ). Darwin also informed Müller of this …
  • … in his hothouse ( To Fritz Müller, 2 August [1871] ). By late 1871, Darwin was already …
  • … generations’ ( To Federico Delpino, 22 November 1871 ). Delpino replied that he looked forward to …
  • … and horticulture ( From Federico Delpino, 5 December 1871 ). When Darwin began writing in February …

Darwin and the Church


The story of Charles Darwin’s involvement with the church is one that is told far too rarely. It shows another side of the man who is more often remembered for his personal struggles with faith, or for his role in large-scale controversies over the…

Matches: 5 hits

  • … [1850] and n. 6; and letter to J. B. Innes, 29 May [1871] ). Their true friendship does …
  • … request favourably—’ (letter from J. B. Innes, 26 May 1871 ). Indeed Innes had such a high …
  • … school and organ funds (letter to J. B. Innes, 13 January 1871 ). Down’s next clergyman …
  • … very dull sermons’ (letter to J. B. Innes, 18 January [1871] ). Mr Powell was happy to take up …
  • … qualifications’ (letter from J. B. Innes, 5 June 1871 ). Particularly in the early days of …

Moral Nature


In Descent of Man, Darwin argued that human morality had evolved from the social instincts of animals, especially the bonds of sympathy and love. Darwin gathered observations over many decades on animal behavior: the heroic sacrifices of social insects,…

Matches: 8 hits

  • … Letter 7048 : Darwin, W. E., to Darwin, C. R., [April? 1871] In Descent of man (1: 71 …
  • … Letter 7645 : Morley, John to Darwin, 30 March 1871 The politician and man of letters, …
  • … of Descent of Man in the Pall Mall Gazette (Morley 1871). Darwin admired the review, and …
  • … Letter 7685 : Darwin to Morley, John, 14 April [1871] "When I speak of intellectual …
  • … Letter 7691 , Morley, John, to Darwin, 17 April 1871 "I don't think Mr. Mill& …
  • … 7470 : Wedgwood, Hensleigh to Darwin, [before 3 March 1871] Darwin exchanged long letters …
  • … Letter 7537 : Darwin, C. R. to Wenslow, Hensleigh, 3 March [1871] Using the example of …
  • … 3. [ available at Darwinonline ] Cobbe, F. P. 1871. 'Darwinism in morals'. …

Strange things sent to Darwin in the post


Some of the stranger things Darwin received in the post can tell us a lot about how Darwin worked at home. In 1863, Darwin was very excited when the ornithologist Alfred Newton sent him a diseased, red-legged partridge foot with an enormous ball of clay…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … have germinated out of the dung ’.   In 1871, Darwin asked Ray Lankester to …
  • … enclosed with the letter from Hinrich Nitsche, 18 April 1871 (DAR 87: 46r) In Variation …

Darwin and vivisection


Darwin played an important role in the controversy over vivisection that broke out in late 1874. Public debate was sparked when the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals brought an unsuccessful prosecution against a French physiologist who…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … heart’ ( Correspondence vol. 19, letter to ?, 19 May [1871] ). As a magistrate in Down, he had …
  • … vol. 19, letter to E. R. Lankester, 22 March [1871] ). In the same year, Darwin had published …
  • … of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1871 that outlined principles for …

Experimenting with emotions


Darwin’s interest in emotions can be traced as far back as the Beagle voyage. He was fascinated by the sounds and gestures of the peoples of Tierra del Fuego. On his return, he started recording observations in a set of notebooks, later labelled '…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … on his behalf. The emotional specimen In 1871, Darwin contacted the German …
  • … round them’ ( letter to A. D. Kindermann, [27 March 1871] ). Darwin had begun collecting …
  • … relation” (letter from Michael Foster, 4 June [1871] ). Making experiments familiar …

Henrietta Darwin's diary


Darwin's daughter Henrietta kept a diary for a few momentous weeks in 1871. This was the year in which Descent of Man, the most controversial of her father's books after Origin itself, appeared, a book which she had helped him write. The small…

Matches: 8 hits

  • … wrote the following journal entries in March and July 1871 in a small lockable, leather-bound …
  • … by Henrietta herself. Darwin’s letters in 1870 and 1871 ( Correspondence , vols 18 and 19) …
  • … missions due to take place between 26 February and 5 March 1871 in four towns within the deanery of …
  • … from Charles and Emma Darwin to F. J. Wedgwood, [March 1871?], and letter from F. J. Wedgwood to H. …
  • … University Library. Henrietta Darwin | March 1871 1871 March— Sea Grove …
  • … away what they have no equivalent for. July 4th 1871. How hard it is to wait—the …
  • … I think I am a very happy woman. Sunday July 9 th . 1871 I want to think why I shd …
  • … mission leaders in the  Hampshire Advertiser , 21 January 1871, p. 7. 4 Probably John …

William Winwood Reade


On 19 May 1868, an African explorer and unsuccessful novelist, William Winwoode Reade (1838–1875) offered to help Darwin, and started a correspondence and, arguably, a collaboration, that would last until Reade's death. After a first 1861 tour of…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … of it" – Winwood Reade to Charles Darwin, 31 January 1871 ) and sought Darwin’s advice on …

Women as a scientific audience


Target audience? | Female readership | Reading Variation Darwin's letters, in particular those exchanged with his editors and publisher, reveal a lot about his intended audience. Regardless of whether or not women were deliberately targeted as a…

Matches: 5 hits

  • … Letter 7624 - Bathoe, M . B. to Darwin, [25 March 1871] Mary Bathoe responds …
  • … Letter 7644 - Barnard, A. to Darwin, [30 March 1871] J. S. Henslow’s daughter, …
  • … 7651 - Wedgwood, F. J. to Darwin, H. E., [1 April 1871] Frances Wedgwood offers …
  • … 7411 - Pfeiffer, E. J. to Darwin, [before 26 April 1871] The poet Emily Pfeiffer …
  • … Letter 8055 - Hennell, S. S. to Darwin, [7 November 1871] Sarah Hennell writes to Darwin …

Francis Galton


Galton was a naturalist, statistician, and evolutionary theorist. He was a second cousin of Darwin’s, having descended from his grandfather, Erasmus. Born in Birmingham in 1822, Galton studied medicine at King’s College, London, and also read mathematics…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … his results tended to disprove Darwin’s theory (Galton 1871). This brought a quick rejoinder from …
  • … together to facilitate cross-circulation ( 13 September 1871 ). His views on inheritance continued …

Diagrams and drawings in letters


Over 850 illustrations from the printed volumes of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin have been added to the online transcripts of the letters. The contents include maps, diagrams, drawings, sketches and photographs, covering geological, botanical,…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … of sexual differences in viviparous fish,  [before 1 June 1871] Fritz Müller's …

Capturing Darwin’s voice: audio of selected letters


On a sunny Wednesday in June 2011 in a makeshift recording studio somewhere in Cambridge, we were very pleased to welcome Terry Molloy back to the Darwin Correspondence Project for a special recording session. Terry, known for his portrayal of Davros in Dr…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … politely worded rebuke to St G. J. Mivart ( 21 April [1871] ) for  the inadequacies, as Darwin saw …

Have you read the one about....


... the atheistical cats, or the old fogies in Cambridge? We've suggested a few - some funny, some serious - but all letters you can read here.

Matches: 1 hits

  • … ... the atheistical cats, or the old fogies in Cambridge? We've suggested a few - some funny, some …
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