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From John Scott   6 January 1863



Sends Primula scotica and P. farinosa.

So far cannot fertilise Gongora atropurpurea although it is similar to Acropera luteola.

Experimenting on intergeneric hybrids to test CD’s view that sterility is not a special endowment.

Scott’s personal history.

Acropera capsule grows.

Plans for experiments CD has suggested on Primula, peloric Antirrhinum, and Verbascum.

Asks about Gärtner’s experiments on maize.

Aware of Anderson-Henry’s failures.

Through kindness of J. H. Balfour and James McNab, enjoys facilities for research. JS is in charge of the propagating department. Balfour almost engaged him to be superintendent of the Madras Horticultural Garden.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  6 Jan 1863
Classmark:  DAR 177: 81, 83
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3904

Matches: 35 hits

  • … In his letter of 17 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), Scott promised to send CD …
  • … vol.  10, letter from Daniel Oliver, 10 April 1862 ). See Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letter from John Scott, 6 December [1862] . Primula scotica is not dimorphic; in a …
  • … In his letter to John Scott, 11 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD wrote that …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. Origin : On the origin of species by means …
  • … pp.  208–9). In his letter of 11 November 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10), Scott informed …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 12 November [1862] ). Scott subsequently offered to send the …
  • … vol.  10, letter from John Scott, 15 November [1862] ). See also Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 19 November [1862] , letter from John Scott, [ …
  • … 20 November – 2 December 1862] , and n.  4, below. See CD note, above, in which he records …
  • … 10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 ). See ‘Fertilization of orchids’ , p.  153 ( …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 , and letters to …
  • … John Scott, 12 November [1862] and …
  • … 19 November [1862] ). …
  • … In his letter of 11 November 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10), Scott described his success …
  • … In his letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD suggested …
  • … letter to Asa Gray, 26[–7] November [1862] . Scott refers to chapter 8 of Origin (pp.   …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 19  December [1862] , for CD’s interest in the ‘relation of …
  • … and Laelia was an example. See also ibid. , letters from John Scott, 6 December [1862] and …
  • … 17 December [1862] . In his letter of 26–7 January 1863 , Isaac Anderson -Henry described …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  10, letters from John Scott, 15 November [1862] and [20 …
  • … November – 2 December 1862] ). See also n.  3, above. Scott described this and further …
  • … In his letter to Scott of 19 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD had suggested …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] ), Scott later published a paper on dimorphism …
  • … CUL. In his letter of 19 December [1862] (see Correspondence vol.  10), CD suggested that …
  • … Scott experiment with peloric flowers. In his letters to Scott of 11 December [1862] and …
  • … 19 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD suggested that Scott experiment with …
  • … 1863b ). See Correspondence vol.  10, letter from John Scott, 17 December [1862] . In …
  • … his letters to Scott of 11 December [1862] and …
  • … 19 December [1862] ( ibid. ), CD suggested that Scott repeat the experiments conducted by …
  • … vol.  10, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 12 [December 1862] , and letter from J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, [14 December 1862] ). In …
  • … his letter to Scott of 19 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD mentioned that …
  • … In his letter to Scott of 19 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD offered ‘ …
  • … horticultural Society of Madras on 12 March 1862, it was decided to re-engage Robert N.   …

To John Scott   25 and 28 May [1863]



CD does not think he could be wrong about the stigma of Bolbophyllum.

Will not write up Drosera for years.

Praises JS’s experiments. Invites him to send a paper to Linnean Society.

L. C. Treviranus says all species of Primula present two forms except P. longiflora.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  25 and 28 May 1863
Classmark:  DAR 93: B41–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4185

Matches: 18 hits

  • … than by their own pollen, suggested these experiments in 1862 (see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letters to John Scott , 19 November [1862] and …
  • … 11 December [1862] and n.  21). Scott’s experiments were published in Scott 1864d . The …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 77–96. [ Collected papers 2: 45–63. ] Forms of …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. ‘Specific difference in Primula ’: On the …
  • … Society of Edinburgh on 11 December 1862; only an abstract was published ( Scott 1862b ; …
  • … on Drosera and Dionaea between 1860 and 1862 (see Correspondence vols.  8–10); however, he …
  • … 10, letter to Edward Cresy, 15 September [1862] ). CD resumed his research on these plants …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 11 December [1862] and n.  10. Scott sent CD an abstract of his …
  • … with CD on Primula since November 1862 (see Correspondence vol.  10). CD communicated …
  • … 1). See also Correspondence vol.  10, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 14 [October 1862] and n.   …
  • … 14, letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] and nn.  13–15, and this volume, letter to …
  • … results, based on experiments performed between 1862 and 1867, in ‘Specific difference in …
  • … acaulis) , and P.  veris ( officinalis) , and were carried out between 1862 and 1865. …
  • … On the 1862 experiments, see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letter to Alphonse de Candolle, 17 June [1862] and n.  2, letter to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 23 June [1862] and n.   …
  • … and letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] and n.  6. CD’s notes on homomorphic crosses …

To John Scott   16 February [1863]



Tells JS Acropera capsule should be left to grow.

JS was correct on "bud-variation" in fern frond.

Does not believe Primula structure necessarily related to dioecism, but the difference in fertility of the two forms forced him to admit the possibility.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  16 Feb [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B55, B81–2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3991

Matches: 16 hits

  • … vol.  10, letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 ). See also n.  9, above. The letter, up …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. ‘Two forms in species of Linum ’: On the …
  • … 10; see also Correspondence vol.  10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 and n.   …
  • … 3, and letter to John Scott, 12 November [1862] , and this volume, letter from John Scott, …
  • … In his letter to Scott of 19 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD asked Scott to …
  • … CD stated: Mr.  John Scott informs me that in 1862 Imatophyllum miniatum , in the Botanic …
  • … seeds with his letter to CD of 29 December 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10). See also n.   …
  • … writing on variation in maize in November 1862, and urged Scott to repeat Karl Friedrich …
  • … of maize (see Correspondence vol.  10, letters to John Scott , 19 November [1862] and …
  • … 11 December [1862] , and this volume, letter from John Scott, 6 January 1863 , n.  2o). In …
  • … colour’. Letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10). Scott gave a …
  • … letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 18 [November 1862] ). See also Correspondence vol.  10, letter …
  • … from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 August 1862 , letter to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 22 [August 1862] , and letter from John …
  • … Scott, [20 November – 2 December 1862] . James McNab was curator of the Royal Botanic …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 77–96. [ Collected papers 2: 45–63. ] ‘ …

From John Scott   16 January 1863



Experiments to cut Laelia stigma from rostellum and then to fertilise rostellum are baffled by "a latent instinctive power". Somehow the pollen-tubes find their way to the style.

Suggests CD study variation in ferns.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  16 Jan 1863
Classmark:  DAR 177: 82
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3921

Matches: 14 hits

  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. Variation : The variation of animals and …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 19 December [1862] , for CD’s advice to Scott regarding the …
  • … Laelia. See also letter from John Scott, 17 December [1862] ( ibid. ). In his letter to CD …
  • … in particular his attempt on 13 December 1862 to cross Stanhopea oculata with Laelia …
  • … Society of Edinburgh on 11 December 1862, and was published as an abstract ( Scott  …
  • … In his letter to Scott of 3 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD asked Scott to …
  • … with this species instead (see ibid. , letters from John Scott , 6 December [1862] and …
  • … 17 December [1862] ). In …
  • … his letter to CD of 17 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), Scott reported that he …
  • … ibid. , letter to John Scott, 19 December [1862] ). In Cattleya and the related Laelia , …
  • … on ‘bud-variation’, which he began on 21 December 1862 (see Correspondence vol.  10, …
  • … in his letter to Scott of 19 December [1862] , CD asked him to provide any cases of ‘what …
  • … a copy of his paper to CD in December 1862, noting the impact on the theory of natural …
  • … 10, letter from John Scott, 6 December [1862] ). The letter in which this offer was made …

From John Scott   3 March 1863



JS criticises natural selection as based on an innate "continuously watchful selective principle".

Seeks seed of wild Rocky Mountain maize.

What is CD’s view on origin of maize?

Seeks information on self-sterility of Passiflora and Lobelia.

Weeping habit of trees.

Intended to say bisexual plants presented more established varieties than unisexual, not that they are more variable.

Explains his opinion that homomorphically fertilised Primula will produce only their own form. Is trying homomorphic crosses with different coloured Primula varieties.

Asks to read Asa Gray’s 2d review of Orchids.

Has finally successfully fertilised Gongora, but it was done by unnatural means.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  3 Mar 1863
Classmark:  DAR 108: 179
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4021

Matches: 16 hits

  • … Scott, 16 February [1863] and n.  6. In his letters to Scott of 11 December [1862] and …
  • … 19 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD suggested that he repeat the experiments …
  • … Scott to attempt these and similar experiments in his letters of 19 November [1862] and …
  • … 11 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10); he reiterated the point about differently …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 77–96. [ Collected papers 2: 45–63. ] Gärtner, …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. Origin : On the origin of species by means …
  • … letter from John Scott, 17 December [1862] ); he published his results in Scott 1864d . …
  • … In his letter to Scott of 19 November [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD mentioned that …
  • … Société Impériale et Centrale d’Horticulture for 1862, and first appeared in the society’s …
  • … inheritance, in his letter to CD of 6 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10). For CD’s …
  • … 10, letter from John Rogers, 22 January 1862 . See letter from John Scott, 18 February [ …
  • … Scott 1862a and Correspondence vol.  10, letters from John Scott, 15 November [1862] and …
  • … 17 December [1862] . CD was also interested in the analogy between parthenogenetic plants …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 11 December [1862] , and this volume, letter to John Scott, 20 [ …
  • … See Correspondence vol.  10, letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] , and letter from …
  • … John Scott, 6 December [1862] . See n.  13, above. Scott experimented extensively with …

From John Scott   21 September [1863]



Sends Primula MS, which CD has promised to communicate to Linnean Society [see 4213].

Will soon send results on peloric Antirrhinum.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  21 Sept [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 96
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4301

Matches: 10 hits

  • … Correspondence vol.  10, letter to John Scott, 19 November [1862] , and letter from John …
  • … Scott, [20 November – 2 December 1862] . See also Scott 1863a . See letter to John Scott, …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 19 December [1862] ; see also this volume, letters from John …
  • … Verbascum (see Correspondence vol.  10, letters to John Scott , 19 November [1862] , 11  …
  • … December [1862] , and …
  • … 19 December [1862] , and letter from …
  • … John Scott, 17 December [1862] ). Scott published his results from these experiments in …
  • … 250–1 and 270 (see Correspondence vol.  10, letters to John Scott , 11 December [1862] and …
  • … 19 December [1862] , and letter from …
  • … John Scott, 17 December [1862] ). See also this volume, enclosure to letter to John Scott, …

From John Scott   18 February [1863]



Sends Acropera capsule for CD to dissect.

Will try to raise Acropera from seed (never done before in Britain) to examine its sexual forms.

Studying primroses, parthenogenesis, and reproduction of some cryptogams.

Received maize varieties from CD.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  18 Feb [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 84
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3997

Matches: 12 hits

  • … 18). See also Correspondence vol.  10, letters from John Scott , 15 November [1862] and …
  • … 17 December [1862] , and this volume, letter from John Scott, 16 January 1863 . In his …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 77–96. [ Collected papers 2: 45–63. ] ‘ …
  • … Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. ‘Three sexual forms of Catasetum tridentatum ’: …
  • … the possession of the Linnean Society. By Charles Darwin. [Read 3 April 1862. ] Journal of …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 151–7. [ Collected papers 2: 63–70. ] …
  • … to this interpretation. However, in November 1862, Scott wrote to CD informing him that he …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 , and letter to …
  • … John Scott, 12 November [1862] ), forcing CD to revise his earlier conclusion (see n.  5, …
  • … November 1861. CD continued to work on the subject during 1862 (see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 19 November [1862] ). See also letters to John Scott , 16  …
  • … Botanical Society of Edinburgh on 12 June 1862 ( Scott 1862a ), Scott argued that there …

To John Scott   21 January [1863]



Urges JS to publish on orchid pollen-tubes.

Suggests comparing stigmatic tissue of sterile hybrids and fertile parent; he would expect hybrid plant’s cell contents not to be coagulated after 24 hours in spirits of wine.

Suggests JS coat orchid stigmas with plaster of Paris for his work on rostellar germination.

Asks for list of "bud-variation" cases; CD has devoted a chapter to the subject.

Inquiries about I. Anderson-Henry’s observational competence.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  21 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B56–7, B75–6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3934

Matches: 9 hits

  • … In his letter to Scott of 3 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD asked Scott to …
  • … with his letter to CD of 6 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10). He argued that …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. ‘Two forms in species of Linum ’: On the …
  • … Nat. Hist. Review Part VIII.  p.  419—(Oct 1862) for quotation from M.  Baillon, on pollen …
  • … 10, letter to Daniel Oliver, 8 June [1862] , and this volume, letter to Isaac Anderson- …
  • … Botanical Society of Edinburgh on 11 December 1862, appeared in the Gardeners’ Chronicle , …
  • … dealing with ‘bud-variation’, on 21 December 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10, Appendix …
  • … II); in his letter to Scott of 19 December [1862] , CD asked Scott to provide him with any …
  • … 10, letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 . See also letter to Asa Gray, 19 January [ …

From John Scott   [3 June 1863]



Thanks CD for influence used with Hooker to obtain a colonial position. Has offended J. H. Balfour by refusing the Darjeeling post and James McNab has become unfriendly, although his experiments do not detract from his garden work.

Will write Primula paper for Linnean Society as CD suggests.

His Darwinism is unpalatable at Edinburgh Botanic Garden.

Describes results with non-dimorphic Primula species. Such cases do not accord with CD’s view that characters are slowly acquired.

Thanks for criticism of his writing style.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [3 June 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 93
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4202

Matches: 10 hits

  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 77–96. [ Collected papers 2: 45–63. ] DNB : …
  • … John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] . In December 1862, CD had, at Scott’s request, suggested …
  • … to attempt (see Correspondence vol.  10, letters from John Scott, 6 December [1862] and …
  • … 17 December [1862] , and letters to …
  • … John Scott, 11 December [1862] and …
  • … 19 December [1862] ). See letter to John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] . See the enclosure …
  • … non-dimorphic species of Primula at the end of 1862, but this list has not been found (see …
  • … vol.  10, letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] and n.  2). A similar list appeared in …
  • … vol.  10, letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] . Scott may have been confused by CD’s …
  • … vol.  10, letter to John Scott, 19 November [1862] . Scott refers to Karl Friedrich von …

To John Scott   20 [February 1863]



Thanks JS for the very large Acropera capsule. CD has perhaps made a blunder about the sex of Acropera.

JS was right that successive homomorphic generations of Primula breed true.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  20 [Feb 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B20–1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4003

Matches: 7 hits

  • … 10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 , and this volume, letter to John Scott, 16  …
  • … cowslips ( Primula veris ) in the spring of 1862 (see Correspondence vol.  10). CD’s notes …
  • … and on the good effects of intercrossing. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. …
  • … orchids’ ). In his letter of 18 February [1862] , Scott posed the question: ‘If Acropera …
  • … vol.  10, letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] and n.  6). CD’s observations on the …
  • … sinensis , based on trials conducted in 1862, were published in ‘Illegitimate offspring of …
  • … pp.  410–11: I raised during February 1862, from some long-styled plants illegitimately …

To John Scott   2 July [1863]



CD’s great interest in JS’s work on fertility of Primula crosses.

Thanks for Passiflora trials.

"By no means modify even in slightest degree any result."

CD wishes he had counted rather than weighed Primula seeds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  2 July [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B79; Linnean Society of London (Quentin Keynes collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4229

Matches: 5 hits

  • … see Correspondence vol.  10, letters from M.  S.  Wedgwood, [before 4 August 1862] and [ …
  • … 6 August 1862] , and letter to K.  E.  S. , L.   …
  • … C. , and M.  S.  Wedgwood, 4 [August 1862] ). CD’s original notes on the specimens are in …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 77–96. [ Collected papers 2: 45–63. ] Forms of …
  • … Darwin had contracted scarlet fever in 1862 (see Correspondence vol.  10). Enclosure 1 has …

From John Scott   21 May [1863]


Supports, in his orchid paper, CD’s view that sterility occurs at random [Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 7 (1863): 543–50].

Cannot get his Drosera paper published [abstract in Edinburgh New Philos. J. 2d ser. 17 (1863): 317–18].

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  21 May [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 108: 181, DAR 177: 88
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4174

Matches: 7 hits

  • … Botanical Society of Edinburgh on 11 December 1862; it was never published in full, but …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. Origin : On the origin of species by means …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 77–96. [ Collected papers 2: 45–63. ] DNB : …
  • … a list of reviews of Orchids published in 1862, see Correspondence vol.  10, Appendix VII. …
  • … 25 and 28 May [1863] . CD had suggested in 1862 that Scott experiment on Passiflora (see …
  • … Correspondence vol.  10, letters to John Scott , 19 November [1862] , and …
  • … 11 December [1862] and n.  21). CD wanted to corroborate statements that some species of …

To John Scott   12 April [1863]



Encourages JS to publish on sterility of orchids and to experiment on Passiflora.

Doubted Hooker’s poppy case.

Describes case of primrose with three pistils: when pulled apart allowed pollen to be placed directly on ovules. This supports JS’s explanation of H. Crüger’s case.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  12 Apr [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B59, B77–8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4084

Matches: 6 hits

  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. Variation : The variation of animals and …
  • … the small green wood orchid), made in July and August 1862 (see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letters from Asa Gray , 29 July 1862  and 18– …
  • … 19 August 1862 ), and to the letter …
  • … from Asa Gray, 22 September 1862 ( ibid. ). See letter from John Scott, [1–11] April [ …
  • … and experiments on the two genera in 1862, see Correspondence vol.  10. CD’s published …

To John Scott   20 [June 1863]



Glad to hear of JS’s orchid paper [Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 7 (1863): 543–50].

Suggests experiments on peloria.

Wants to count seed of the self-fertile red cowslip with equal stamens and styles.

Can send account of Hottonia.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  20 [June 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B53–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4114

Matches: 5 hits

  • … letter to M.  T.  Masters, 8 July [1862] ), and had ordered plants of peloric varieties …
  • … of Gloxinia and Antirrhinum at the end of 1862 (see ibid. , …
  • … letter to John Scott, 19 December [1862] ). See also letter to Isaac Anderson-Henry, 20  …
  • … of several varieties of Pelargonium in the summer of 1862 (see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letter to Asa Gray, 1 July [1862] , and the experimental notes in DAR 51: B4–9, B12– …

To John Scott   6 June [1863]



CD has spoken to Hooker of JS’s scientific merit, but has not suggested him for a colonial appointment.

Advice on style of writing.

Making extensive extract of JS’s orchid paper to communicate to Linnean Society [J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 8 (1865): 162–7].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  6 June [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B38–40
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4206

Matches: 5 hits

  • … the Botanical Society of Edinburgh on 10 July 1862 ( Transactions and Proceedings of the …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Botany ) 6 (1862): 77–96. [ Collected papers 2: 45–63. ] ‘ …
  • … letter from John Scott, 17 December [1862] , and this volume, letters from John Scott , [ …
  • … Baron Brougham and Vaux. In the spring of 1862, having written ‘Dimorphic condition in …
  • … In his letter to Scott of 11 December [1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10), CD suggested that …

To John Scott   1 and 3 August [1863]



Thanks JS for orchid paper [Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 7 (1863): 543–50]. JS presents excellent new facts on sterility of orchids.

His argument that coloured primroses are not hybrids is good, as is idea of discovering primrose parentage by breeding for colours.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  1 and 3 Aug 1863
Classmark:  DAR 93: B24, B27–8, B70; DAR 147: 455
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4260

Matches: 6 hits

  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. Origin : On the origin of species by means …
  • … 10, letter to John Scott, 11 December [1862] . Joseph Dalton Hooker . See letters from …
  • … with primroses and cowslips from April 1862 to 1867 (see DAR 157a, pp.  76–7, and DAR …
  • … 10, letter to Daniel Oliver, 13 October [1862] and n.  3. Scott reported a seed-forming …
  • … of CD’s theory ( Hildebrand 1861 ); in 1862 he wrote to CD offering to help produce a …
  • … 10, letter from Friedrich Hildebrand, 14 July 1862) . Hildebrand regularly contributed to …

To John Scott   2 May [1863]



Impressed by JS’s attempts to fertilise Gongora.

CD has large collection of notes on orchids, but does not know when he will publish on them again.

Asks for JS’s papers on sterility of individual orchids and on Drosera.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  2 May [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B25–6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4137

Matches: 5 hits

  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. Variation : The variation of animals and …
  • … of Gongora and the related Acropera since November 1862 (see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 ). See also this volume, letters from John …
  • … subsequent to the appearance of Orchids in 1862, in ‘Fertilization of orchids’ , published …
  • … Society of Edinburgh on 11 December 1862, abstracts of which appeared in the Gardeners’ …

From John Scott   [after 12] April [1863]



Thanks for CD’s Linum paper [Collected papers 2: 93–105].

Has not published much because he would be ignored as a gardener; hence he is looking for a foreign appointment.

Has prepared orchid sterility paper at CD’s suggestion [Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 7 (1863): 543–50].

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [after 12] Apr [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 87
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4087

Matches: 4 hits

  • … encouraging Scott’s experimental work since November 1862 (see Correspondence vol.  10). …
  • … of Gongora and the related Acropera since November 1862 (see Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 ). In his letter of 3 March 1863 , Scott …
  • … In his letter to Scott of 19 December [1862] ( ibid. ), CD sent a list of suggested …

To John Scott   8 January [1863]


CD’s respect for JS’s indomitable work and interesting experiments increases steadily.

His gratitude for the primulas and the astonishing Gongora specimen.

Asks JS’s opinion about crossing a primrose with the pollen of a wild cowslip and of a cultivated polyanthus.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  8 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  Transactions of the Hawick Archæological Society (1908): 67
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3908F

Matches: 4 hits

  • … see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 , and letter to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 18 [November  1862] ). CD discussed Gongora in ‘Fertilization of orchids’, …
  • … 10, letter from John Scott, 15 November [1862] , and Correspondence vol.  11, letter from …
  • … of Primulaceae on the advice of CD from 1862 (see Correspondence vols.  10–12, and Scott  …

To John Scott   7 November [1863]



Has read JS’s paper [MS of "Observations on the functions and structure of the reproductive organs in the Primulaceae", J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 8 (1865): 78–126] which has interested him greatly. Will communicate it to the Linnean Society if JS carries out a few corrections.

Would like to hear about his Verbascum and Passiflora experiments.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Scott
Date:  7 Nov [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 93: B5–6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4332

Matches: 3 hits

  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862. Scott, John. 1867. On the reproductive …
  • … Verbascum and Passiflora since November 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10, and this volume, …
  • … 10, letter from John Scott, 11 November 1862 ). CD continued to puzzle over Acropera in …
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Darwin in letters, 1862: A multiplicity of experiments


1862 was a particularly productive year for Darwin. This was not only the case in his published output (two botanical papers and a book on the pollination mechanisms of orchids), but more particularly in the extent and breadth of the botanical experiments…

Matches: 28 hits

  • … As the sheer volume of his correspondence indicates, 1862 was a particularly productive year for …
  • … be so’ ( letter from J. D. Hooker, [15 and] 20 November [1862] ). I have not the least …
  • … him from this view ( letter to T. H. Huxley, 14 [January 1862] ): 'no doubt you are right …
  • … Huxley replied ( letter from T. H. Huxley, 20 January 1862 ): 'I entertain no doubt that …
  • … but continued ( letter to T. H. Huxley, 18 December [1862] ): 'you say the answer to …
  • … but complained ( letter to T. H. Huxley, 28 December [1862] ): 'To get the degree of …
  • … him the commission ( see letter to John Scott, 11 December [1862] ). Darwin was altogether taken …
  • … is no common man’ ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 12 [December 1862] ). Two sexual forms: …
  • … with his study of  Primula  and escalated throughout 1862 as he searched for other cases of …
  • … 1861, and was published in the society’s journal in March 1862. The paper described the two …
  • … in almost daily’ ( letter to Asa Gray, 22 January [1862] ). In a postscript, he mentioned his work …
  • … telling Hooker ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 7 March [1862] ): ‘I am nearly sure that daylight is …
  • … great’, he told Gray ( letter to Asa Gray, 10–20 June [1862] ), ‘I have lately counted one by one …
  • …  labour over them’ ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 14 [October 1862] ; see ML 2: 292–3). Other …
  • … of dimorphism’ ( letter to Daniel Oliver, 12 [April 1862] ), and experimenting to test his …
  • … sets of experiments’ ( letter to M. T. Masters, 24 July [1862] ). The materials that Darwin …
  • …  case he determined to experiment on  Linum  in 1862. Soon he was enthralled, especially by the …
  • … be generically distinct’ ( letter to Asa Gray, 14 July [1862] ). The case was so good that he …
  • … Linum  ‘at once’ ( letter to John Scott, 11 December [1862] ), writing up his experiments in …
  • … complex case—’ ( letter to Daniel Oliver, 29 [July 1862] ). The three forms had different lengths …
  • … who exclaimed to Gray ( letter to Asa Gray, 9 August [1862] ), ‘I am almost stark staring mad over …
  • … the Linnean Society ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 6 October [1862] ). However, it was not until 1864 …
  • … pleasure to ride’ ( letter to Asa Gray, 22 January [1862] ). But he worried about the resulting …
  • … the Book will sell’ ( letter to John Murray, 9 [February 1862] ). To his son, William, his …
  • … every  flower’ ( letter to Daniel Oliver, 8 June [1862] ). I never before felt half so …
  • … he told Hooker ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 15 [May 1862] ). But he did not have long to wait. ‘It is …
  • … it ‘most valuable’ (letter from George Bentham, 15 May 1862).  Orchids  was published on 15 May, …
  • … all, ‘a success’ ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 30 [June 1862] ). a flank-movement on the …

Origin: the lost changes for the second German edition


Darwin sent a list of changes made uniquely to the second German edition of Origin to its translator, Heinrich Georg Bronn.  That lost list is recreated here.

Matches: 5 hits

  • … In March 1862, Heinrich Georg Bronn wrote to Darwin stating his intention to prepare a …
  • … edition (see letter from H. G. Bronn, [before 11 March 1862] ). Since the publication of the …
  • … of importance’ (see letter to H. G. Bronn, 11 March [1862] ). Darwin had sent Bronn some of these …
  • … in the new edition; in his letter to Bronn of 25 April [1862 ], he mentioned that he was sending …
  • … from E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 11 July 1862 ). (No American edition incorporating …

Dramatisation script


Re: Design – Adaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and others… by Craig Baxter – as performed 25 March 2007

Matches: 8 hits

  • … in the mud. BEGINNING OF WAR IN AMERICA: 1861-1862 In which the start of the American …
  • … cause. Tension.   THE DARWIN BOYS: 1862 In which Darwin reports one …
  • … 1856 33  C DARWIN TO JD HOOKER, 14 MARCH 1862 34  JD HOOKER TO C DARWIN, …
  • … 1861 115 A GRAY TO CHARLES WRIGHT, 17 APRIL 1862 116 A GRAY TO RW CHURCH 7 MAY …
  • … 10 JUNE 1861 121  A GRAY TO C DARWIN, 31 MARCH 1862 122  JD HOOKER TO C …
  • … 16 DEC 1861 124 A GRAY TO ENGELMANN, 20 FEB 1862 125  A GRAY TO C DARWIN, 31 …
  • … 7 JULY 1863 152 C DARWIN TO JD HOOKER, DECEMBER 1862 153  JD HOOKER TO C …
  • … 1861 163  C Darwin TO A Gray, 16 OCTOBER 1862 164  C Darwin TO ASA GRAY, …

Darwin’s hothouse and lists of hothouse plants


Darwin became increasingly involved in botanical experiments in the years after the publication of Origin. The building of a small hothouse - a heated greenhouse - early in 1863  greatly increased the range of plants that he could keep for scientific…

Matches: 6 hits

  • … Towards the end of 1862, Darwin resolved to build a small hothouse at Down House, for …
  • …  vol. 10, letter to J. D. Hooker, 24 December [1862] , and volume 10, letter to Thomas Rivers, …
  • … a construction suitable for tropical plants. In 1861 and 1862, while preparing  Orchids , he was …
  • …  vol. 10, letter to J. D. Hooker, 12 [December 1862] and n. 13). Initially, Darwin purchased for …
  • … over the previous two years. In a letter of 24 December [1862] ( Correspondence  vol. 10) …
  • … Kent ( Post Office directory of the six home counties  1862). 3.  Asclepias curassavica. …

I beg a million pardons: To John Lubbock, [3 September 1862]


  Alison Pearn looks at a letter Darwin wrote to his neighbour and friend, John Lubbock, after making a mistake in his research on bees in 1862.

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Lubbock, after making a mistake in his research on bees in 1862. …

Evolution: Selected Letters of Charles Darwin 1860-1870


This selection of Charles Darwin’s letters includes correspondence with his friends and scientific colleagues around the world; letters by the critics who tried to stamp out his ideas, and by admirers who helped them to spread. It takes up the story of…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … towards your doctrines … Huxley to Darwin, 1862. I cannot bear the thought …
  • … … Darwin to Asa Gray, in Boston, Mass., 1862. I have been greatly …

Clémence Auguste Royer


Getting Origin translated into French was harder than Darwin had expected. The first translator he approached, Madame Belloc, turned him down on the grounds that the content was ‘too scientific‘, and then in 1860 the French political exile  Pierre…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … her translation of Origin. First published in 1862, Royer’s translation of …
  • … “I received 2 or 3 days ago”, he told Asa Gray in 1862 , “a French Translation of the Origin by a …
  • … criticisms of her work always made reference to her sex. In 1862, Edouard Claparede wrote to …

Women’s scientific participation


Observers | Fieldwork | Experimentation | Editors and critics | Assistants Darwin’s correspondence helps bring to light a community of women who participated, often actively and routinely, in the nineteenth-century scientific community. Here is a…

Matches: 5 hits

  • … Letter 3787 - Darwin, H. E. to Darwin, [29 October 1862] Henrietta Darwin provides …
  • … Letter 3634 - Darwin to Gray, A., [1 July 1862] Darwin tells American naturalist Asa …
  • … 3681  - Wedgwood, M. S. to Darwin, [before 4 August 1862] Darwin’s niece, Margaret, …
  • … lady”. Darwin, E. to Darwin, W. E. , (March, 1862 - DAR 219.1:49) Emma Darwin …
  • …  - Darwin to Wedgwood, K. E. S, M. S. & L. C., [4 August 1862] Darwin thanks his “angel …

Floral Dimorphism


Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment Floral studies In 1877 Darwin published a book that included a series of smaller studies on botanical subjects. Titled The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species, it consisted primarily of…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Letter 3468 - Darwin to JD Hooker, 7 March 1862 Darwin wishes he could sympathize with Asa …
  • … Letter 3515 - Daniel Oliver to Darwin, 23 April 1862 Daniel Oliver, an assistant under …
  • … Letter 3757 - Joseph Dalton Hooker to Darwin, 12 October 1862 J. D. Hooker writes to …

Darwin & Glen Roy


Although Darwin was best known for his geological work in South America and other remote Beagle destinations, he made one noteworthy attempt to explain a puzzling feature of British geology.  In 1838, two years after returning from the voyage, he travelled…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … 1 October [1861] To Charles Lyell, 1 April [1862] To Charles Lyell, 14 October …

Have you read the one about....


... the atheistical cats, or the old fogies in Cambridge? We've suggested a few - some funny, some serious - but all letters you can read here.

Matches: 1 hits

  • … ... the atheistical cats, or the old fogies in Cambridge? We've suggested a few - some funny, some …



Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment A project to follow On the Origin of Species Darwin began to observe English orchids and collect specimens from abroad in the years immediately following the publication of On the Origin of Species. Examining…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … SOURCES Books Darwin, Charles 1862. On the various contrivances by which …
  • … 3421 —Charles Darwin to Joseph Dalton Hooker 30 January 1862 Darwin tells Hooker about a …
  • … Letter 3662 —Charles Darwin to Asa Gray 23-4 July 1862 Darwin tells Asa Gray, a professor …
  • … Darwin’s work with orchids and Chapter 1 of Darwin’s 1862 book On the various …

Forms of flowers


Darwin’s book The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species, published in 1877, investigated the structural differences in the sexual organs of flowers of the same species. It drew on and expanded five articles Darwin had published on the…

Matches: 6 hits

  • … briefly mentioned in his Primula paper. In July 1862, Darwin explained to Gray, ‘ I have …
  • … of the genus Linum ’, between 11 and 21 December 1862. The paper was read at a meeting of the …
  • … to Lythrum , a genus that he had begun researching in 1862 after Hooker had supplied him with …
  • … of Lythrum he had been working on since late July 1862. He told Oliver that, ‘ as each form has …
  • … of the crossing experiments immediately, but by October 1862, he admitted to Hooker, ‘ I am rather …
  • … 117: 50). Darwin released William from counting in November 1862, telling him, ‘ Next year I shall …

Dining at Down House


Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment Dining, Digestion, and Darwin's Domestic Life While Darwin is best remembered for his scientific accomplishments, he greatly valued and was strongly influenced by his domestic life. Darwin's…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Letter 3626 —Emma Darwin to T. G. Appleton, 28 June [1862] Here Emma writes on her husband’s …
  • … Letter 3597 —Darwin to Joseph Dalton Hooker, 11 June [1862] Among bits of family news and …

Darwin in letters, 1865: Delays and disappointments


The year was marked by three deaths of personal significance to Darwin: Hugh Falconer, a friend and supporter; Robert FitzRoy, captain of the Beagle; and William Jackson Hooker, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and father of Darwin’s friend…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … on  Verbascum.  Darwin had suggested to Scott in 1862, when Scott was working at the Royal Botanic …
  • … vol. 10, letter to John Scott, 19 November [1862] ). Darwin had already written to Hooker of …
  • … disturbing the serenity of the Christian world’ (Brewster 1862, p. 3). John Hutton Balfour, though …
  • …  vol. 10, letter from J. H. Balfour, 14 January 1862 ). According to Hooker, Balfour’s prejudice …

Darwin on race and gender


Darwin’s views on race and gender are intertwined, and mingled also with those of class. In Descent of man, he tried to explain the origin of human races, and many of the differences between the sexes, with a single theory: sexual selection. Sexual…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … [1859] Letter to Charles Kingsley, 6 February [1862] Letter from F. W. Farrar, …

Darwin and Fatherhood


Charles Darwin married Emma Wedgwood in 1839 and over the next seventeen years the couple had ten children. It is often assumed that Darwin was an exceptional Victorian father. But how extraordinary was he? The Correspondence Project allows an unusually…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … all of their education in the home, although he noted in 1862 that his fifteen-year-old daughter …
  • … her own wish’ (Darwin to his son William,  30 [October 1862] ). Darwin frequently discussed the …

Species and varieties


On the origin of species by means of natural selection …so begins the title of Darwin’s most famous book, and the reader would rightly assume that such a thing as ‘species’ must therefore exist and be subject to description. But the title continues, …or…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … about whether sterility could be ‘selected’. In 1862, he told Hooker, ‘I am now strongly inclined to …
  • … species distinct’ ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 12 [December 1862] ). In 1866, Darwin compared the …

Women as a scientific audience


Target audience? | Female readership | Reading Variation Darwin's letters, in particular those exchanged with his editors and publisher, reveal a lot about his intended audience. Regardless of whether or not women were deliberately targeted as a…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … lady”. Darwin, E. to Darwin, W. E. , (March 1862 - DAR 219.1:49) Emma Darwin …

Sexual selection


Although natural selection could explain the differences between species, Darwin realised that (other than in the reproductive organs themselves) it could not explain the often marked differences between the males and females of the same species.  So what…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … the Lords' ( to J. D. Hooker, 25 [and 26] January [1862] ) In 1869, Darwin …
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