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To J. D. Hooker   13 January [1863]



Acquired characteristics.

Huxley’s lectures: good on induction, bad on sterility, obscure on geology.

Asa Gray on slavery.

Falconer’s partial conversion.

Alphonse de Candolle on Origin.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  13 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 179
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3913

Matches: 10 hits

  • … November and December 1862; the lectures were published as T.  H.  Huxley 1863a . See …
  • … letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [January 1863] , and letter from J.  D. …
  • … Hooker, [12 January 1862] . T.  H.  Huxley 1863a , pp.  55–67. Huxley’s discussion of …
  • … Kölreuter 1761–6 ). See letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [January 1863] , and Correspondence …
  • … vol.  10, Appendix VI. T.  H.  Huxley 1863a , pp.  29–52. CD refers particularly to pages …
  • … to a non-geologist. See letters to T.  H.  Huxley, 7 December [1862] and n.  7, and 18  …
  • … 1862] ( Correspondence vol.  10). T.  H.  Huxley 1863a , pp.  153–6. While arguing that ‘ …
  • … There is a lightly annotated copy of T.  H.  Huxley 1863a in the Darwin Library–CUL (see …
  • … that were sterile with one another ( T.  H.  Huxley 1863a , pp.  146–50). CD, by contrast, …
  • … 12 January 1863] , and letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [January 1863] and n.  4. Letter from …

From J. D. Hooker   [12 January 1863]



Huxley’s lectures [Man’s place in nature (1863)]; he would be a scientific H. T. Buckle, if he were more careful.

Asks CD what the evidence is for inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [12 Jan 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 98
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3892

Matches: 5 hits

  • … however, see the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 January [1863] . T.  H.  Huxley 1863a . See …
  • … letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [January 1863] and n.  2. …
  • … T.  H.  Huxley 1863a , pp.  83–157. Hooker refers to the historian Henry Thomas Buckle , …
  • … 7 March [1862] ). See letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [January 1863] and n.  4. In his letter …
  • Huxley’s lectures [ Man’s place in nature (1863)]; he would be a scientific H. T. Buckle, …

From J. D. Hooker   [15 January 1863]



JDH on Asa Gray’s sanguine view of the Civil War and slavery.

Wishes to discuss variation with CD, a subject that Huxley does not understand.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [15 Jan 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 101–2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3919

Matches: 6 hits

  • … Huxley’s six lectures to working men ( T.  H.  Huxley 1863a ) delivered at the Museum of …
  • … with Huxley about ‘overdoing sterility’ (see T.  H.  Huxley 1863a , pp.  146–50). …
  • … See letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [January 1863] and nn.  5–9, and Correspondence …
  • … vol.  10, letters to T.  H.  Huxley, 18 December [1862] and 28 December [1862] , and …
  • … VI.  There is an annotated copy of T.  H.  Huxley 1863a in the Darwin Library–CUL (see …
  • … 1862  in the Darwin Library– Down. T.  H.  Huxley 1863a , pp.  153–6. In his letter to …

From J. D. Hooker   [26 February 1863]



Criticism of Antiquity of man; its public reception.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [26 Feb 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 108–10
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4011

Matches: 3 hits

  • … his shop displays a human head and body parts for sale (T.  H.  Huxley, 1863b, p.  55). …
  • … as to man’s place in nature ( T.  H.  Huxley 1863b ). The reference is to Hugh Falconer , …
  • … Brain-chapter was Huxley’s writing, though not his words. I have just received H’s coarse- …

To J. D. Hooker   13 [March 1863]



Lyell’s position on mutability.

Fertilisation of trees by bees.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  13 [Mar 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 186
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4039

Matches: 2 hits

  • … as to man’s place in nature ( T.  H. Huxley 1863b ) that appeared in the Athenæum , 28  …
  • … There is an annotated copy of T.  H. Huxley 1863b in the Darwin Library–CUL. Hooker had …

From J. D. Hooker   [15 March 1863]



JDH battling with Lyell over treatment of species question in Antiquity of man. Distressed by Lyell’s raising false priority issue between JDH and CD. Falconer involved in a priority squabble.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [15 Mar 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 117–20
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4040

Matches: 3 hits

  • … published in the Athenæum , 4 April 1863, pp.  459–60. T.  H.  Huxley 1863b . The third …
  • … chapter of T.  H.  Huxley 1863b (pp.  119–59), entitled ‘On some fossil remains of man’, …
  • … magnificence of Huxleys language, nor to the sublimity of some of the passages in H s .   …

To J. D. Hooker   3 January [1863]



Indignant over Owen’s conduct as described in Hugh Falconer’s article on elephants ["On the American fossil elephant of the regions bordering the Gulf of Mexico", Nat. Hist. Rev. (1863): 43–114].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  3 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 178
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3898

Matches: 3 hits

  • … D.  Hooker, [6 March 1863] and n.  7. T.  H.  Huxley and Owen had maintained a deep-seated …
  • … Correspondence vol.  8, letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 9 April [1860] . There is an annotated …
  • H.  Review & mark Owen’s whole conduct. — I could not get to sleep till past 3 last night from indignation. Thinking over his conduct in this case, in the Brain-case & towards Mantell Nasmyth, Huxley, …

To J. D. Hooker   15 and 22 May [1863]



The Lyell–Falconer squabble.

Discusses island vs continental floras and their degree of modification.

Critical of Wallace.

CD’s observations on phyllotaxy.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  15 and 22 May 1863
Classmark:  DAR 115: 193
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4167

Matches: 2 hits

  • … s Man’s place in nature ( T.  H.  Huxley 1863b ), and a pseudonymous letter to the editor …
  • H.  Darwin, [before 11  May 1863]. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [13 May 1863] and n.  25. John Edward Gray was the keeper of the zoological collections at the British Museum . The first number of the Anthropological Review appeared in May 1863 and carried an anonymous review of Thomas Henry Huxley’ …

From J. D. Hooker   15 September 1863



Pleased CD accepts continental extension for New Zealand, whose flora has many genera like Rubus with great diversity and connecting intermediates. Suggests geological uplifting creates more space, hence opportunities for preservation of intermediates. Sees clash with CD on causes of extreme diversity of form in a group.

JDH’s attitude toward democratisation of science.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  15 Sept 1863
Classmark:  DAR 101: 163–6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4306

Matches: 1 hit

  • … of eleven co-editors, with T.  H.  Huxley as de facto editor-in-chief. However, Huxley …

To J. D. Hooker   17 March [1863]



Lyell’s Antiquity of man lacks originality.

Statements in Lyell provoke CD to determine exact publication date of Origin and JDH’s introductory essay [to Flora Tasmaniae].

CD now believes in repeated periods of global cooling and migration.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  17 Mar [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 187
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4048

Matches: 1 hit

  • … The reference has not been identified. T.  H.  Huxley 1863b . See letter from J.  D.   …

From J. D. Hooker   [1 March 1863]



John Lubbock’s lecture on man a success [Not. Proc. R. Inst. G. B. 4 (1863): 29–40].

JDH on the effect of the Civil War on Asa Gray.

JDH’s opinion of Lyell on glaciers is improving.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1 Mar 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 111–13
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4019

Matches: 2 hits

  • H.  Mill 1646 , p.  161). In a letter published in the Athenæum on 28 February 1863, p.  297, George Rolleston criticised at length three of the statements made in a letter by Richard Owen that appeared in the Athenæum on 21 February 1863, pp.  262–3. Owen’s letter was a protest concerning the manner in which he felt his long-standing dispute with Thomas Henry Huxley
  • Huxley ed.  1918, 1: 387); he refers to examinations for admission to the Army Medical Service, held at Chelsea Hospital in February 1863 (see Statistical, Sanitary, and Medical Reports 5 (1865): 582–3, and letter from J.  D. Hooker, [23 February 1863] ). Hooker also refers to C.  Lyell 1863a . CD had apparently sent Hooker Asa Gray’s letter of 9 February 1863; this letter has not been found, but an indication of its contents is given by CD’s reply ( letter to Asa Gray, 20 March [1863] ), and by the letter to H.   …

To J. D. Hooker   5 [December 1863]



His bad health continues.

Thirty-two plants have come up from the earth attached to partridge’s foot.

Origin to be published in Italian.

Owen was wrong: Origin will not be forgotten in ten years.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  5 [Dec 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 213
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4353

Matches: 1 hit

  • Huxley . The Reader was a weekly journal reviewing literary and scientific works. The journal, which was issued for the first time on Saturday 3 January 1863, was liberal, religiously neutral, and had a circulation of about 1,000 (Ellegard 1990, Sullivan ed.  1984). CD began subscribing to the Reader by April 1863 (see letter to H.   …

To J. D. Hooker   [22–3 November 1863]



Tendril-bearing plants seem to CD "higher" organised with respect to adaptive sensibility than lower animals.

Wishes to encourage John Scott.

Death of JDH’s daughter makes CD cry over his own dead daughter Annie.

Sedgwick’s scientific merit.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  [22–3 Nov 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 211
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4345

Matches: 1 hit

  • H. W. C. Davis et al. 9 vols. London: Oxford University Press. 1927–96. [Forbes, James David. ] 1863. [Review of Charles Lyell’s Antiquity of man and other works. ] Edinburgh Review 118: 254–302. Huxley, …
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