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Darwin Correspondence Project

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List of correspondents


Below is a list of Darwin's correspondents with the number of letters for each one. Click on a name to see the letters Darwin exchanged with that correspondent.    "A child of God" (1) Abberley,…

Matches: 14 hits

  • … Below is a list of Darwin's correspondents with the number of letters for each one. …
  • … child of God" (1) Abberley, John (1) …
  • … Adams, A. L. (1) Addison, John (1) …
  • … Edwards & Co. (1) Babbage, Charles (10) …
  • … Balfour, J. H. (7) Ball, John (5) …
  • … Becher, A. B. (1) Beck, John (2) …
  • … Bond, Frederick (2) Boner, Charles (5) …
  • … Edward (1) Bradlaugh, Charles (2) …
  • … Brayley, E. W. (1) Breese, Charles (1) …
  • … Samuel (b) (14) Buxton, Charles (2) …
  • … Chapman, John (4) Charles, R. F. (2) …
  • … Lydekker, R. (1) Lyell, Charles (277) …
  • … Potonié, Henry (3) Powell, Baden (3) …
  • … H. E. (1) Wedgwood, Hensleigh (20) …

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 19 hits

  • … by H. W. Rutherford ( Catalogue of the library of Charles Darwin now in the Botany School, …
  • … [A. von Humboldt 1811] Richardson’s Fauna Borealis [J. Richardson 1829–37] …
  • … worth studying in a metaphys. point of view Henslow has list of plants of Mauritius with …
  • … The Emigrant, Head [F. B. Head 1846] St. Johns Highlands [C. W. G. Saint John 1846] …
  • … [Gaertner 1788–91] (Plates on all seeds) R. Soc Henslow says there is a grand book with …
  • … Von. J. Metzger. Heidelberg 1841 [Metzger 1841] Read Henslow in Botanist 36  has written on …
  • … B.M. 6. 6. Black Edin. Longman [Ramsay 1848] St. Johns Nat. Hist. of Sutherlanshire, Murray …
  • … ) [Harcourt 1851]. Yarrell has (read) Rev d  Baden Powel on the Unity of Worlds [Powell …
  • … 1859] } Fanny The Woman in White [Collins 1860] } Hensleigh [DAR *128: 151] …
  • … (detestable) Nov. 27 th . Moore’s Life by Lord J. Russell [T. Moore 1853–6] Vol VI …
  • … Physiolog. Comparee [Colin 1854–6].— Jan. 10. B. Powell. Unity of Worlds [Powell 1855]. …
  • … 1859]. (goodish) 1  The personal library of Charles Stokes from whom CD borrowed books …
  • … with ‘X’ in brown crayon. 101  Fanny Hensleigh, i.e., Frances Mackintosh Wedgwood. …
  • … Erskine. 2 vols. London.  *119: 14 Babington, Charles Cardale. 1839.  Primitiæ floræ   …
  • … years 1838–1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. New York. [Abstract in DAR 71: 51–2.]  …
  • … years 1838–1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Philadelphia. [Abstract in DAR 205.3: …
  • … ou, iconographie de toutes les espèces et   variétés d’arbres, fruitiers cultivés dans cet   …
  • …  [Paris]. [Other eds.]  119: 19a Hind, John Russell. [1852].  The solar system: a   …
  • …  2 vols. London.  *119: 11v.; 119: 10b Powell, Baden. 1855.  Essays on the spirit of the …