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Darwin Correspondence Project
Murray and John and b and 1867 in keywords disabled_by_default
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From Henry Bence Jones   2 August 1870


CD has complained of pins and needles keeping him from working on his book [Descent]. If he could spend ten days with HBJ, he would be well and fit.

Author:  Henry Bence Jones
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  2 Aug 1870
Classmark:  DAR 168: 79
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7293

Matches: 1 hit

  • B.  Jones to Emma Darwin, 1 October 1867 , and n.  5). CD sent the manuscript of Descent to the printers in August 1870 ( letter to John Murray, …

From S. P. Woodward   14 February 1863


Points out some errata in the Origin.

Discusses the factors producing the shape of the cells of the honeycomb.

Reports case of two varieties of musk-rat that behave very differently but are, according to Waterhouse, the same.

Author:  Samuel Pickworth Woodward
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  14 Feb 1863
Classmark:  DAR 181: 154
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3984

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1867–1925. Variation : The variation of animals and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. Woodward, Horace B. …

From W. B. Tegetmeier   [before 15 February 1868]


Agrees to help determine the sex ratios in domestic animals.

Author:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [before 15 Feb 1868]
Classmark:  DAR 178: 79
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5878

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1867 in Descent 1: 303. CD had written to Francis Trevelyan Buckland regarding the proportion of the sexes in fish. See letter to W.  B.  Tegetmeier, 11 February [1868] , and letter to F.  T.  Buckland, 12 February [1868] . The letter appeared in the Field for 22 February 1868, p.  144. Tegetmeier refers to Variation and to CD’ s publisher, John Murray . …
Document type
letter (3)
Darwin, C. R.disabled_by_default
1863 (1)
1868 (1)
1870 (1)