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From J. D. Hooker   10 June 1863



JDH lays hard treatment of John Scott to J. H. Balfour’s anti-Darwinism.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  10 June 1863
Classmark:  DAR 101: 149–50
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4210

Matches: 22 hits

  • … Hooker, 19 June 1863 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 23 [June 1863] ). Haliburton 1863 . …
  • … 1863a , p.  80 (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 January [1863] , letter to Daniel …
  • … Oliver, 20 [February 1863] , and letter from Daniel Oliver, 17 February 1863 ). …
  • … Hooker, [9 May 1863] and 29 May [1863] , and letters from J.  D.  Hooker, [13 May 1863] …
  • … the letter from John Scott, 21 May [1863] , with his letter to Hooker of 8 [June 1863] . …
  • … CD had enclosed the letter from Asa Gray, 26 May 1863 , with his letter to Hooker …
  • … Press , 1 April  1863, pp.  1–2, and 2 April 1863, pp.  2–3 (see letter from J.  D.   …
  • … annotations relate to subjects discussed by CD in his letter to Hooker of 23 [June 1863] . …
  • … on the subject in May 1863, requesting references from Hooker (see letters to J.  D.   …
  • … reference is to the letter from Julius von Haast, 5 March 1863 , and probably to Haast’s …
  • … 1862d, and 1863a). In his letter to Hooker of 8 [June 1863] , CD mentioned his intention …
  • … refers to John Evans’s letter in the Athenæum , 6 June 1863, pp.  747–8, in which Evans …
  • … s remarks on the subject in his letter to CD of 26 May 1863 (see n.  6, above). Spencer  …
  • … R.  Desmond 1994 ). See letter to J.  D. Hooker, 8 [June 1863] . Sigismund Rucker was a …
  • … See also letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 19 June 1863 . Beer 1863 . …
  • … see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [1 March 1863] and n.  7). …
  • … pp.  134–9. See also letter from S.  P.  Woodward, 5 June 1863 , n.  9. CD had become …
  • … Mann (see, for example, letters from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 March 1863] , [7 May 1863] , [13  …
  • … of plant migrations (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [24 May 1863] ). Hooker discussed the …
  • letter to Herbert Spencer, 2 February [1860] ); the volume presented Herbert Spencer’s evolutionary philosophy in abstract terms, and the remaining four parts, published between 1863  …
  • 1863] . Hooker and Asa Gray held radically different views on the American Civil War, and had for some time tacitly agreed not to discuss the matter in their letters ( …
  • 1863 ( J.  D.   Hooker 1863b ). CD was interested in the evidence these collections provided concerning the historical causes of the prevailing geographical distribution of plant species in tropical areas (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter

From John Scott   [1–11] April [1863]


Studying self-sterility, particularly in Oncidium, where abortion occurs consistently but stigma functions normally. His hybrid orchid crosses show sterility occurs capriciously. Thus it is not a "special endowment".

Disputes Asa Gray’s and Hermann Crüger’s view of rostellar germination.

Doubts absolute sterility of Catasetum.

Disappointed by results with homomorphic cowslips.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1–11] Apr [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 108: 183, DAR 177: 86 (fragile)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4073

Matches: 36 hits

  • … letter to John Scott, 24 March [1863] , and letter to Journal of Horticulture and Cottage …
  • … and 24 March [ 1863] , and letter from John Scott, 3 March 1863 . Scott apparently refers …
  • … letter to John Scott, 24 March [1863] , and letter from Hermann …
  • … in the issue for 31 March 1863), and the letter to John …
  • … Cottage Gardener , [17–24 March 1863], and James Anderson ’s letter in the Journal of …
  • … Portfolio — Rostellum’ ink ; ‘Crüger’ blue crayon End of letter : ‘April.  1863’ ink …
  • … Scott, 12 April [1863] . See letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] and …
  • … n.  4, and letter to John Scott, 24 March [1863] and n.   …
  • … 3. See letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] and n.   …
  • … 4, and letter to John Scott, 24 March [1863] . Scott’s experiments in pollinating species …
  • … pp.  96–101. In his letter to John Scott of 24 March [1863] , CD stated that cowslips …
  • … pp.  545–7. See also letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] and n.  5. In his account of …
  • … 260–3. See also letter from John Scott, 6 January 1863  and n.  10, and Correspondence …
  • … publish his results (see letter to John Scott, 12 April [1863] ). In Variation 2: 133, CD …
  • … See also Orchids 2d ed. , p.  289. See letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] . See …
  • … March 1863] and n.  9. See letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] and nn.  7 and 8. Asa …
  • … a copy of A.  Gray 1862a (see letter to John Scott, 6 March 1863 ), Scott discussed Gray’s …
  • … into the tissues’ of the rostellum (see letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] ). …
  • … See letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] . The reference is to …
  • … Orchids , p.  311 (see letter from John Scott, 16 January 1863  and n.  6). See Origin , …
  • … Orchids , pp.  203–10, 231–48, and letter from John Scott, 18 February [1863] and nn.  4  …
  • … and 5). See also letters to John Scott , 21 January [1863] , 20 [February 1863] , …
  • … G.  atropurpurea (see letter from John Scott, 3 March 1863 ). The reference is to …
  • … Hooker 1854a . See also letter from John Scott, 6 January 1863  and n.  8. CD compared the …
  • … mentioned. See Orchids , p.  324 n. , and letter to John Scott, 24 March [1863] . See n.   …
  • … See also letter from Hermann Crüger, 23 February 1863 . See …
  • … Horticulture , 17  March 1863, pp.  206–8. See letter from John Scott, 16 January 1863 . …
  • … See also letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] . See letter to …
  • … and Cottage Gardener , [17–24 March 1863]. See letter to Journal of Horticulture and …
  • … of which he reported in his letter to CD of [after 12] April [1863] . Scott had previously …
  • … appeared in the issue for 31 March 1863. In his letter to the Journal of Horticulture and …
  • … the letter to Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener , [17–24 March 1863] (published …
  • … tubes. See letter to Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener , [17–24 March 1863]. …
  • … CD’s letter to the Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener of [17–24 March 1863] …
  • … Crüger, 23 February 1863  and n.  5. See letter to Journal of Horticulture and …
  • 1863] and n.  7. CD began experimenting in 1862 with the unopening, ‘imperfect’ flowers of Viola and Oxalis ; these appeared at different times of the year from the larger, opening flowers (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter

From John Scott   [3 June 1863]



Thanks CD for influence used with Hooker to obtain a colonial position. Has offended J. H. Balfour by refusing the Darjeeling post and James McNab has become unfriendly, although his experiments do not detract from his garden work.

Will write Primula paper for Linnean Society as CD suggests.

His Darwinism is unpalatable at Edinburgh Botanic Garden.

Describes results with non-dimorphic Primula species. Such cases do not accord with CD’s view that characters are slowly acquired.

Thanks for criticism of his writing style.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [3 June 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 93
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4202

Matches: 25 hits

  • … from John Scott, 22 May 1863 , letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [23–7 May 1863] , and letter to John Scott, …
  • … the letter from John Scott, 21 May [1863] , and letter to John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] …
  • … letter from John Scott, 28 May [1863] , and letter to John …
  • … letter to John Scott, 31 May [1863] , and the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 8 [June 1863] ; …
  • … portion of the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [23–7 May 1863] , with his letter to Scott of …
  • … letter to John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] . See letter from John Scott, [1–11] April [ …
  • … See n.  14, above, and letter to John Scott, 31 May [1863] . The abstract of Scott 1863a …
  • … the reference is to the letter to John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] (see n.  3, below). CD …
  • … 25 and 28 May [ 1863] . See letter from John Scott, 6 January 1863  and n.  24. John …
  • … to recommend him (see letters from John Scott, 22 May 1863  and 26 May [1863] , and n.  6, …
  • … for the post of plantation overseer (see letters from John Scott, 22 May 1863  and …
  • … 25 and 28 May [ 1863] . See letter from John Scott, 22 May 1863 , n.   …
  • … May 1863, p.  8, with his letter to CD of 28 May [1863] . Scott’s paper was subsequently …
  • … Society [of Edinburgh] ( Scott 1863a ; see letter from John Scott, 16 June [1863] ). …
  • … See letters to John Scott, 23 May [1863] and 25 and 28 May [1863] . Scott paraphrases …
  • … 1864a , pp.  92–7. See letter from John Scott, 21 May [1863] , and Scott 1864a , pp.  105– …
  • … in Scott 1864a , pp.  91–2. See n.  14, above, and letter to John Scott, 31 May [1863] . …
  • … See letter to John Scott, 31 May [1863] . See …
  • … 3. See letter to John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] . In December 1862, CD had, at Scott’s …
  • … 19 December [1862] ). See letter to John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] . See the enclosure …
  • … pp.  545–6 n. In his letter to Scott of 25 and 28 May [1863] , CD offered to communicate …
  • … ibid. , p.  47). See letter to John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] . Scott sent CD a list of …
  • 1863] ). As curator of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, James McNab was Scott’s immediate superior. See letter
  • 1863] . In Origin , p.  98, CD cited his observations of dichogamy in Lobelia fulgens (a synonym of L. cardinalis ) as evidence that there were ‘special contrivances’ in many plants that prevented the stigma ‘receiving pollen from its own flower’. See also Correspondence vol.  10, letter

From J. D. Hooker   [13 May 1863]



Lyell is "half-hearted but whole-headed" for CD’s theory. George Bentham wholly converted.

Bates’s book delightful but has a Darwinistic bias.

Cameroon plants.

JDH defends Bates against J. E. Gray’s slanders.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [13 May 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 137–40
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4165

Matches: 27 hits

  • … Salvin, 11 [May 1863] , and letter from Osbert Salvin, 12 May 1863 . Osbert Salvin and …
  • … Gray, 20 April 1863 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [9 May 1863] . George Bentham worked …
  • … read before the society on 25 May 1863; see letters from George Bentham , 21 April 1863   …
  • … from Daniel Oliver, 17 February 1863 , and letter to Daniel Oliver, 20 [February 1863] ). …
  • … Africa were made between 1860  and 1863 (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [7 May 1863] and …
  • … this letter, the letter to Osbert Salvin, 11 [May 1863] , and the letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Gray, 20 April 1863 , with his letter to Hooker …
  • … 5544). See also n.  25, above, and letter to Charles Lyell, 17 March [1863] and n.  16. …
  • … in January 1863 ( DNB ). In his letter to CD of [8 May 1863] , Hooker wrote of Salvin’s …
  • … vol.  11, Appendix VIII). Bates 1863 . See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April 1863] and …
  • … 6). Hugh Falconer and Charles Lyell . See letter to Charles Lyell, [7 May 1863] , nn.  5  …
  • … was George Fagan ( British imperial calendar 1863). CD enclosed the letter from Asa …
  • … of [9 May 1863] . Charles Lyell ; see letter from Asa …
  • … from J.  D.  Hooker, [7 May 1863] and n.  11, and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [9 May 1863] . …
  • … but relied on a small private income (see letter from H.  W.  Bates, 20 April 1863 ). For …
  • … Hooker, 15 and 22 May [1863] . The intervening Wednesday was 13 May. See letter to Osbert …
  • … of Chichester, 1863, no.  60 (General Register Office)). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [9  …
  • … vi). Anon.  1863a. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [7 May 1863] and n.  3, and Appendix …
  • … in November 1859. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [9 May 1863] . The reference is to Daniel …
  • … 1852, and 1854). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [9 May 1863] and n.  11. The reference is …
  • … new hothouse (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [21 February 1863] ). See also Appendix VI. …
  • … who dare speak out’ (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [9 May 1863] ). John Edward Gray was …
  • … pp.  30–1). See also letter from H.  W.  Bates, 20 April 1863 . At this time Bates had …
  • … continent. See also letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 and 22 May [1863] . CD and Hooker had …
  • … and 6. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 and 22 May [1863] and n.  5. Hooker had sent …
  • 1863, see Woodcock 1969 , pp.  255–61. Bates’s evolutionary entomology was unpopular with the members of the Entomological Society of London, of whom CD wrote: ‘No body of men were at first so much opposed to my views’ (see letter
  • letter to H.  W.  Bates, 3 December [1861] ). On Gray’s character and antipathy towards evolutionary theory, see Gunther 1975 , pp.  176–7 and 453–6. Bates claimed to have collected 14,712 species while in South America, over 8000 of them being new ( Bates 1863 , …

From John Scott   21 September [1863]



Sends Primula MS, which CD has promised to communicate to Linnean Society [see 4213].

Will soon send results on peloric Antirrhinum.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  21 Sept [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 96
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4301

Matches: 14 hits

  • … to letter to John Scott, 6 March 1863 , letters from John Scott , 21 March [1863] and n.   …
  • … from John Scott, 16 June [1863] , and letter to John …
  • … 16 June [1863] , and letters to John Scott , 6  …
  • … 2 December 1862] . See also Scott 1863a . See letter to John Scott, 7 November [1863] . …
  • … following letter. See letters from John Scott , [3 June 1863] and 23 July [1863] . Scott …
  • … to the manuscript of Scott 1864a . See letters to John Scott , 25 and 28 May [1863] and …
  • … Scott, 20 [June 1863] ). See letter to John Scott, …
  • … 19 December [1862] ; see also this volume, letters from John Scott , 6 January 1863  and …
  • … in Scott 1867 . See also letter to John Scott, 7 November [1863] . CD had encouraged Scott …
  • … 4, and 21 May [1863] and n.  17, and letters to John Scott , 24 March [1863] and …
  • … 1 and 3 August [1863] . See Correspondence vol.  12, letter from John Scott, [13 January  …
  • 1863] . Scott published the results of his experiments with Passiflora in Scott 1864d . See Correspondence vol.  10, letter
  • 1863] ). Scott sent CD the results from his experiments in 1864, but they differed from CD’s own, and were not included in Variation (see Correspondence vol.  12, letters
  • 1863] . CD communicated Scott 1864a to the Linnean Society ; it was read on 4 February 1864. Scott 1863a . CD’s copy of this paper is in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL.  Scott had sent a second copy of the paper for CD to give to Joseph Dalton Hooker (see letter

From John Scott   3 March 1863



JS criticises natural selection as based on an innate "continuously watchful selective principle".

Seeks seed of wild Rocky Mountain maize.

What is CD’s view on origin of maize?

Seeks information on self-sterility of Passiflora and Lobelia.

Weeping habit of trees.

Intended to say bisexual plants presented more established varieties than unisexual, not that they are more variable.

Explains his opinion that homomorphically fertilised Primula will produce only their own form. Is trying homomorphic crosses with different coloured Primula varieties.

Asks to read Asa Gray’s 2d review of Orchids.

Has finally successfully fertilised Gongora, but it was done by unnatural means.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  3 Mar 1863
Classmark:  DAR 108: 179
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4021

Matches: 22 hits

  • … letter from John Scott, 6 January 1863 , and letter to John …
  • … never published. See letter from John Scott, 18 February [1863] , and letter to John …
  • … 5. See letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] . See …
  • … Scott, 16 February [1863] . See letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] . …
  • … See letter to John Scott, 16 February [1863] and n.  6. In his letters to Scott of 11  …
  • … subsequently sent, with his letter to Scott of 16 February [1863] , seed of a cultivated …
  • … varieties of maize in his letters to Scott of 21 January [1863] and 16 February [1863] . …
  • … A.  Gray 1862a . See letter to John Scott, 16 February [1863] and n.   …
  • … Origin , pp.  250–1. In his letter to Scott of 16 February [1863] , CD asked Scott to pass …
  • … 1: 817–19). In his letter to Scott of 21 January [1863] , CD asked for clarification of …
  • … and inheritance in plants (see letter to John Scott, 16 February [1863] and n.  12). …
  • … on this subject, see the letter from John Scott, 16 January 1863 , n.  11. By ‘bisexual’ …
  • … For CD’s response, see the letter to John Scott, 6 March 1863 . In Orchids , pp.  236–47, …
  • … 22 January 1862 . See letter from John Scott, 18 February [1863] . In a missing letter, …
  • … of variation in plants (see letter to John Scott, 16 February [1863] and n.  12). This …
  • … see n.  8, above, and letter from John Scott, 16 January 1863  and n.  11); however, the …
  • … 1862] , and this volume, letter to John Scott, 20 [February 1863] ). See Correspondence …
  • … the subject ( Scott 1864a ; see letters from John Scott, 21 May [1863] , [3 June 1863] , …
  • … and 23 July [1863] ). See letter from John …
  • letter from John Scott, 6 December [1862] . See n.  13, above. Scott experimented extensively with species of Primula during 1863, …
  • 1863] . CD cited William Alexander Wooler’s case of polyanthuses that produced long-styled flowers late, but not early, in the season in ‘Dimorphic condition in Primula ’ , p.  79 ( Collected papers 2: 47). On Scott’s interest in vegetable parthenogenesis, see Scott 1862a and Correspondence vol.  10, letters
  • 1863] , and Scott 1864a , pp.  97–103. Scott refers to CD’s discussion in Origin , pp.  270–1, of Gärtner’s experiments on maize, in which two differently coloured varieties of the same species were found to be infertile together, and his experiments on Verbascum , in which crosses between differently coloured varieties of the same or of different species were found to be less fertile than the parallel crosses between similarly coloured varieties. CD had encouraged Scott to attempt these and similar experiments in his letters

From J. D. Hooker   [6 March 1863]



Lyell’s position on mutability.

Directions for care of hothouse plants.

Falconer hostile to Lyell’s book.

JDH’s Wedgwood ware collection.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [6 Mar 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 114–16
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4036

Matches: 16 hits

  • … L.  C.  Treviranus, 12 February 1863 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 [March 1863] ). …
  • … to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 [March 1863] , letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Down; Hooker visited CD from Lubbock’s house on 22 March 1863 (see letters from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [15 March 1863] , and letter from Alfred …
  • … In his letter to Hooker of 5 March [1863] , CD mentioned that he had had difficulty in …
  • … Hooker, 13 [March 1863] . See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 March [1863] and n.  19. The …
  • … the Linnean Society . In his letter to Hooker of 5 March [1863] , CD expressed a hope that …
  • … Hooker, [15 March 1863] and [24 March 1863] ). See letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Gardens, Kew. In a letter published in the Athenæum , 4 April 1863, pp.  459–60, Hugh …
  • … to Richard Owen’s letter, published in the Athenæum on 21 February 1863, pp.  262–3, …
  • … The letter is dated by Hooker’s reference to F.  Smith 1863 (see n.  8, below); Hooker …
  • … eczema relieved him of other symptoms (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 March [1863] ). …
  • … was published in the Athenæum on 7 March 1863, pp.  331–2. See also letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Nasmyth’s work. See also letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 3 January [1863] and n.  4. Frederick …
  • 1863] and n.  4; the reference is to Variation. The specimens of South American wild potato were some of those brought back by Alfred Newton from his visit to the Americas (see letter
  • 1863 ). In November 1862, while preparing a draft of the part of Variation dealing with ‘Facts of variation of Plants’, CD had unsuccessfully sought ‘odd varieties ’ of potato from Hooker, with the intention of growing a few plants of each for comparison (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter

From J. D. Hooker   [15 January 1863]



JDH on Asa Gray’s sanguine view of the Civil War and slavery.

Wishes to discuss variation with CD, a subject that Huxley does not understand.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [15 Jan 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 101–2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3919

Matches: 21 hits

  • … that took effect from 1 January 1863 (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 January [1863] and …
  • … from J.  D.  Hooker, [12 January 1863] , and letter to J.  D.   …
  • … letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 January [1863] , and the letter to Alphonse de Candolle, 14  …
  • … of Wedgwood ware. In his letter to Hooker of 13 January [1863] , CD offered ‘about a dozen …
  • … to Hooker of 13 January [1863] , CD enclosed Asa Gray’s letter of 29 December 1862 ( …
  • … east Asia and New Guinea. In his letter of 6 January 1863 , Hooker reported that they had …
  • … Victor Naudin . In his letter to Hooker of 13 January [1863] , CD reminded him of the ‘ …
  • … In his letter to Hooker of 3 January [1863] , CD described Emma Darwin and himself as ‘ …
  • … organic phenomena’. In his letter to Hooker of 13 January [1863] , CD praised the lectures …
  • … 1863a , pp.  153–6. In his letter to Hooker of 13 January [1863] , CD expressed doubts …
  • … see Variation 1: 351–4. See also letter to Asa Gray, 2 January [1863] and n.   …
  • … 13 January [1863] ). In his letter to Hooker of 13 January [1863] , CD told Hooker of the …
  • … experimental plants. See also letter to Asa Gray, 2 January [1863] and n.  24, and …
  • … Appendix VI. In his letter to Hooker of 13 January [1863] , CD reported that he could buy …
  • … see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 January [1863] ). Hugh Falconer . See letter to J.  D.   …
  • … this letter and the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 January [1863] , and by the reference to …
  • … 27 or 28 December 1862] , and this volume, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 6 January 1863 ). …
  • … 1863a , pp.  146–50). See letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [January 1863] and nn.  5–9, and …
  • … 17, and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 January [1863] and n.  12. Phyllium is a genus …
  • … January 1863 (see n.  17, below); the intervening Thursday was 15 January. With his letter
  • 1863 . Thomas Thomson had been superintendent of the Calcutta botanic garden and professor of botany at the Calcutta Medical College until 1860 or 1861, when he returned to Britain ( DNB , and Kew Bulletin (1895): 236). Thomson had asked for some information and Hooker forwarded the request to CD (see letter

From John Scott   [after 12] April [1863]



Thanks for CD’s Linum paper [Collected papers 2: 93–105].

Has not published much because he would be ignored as a gardener; hence he is looking for a foreign appointment.

Has prepared orchid sterility paper at CD’s suggestion [Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 7 (1863): 543–50].

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [after 12] Apr [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 87
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4087

Matches: 10 hits

  • … letter from Daniel Oliver, 14 April 1863 , and letter to Daniel Oliver, [ …
  • … letter from John Scott, 21 March [1863] , and letter to John Scott, 24 March [1863] . CD …
  • … letter to John Scott, 12 April [1863] , and the letter to John Scott, 2 May [1863] . ‘Two …
  • … which had been sent to him by Scott with his letter of 6 January 1863 , looked ‘very …
  • … sick’ (see letter to John Scott, 24 March [1863] ). …
  • … 11 November 1862 ). In his letter of 3 March 1863 , Scott noted that he had successfully …
  • … 11, Appendix IV). See letter to John Scott, 12 April [1863] . Scott was foreman of the …
  • … after 14 April 1863] ). See letter to John …
  • 1863] and n.  17. Scott and CD had been discussing the pollination of Gongora and the related Acropera since November 1862 (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter
  • 1863. Scott 1863a , p.  546. See Scott 1863a , p.  547 n. CD had described artificial fertilisation of ovules in a primrose (see preceding letter, …

From J. D. Hooker   [16 February 1863]



British attitude towards America: not hate as Asa Gray thinks, but contempt.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [16 Feb 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 103–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3989

Matches: 14 hits

  • … visited Down on Sunday 22 March 1863 (see letters from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 March 1863] …
  • … he visited the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, on 11 February 1863 (see letter to J.  D.   …
  • … of 15 February [1863] , CD enclosed the letter from Asa …
  • … In his letter of 27 January 1863 , Gray stated that ‘the vegetable kingdom does not …
  • … December 1862] ). In his letter of 13 January [1863] , CD informed Hooker that somewhere …
  • … Gray, 27  January 1863 . See letter from Asa …
  • … Asa Gray, 10 November 1862 , and this volume, letter from Asa Gray, 1 September 1863 . …
  • … Hooker, 15 February [1863] and n.  3). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 February [1863] . …
  • … Appendix VI. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 February [1863] . In his letter to Hooker …
  • … 21 February 1863] ; the intervening Monday was 16 February. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, …
  • … between this letter and the letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 February [1863] and [ …
  • … Gardens, Kew (see letter to J.  D.   Hooker, 15 February [1863] and n.  6), has not been …
  • … and upright’ (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 February [1863] , n.  9) is in DAR 255. For …
  • 1863 ; Hooker’s views on the American Civil War had prevented him from discussing politics in his own correspondence with Asa Gray (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter

From John Scott   16 June [1863]



Orchid paper in press.

Asks CD to correct MS of his Primula paper [J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 8 (1865): 78–126].

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  16 June [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 94
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4213

Matches: 15 hits

  • … 31 May [1863] , and letter to John Scott, 11 June [1863] ). …
  • … 6 June [1863] , and letter to John …
  • … by the relationship between this letter and the letter to John Scott, 11 June [1863] . …
  • … In his letter to CD of 22 May 1863 , Scott requested advice about a position offered to …
  • … Joseph Dalton Hooker (see letter to John Scott, 23 May [1863] ). CD had also offered to …
  • … 1862] , and this volume, letter from John Scott, 6 January 1863 ). The results of Scott’s …
  • … Scott 1863a . See letter from John Scott, [3 June 1863] and n.   …
  • … 14. See letter to John Scott, 11 June [1863] and n.   …
  • … 2. See letters to John Scott, 31 May [1863] and …
  • … Scott, 11 June [1863] . See letter to John …
  • … Scott, 11 June [1863] . See letter to John …
  • … Scott, 6 June [1863] . See letter to John Scott, 11 June [1863] . Scott was foreman of the …
  • … R.  Desmond 1994 ). In his letter to Scott of 6 June [1863] , CD offered to read and …
  • … of Scott 1864a . See letter to John Scott, 6 June [1863] . The results of Scott’s …
  • … an abstract of one of Scott’s papers (see letters to John Scott , 25 and 28 May [1863] and …

From John Scott   7 January [1864]



Has finished correcting Primula paper [see 4332].

Has presented paper on monoecious spikes of maize [Edinburgh New Philos. J. 2d ser. 19 (1864): 213–20].

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  7 Jan [1864]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 98, 99 f.3; Edinburgh Courant, 19 December 1863, p. 8.
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4382

Matches: 21 hits

  • … from John Scott, 21 September [1863] , letter to John …
  • … Scott, 7 November [1863] , and letter from Emma Darwin to …
  • … from John Scott, 23 July [1863] , and letter to John Scott 25 [July 1863] ). For Scott’s ‘ …
  • … vol.  11, letter to John Scott, 7 November [1863] , and letter from Emma Darwin to …
  • … 1862] , and Correspondence vol.  11, letter from John Scott, 21 September [1863] ). …
  • … this letter and the letter to John Scott, 7 November [1863] ( Correspondence vol.  11), …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  11, letter from John Scott, 21 May [1863] ). The letter in which …
  • … Correspondence vol.  11, letters from John Scott , [3 June 1863] and 16 June [1863] ). CD …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  11, letter to John Scott, 7 November [1863] ); in ‘Dimorphic …
  • … 3 December [1862] , and Correspondence vol.  11, letter to John Scott, 25 [July 1863] ). …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  11, letter to John Scott, 7 November [1863] ). He had briefly …
  • … and Correspondence vol.  11, letter to John Scott, 25 [July 1863] and n.  4). CD evidently …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  11, letter to John Scott, 25 and 28 May [1863] ). CD had first …
  • … In his letter to John Scott of 25 and 28 May [1863] ( Correspondence vol.  11), he wrote …
  • 1863, his work was evidently at too early a stage to be of use (see, for example, Correspondence vol.  10, letter
  • letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] ). Scott and CD corresponded frequently throughout 1863  …
  • letter from Emma Darwin to John Scott, 9 January 1864 ). Scott began experimenting with a non-dimorphic cowslip in May 1863 ( …
  • 1863 Scott sent CD a draft of the paper, which CD returned with suggestions for minor alterations, praising it as an ‘excellent memoir’ (see Correspondence vol.  11, letter
  • 1863] and n.  4). In the last two paragraphs of the summary, Scott reiterated his argument that the existing non-dimorphic forms represented a reversion to the ‘original non-dimorphic progenitor’ (see n.  10 above, and Scott 1864a , p.  126). CD marked the last two sentences of the summary in his copy of the paper (Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL); when recommending Scott’s letter
  • letter to Asa Gray, 13 September [1864] ). See also n.  3, above. CD later developed this notion of reversion in ‘Illegitimate offspring of dimorphic and trimorphic plants’ , pp.  434–5, and Forms of flowers , pp.  272–5. For CD’s experimental notes on reversion, see DAR 108: 31 and 43. Scott read ‘Remarks on the sexual changes in the inflorescence of Zea Mays ’ to the Botanical Society of Edinburgh on 10 December 1863 ( …
  • 1863] ). There are annotated copies of the published paper ( Scott 1864a ) in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL and among CD’s unbound journals in the Darwin Library–CUL; see the back page of CD’ s unbound journal for CD’s comments on Scott 1864a . Scott 1864a , pp.  103–4, included CD’s experimental results of crossing primroses ( Primula vulgaris ) and cowslips ( P.  veris ). Scott’s own attempts at crossing primroses and cowslips had failed, but CD had sent him his own results (see Correspondence vol.  11, letter

From Hugh Falconer   29 August 1863



HF will send E. Suess’s paper [Edouard Suess, "Über die Verschiedenheit und die Aufeinanderfolge der tertiären Landfaunen in der Niederung von Wien", Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien (Math–nat. Klasse) 47 (1863): 306–31] which deals directly with natural selection.

Author:  Hugh Falconer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  29 Aug 1863
Classmark:  DAR 164: 17
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4284

Matches: 8 hits

  • … Falconer, 24 August [1863] , and letter to Hugh Falconer, [25–6 August 1863] and n.  3. …
  • … 1863a , p.  80). Falconer refers to Eduard Suess and to Suess 1863 (see letter from Hugh …
  • … Falconer, 24 August [1863] , and letter to Hugh Falconer, [25–6 August 1863] ). See n.  3, …
  • … 3, and letter to Charles Lyell, 18 April [1863] . …
  • … Letter to Hugh Falconer, [25–6 August 1863] . See letter from Hugh …
  • … Falconer refers to his letter in the Athenæum , 4 April 1863, pp.  459–60, which was …
  • … of man ( C. Lyell 1863a ). See letter from W.  H.  Dixon, 16 April 1863  and n.   …
  • … The first part of the letter to Hugh Falconer, [25–6 August 1863] , is missing. …

From J. D. Hooker   [2]9 June 1863



JDH and Oliver impressed with CD’s observations on gyratory motion of plants.

CD pleased with Bentham’s Linnean Society address on the reception of Darwinism [J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 7 (1863): xi–xxix].

JDH’s social "dogma": "Brains x Beauty = Breeding + wealth".

[Dated 9 June by JDH.]

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [2]9 June 1863
Classmark:  DAR 101: 147–8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4224

Matches: 12 hits

  • … 25 [August 1863] , letter to Asa …
  • … Gray, 4 August [1863] , and letter from Asa Gray, 1 September 1863 . The reference is to …
  • … before the Linnean Society on 25 May 1863 ( Bentham 1863 ; see letter to J.  D.   …
  • … the Daily News in 1862 and 1863. In his letters, Smith argued for ‘colonial emancipation’, …
  • … G.  Smith 1863 . G.  Smith 1863  comprised a series of letters on the British empire, …
  • … Empire. A series of letters published in ‘The Daily News,’ 1862, 1863. Oxford and London: …
  • … in C.  Lyell 1863a (see letter to Charles Lyell, 6 March [1863] ). The Guards’ ball, …
  • … J.  D.  Hooker, 25 [June 1863] . Daniel Oliver . See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 25 [June  …
  • … offence ( DNB ). Julius von Haast . See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 1 July [1863] and n.  2. …
  • … Hooker, 23 [June 1863] and n.  9). See also letters from J.  D. Hooker, 20 April 1863   …
  • … Marginalia 1: 589–94, 662–3). See also letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 12–13 August [1863] and …
  • 1863, p.  11). Hooker refers to various remarks that he made to CD in 1862, on the development of an aristocracy being a consequence of natural selection (see Correspondence vol.  10). In his letter

From J. D. Hooker   [21 July 1863]



Encourages CD to continue observations on tendrils.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [21 July 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 152–3
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4225

Matches: 8 hits

  • … Kew. See letter from Asa Gray to J.  D.  Hooker, 6 July 1863 , and letter from Asa …
  • … to J.  D.  Hooker, 14 July [1863] , and the following letter; the intervening Tuesday was …
  • … Gray, 7 July 1863 . See following letter. The reference is to Daniel Oliver . …
  • … and 14 July [1863] . See letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 1 July [1863] and 14 July [1863] . See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 14 July [1863] . …
  • … Hooker, 14 July [1863] and n.  2. Letters to J.  D.   …
  • … pre-eminent’ ( Chambers ). See letters to J.  D. Hooker, 25 [June 1863] , 1 July [1863] , …
  • … R.  Desmond 1994 ). See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [2]9 June 1863 . J.  D.  Hooker 1864– …

From Alfred Russel Wallace   14 January [1863]




Is sending information about Timor fossils to be forwarded to Hugh Falconer.

Author:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  14 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 106: B7
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3915

Matches: 8 hits

  • … facility’. See also letter from Hugh Falconer, 3 January [1863] , letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 3 January [1863] and letter to J.  D. …
  • … between this letter and the letter from Hugh Falconer, 9 January 1863 (see n.  6, below). …
  • … next time he wrote to Wallace (see letter from Hugh Falconer, 9 January 1863  and n.  3). …
  • … found. In his letter to Hugh Falconer of 5 [and 6] January [1863] , CD described himself …
  • … been found. In his letter to Hugh Falconer, 5 [and 6] January [1863] , CD mentioned that …
  • letter to CD of 30 November 1861 ( Correspondence vol.  9), Wallace had reported an account by Carl Friedrich Adolph Schneider , who claimed to have found teeth of Mastodon on this island of the Malay archipelago (see Schneider 1863 ). …
  • 1863] . Other members of the Darwin family had been ill in 1862, particularly Emma and Leonard, who contracted scarlet fever (see Correspondence vol.  10). After eight years in the Malay Archipelago, Wallace returned to London in the spring of 1862 in a weak state of health (see Wallace 1905 , 1: 386, and Correspondence vol.  10, letters

From J. D. Hooker   20 April 1863



Attacks by Falconer [Athenæum 4 Apr 1863, pp. 459–60] and Joseph Prestwich on Lyell.

W. B. Carpenter fails to attack Owen.

Welwitschia male cones with useless ovules marvellous example of lost function and retained structure.

JDH evaluates his sons.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 Apr 1863
Classmark:  DAR 101: 128–31; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Director’s correspondence 174 (New Zealand letters, 1854–1900): 281–2)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4111

Matches: 29 hits

  • … 18 April [1863], letter to Charles Lyell, 18 April [1863] , and Appendix VII. See …
  • … Hooker, [17 April 1863] , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26 [March 1863] and n.  14. Haast …
  • … 76–80, 113–25. See letter to Julius von Haast, 22 January 1863  and n.  2. William Jackson …
  • … to Hugh Falconer’s letter in the Athenæum , 4 April 1863, pp.  459–60, which criticised …
  • … New Zealand letters, 1854–1900): 281–2) Joseph Dalton Hooker unstated 20 Apr 1863 Charles …
  • … map no.  4. See also Haast’s letter to CD of 5 March 1863  and n.  2. Hooker’s letter to …
  • … in C.  Lyell 1863a . See letter from John Lubbock, 7 April 1863  and n.  6. Hooker also …
  • … paragraph in Falconer’s letter to the Athenæum , 4 April 1863, p.  460, which reads: ‘I …
  • … be delivered on 25 May 1863 ( Bentham 1863 ). See letters from George Bentham , [ c. 14  …
  • … 17). In his letter to Hooker of [17 April 1863] , CD had asked for the address of the …
  • … 1864–7 ) was discussed in his letter to CD of 6 January 1863 . David Monro was the speaker …
  • … of Christian belief. In a letter published in The Times , 2 April 1863, p.  10, Colenso …
  • … to CD on 9 December 1862 (see enclosure to letter from Julius von Haast, 5 March 1863 ). …
  • … also sent to CD (see letter to Julius von Haast, 22 January 1863 ). Haast did not arrive …
  • … CH 287, CP 608a). See letter from Julius von Haast, 13 May 1863 . A description of the …
  • … 1862a , p.  7). See letter from Julius von Haast, 5 March 1863  and n.  12. Hooker sent …
  • … the enclosure to the letter from Julius von Haast, 5 March 1863  and n.  5. Mr Harris has …
  • … as an enclosure to the letter from Julius von Haast of 5 March 1863 . For the confusion …
  • … Paget Hooker (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [28 March 1863] ). Hooker refers to the …
  • … convict prison on the Isle of Portland ( EB ). Letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April 1863] . …
  • … see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April 1863] and nn.  22–4). See letter to J.  D.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, [17 April 1863] and n.  9. See also letter to Athenæum , …
  • … ibid. , p.  38). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April 1863] and n.  18. George Bentham …
  • … See also letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [30 April 1863] and n.  2. William Henslow Hooker ( …
  • … brain’ ( DNB ). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April 1863] and n.  19. The reference is …
  • … on plant and animal distribution (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 17 March [1863] and n.   …
  • letter met with an extremely critical response from Joseph Benjamin M’Caul, who challenged his expertise in textual criticism ( The Times , 4 April 1863, …
  • … see, for example, letter to J.  F.  J.  von Haast, 22 January 1863 and nn.  4 and 5, and …
  • … 4 April 1863, p.  461). Both articles are reproduced in Appendix VII. See letter to J.   …

From J. D. Hooker   [15 March 1863]



JDH battling with Lyell over treatment of species question in Antiquity of man. Distressed by Lyell’s raising false priority issue between JDH and CD. Falconer involved in a priority squabble.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [15 Mar 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 117–20
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4040

Matches: 17 hits

  • … 1862 ). See also letter to T.  W. Woodbury, 15 March [1863] , and letter from T.  W.   …
  • … this letter, the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 [March 1863] , and the letter to J.  D. …
  • … Hooker, [6 March 1863] , and the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 [March 1863] . …
  • … letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 [March 1863] and letter from Charles Lyell, 11 March 1863   …
  • … of Down; Hooker visited CD from Lubbock’s house on 22 March 1863 (see letter from J.  D.   …
  • … apparently refers to his letter to CD of [1 March 1863] , in which he criticised Charles …
  • … See also n.  9, below, and letter to Charles Lyell, 6 March [1863] and n.  35. In chapter …
  • … Grayson 1985 . See also letter to Charles Lyell, 12–13 March [1863] and n.  17. Hooker’s …
  • … the intervening Sunday was 15 March 1863. Philip Lutley Sclater . See letter from J.  D.   …
  • … to J.  D.  Hooker, 17 March [1863] and n.  3, and letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [24 March …
  • … J.  D.  Hooker, 20 August 1862 ). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 [March 1863] and n.  3. …
  • … 1863b , p.  181. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 17 March [1863] . Hooker had written to …
  • … on pollination mechanisms in poplars (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 [March 1863] ). …
  • … and John Gunn . See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [6 March 1863] and n.  4. Hugh Falconer’s …
  • 1863 . Hooker had written in March 1862 to ask Joachim John Monteiro , a mining engineer and zoologist residing in Luanda, Angola, to try to obtain specimens for CD (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter
  • letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 9 June 1862 , and Origin , 4th ed. , p.  445). Hooker read a further paper on the subject to the society on 5 November 1863 ( …
  • 1863] ). In 1861, Hooker had begun preparing a list of the plants collected in the Cameroons mountains and islands off the coast of West Africa by Gustav Mann . Hooker gave his first reports on the collection to the Linnean Society in March 1861 and June 1862 ( J.  D.  Hooker 1861 , Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London ( Botany ) 6 (1862): cvi). Hooker’s findings provided support for CD’s view that temperate plants had migrated to tropical regions during a global glacial period (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter

From A. R. Wallace   [23 January 1863?]



Now recalls a Melastoma visited by some small Cetoniadae and bees (Xylocopa) in Malay Archipelago.

Author:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [23 Jan 1863?]
Classmark:  DAR 205.8: 70 (Letters)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4390

Matches: 6 hits

  • … A.  R.  Wallace, 14 January [1863] , the following letter and n.  1, and letter to H.   …
  • … to Hugh Falconer, 5 [and 6] January [1863] , and letter to H.  W.  Bates, 12 January [ …
  • … W.  Bates, 26 January [1863] . See letter from A.  R.  Wallace, 26 September 1863 . …
  • … 70 (Letters) Alfred Russel Wallace London, Westbourne Grove Terrace, 5 [23 Jan 1863? ] …
  • … on this subject in a letter written between 9 and 13 January 1863 that has not been found. …
  • … letter and the following letter (see n.  2, below). In 1863, 23 January was a Friday. CD …

From Asa Gray   20 April 1863



AG’s opinion of Lyell’s Antiquity of man.

Author:  Asa Gray
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 Apr 1863
Classmark:  DAR 165: 134
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4112

Matches: 10 hits

  • … Hooker, 24[–5] February [1863] , letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [1 March 1863] , and letter to Charles Lyell, 6 March [1863] . Lyell also …
  • … founding editor, Benjamin Silliman. See letter to Asa Gray, 20 March [1863] and n.  21. …
  • … of man ( C.  Lyell 1863a ). See letter to Asa Gray, 20 March [1863] . In chapters 12–18 of …
  • … 2, above. C.  Lyell 1863a , pp.  385–506. See letters to Asa Gray , 23 February [1863] and …
  • … 20 March [1863] . See also letter to J.  D.   …
  • … more dogmatically, ‘would have rebelled’ (see letter from Charles Lyell, 11 March 1863 ). …
  • … See CD’s annotations to the letter from Asa Gray, 13 April 1863 . …
  • … See also letter to Asa Gray, 11 May [1863] . The references are to T.  H.  Huxley 1863a …
  • letter from Asa Gray, 4 and 13 October 1862  and n.  3). Gray’s review of A.  de Candolle 1862b ( A.  Gray 1863e ) appeared in the May 1863
Document type
letter (633)
Darwin, C. R.disabled_by_default
Hooker, J. D. (96)
Scott, John (30)
Gray, Asa (25)
Darwin, W. E. (19)
Bates, H. W. (18)
Oliver, Daniel (17)
Lubbock, John (15)
Falconer, Hugh (13)
Lyell, Charles (13)
Wallace, A. R. (13)
Carus, J. V. (12)
Huxley, T. H. (12)
Becker, L. E. (10)
Anderson Henry, Isaac (9)
Anderson, Isaac (9)
Fox, W. D. (9)
Haast, Julius von (9)
E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (8)
Sulivan, B. J. (8)
Bentham, George (7)
Darwin, E. A. (7)
Rivers, Thomas (7)
Tegetmeier, W. B. (7)
Blyth, Edward (6)
Kovalevsky, V. O. (6)
Newton, Alfred (6)
Swinhoe, Robert (6)
Austen, J. T. (5)
Dareste, Camille (5)
Hildebrand, Friedrich (5)
Innes, J. B. (5)
Trimen, Roland (5)
Walsh, B. D. (5)
Crüger, Hermann (4)
Darwin, G. H. (4)
Dobell, H. B. (4)
Haeckel, Ernst (4)
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1863 letter in keywords
57 Items
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Darwin in letters, 1863: Quarrels at home, honours abroad


At the start of 1863, Charles Darwin was actively working on the manuscript of The variation of animals and plants under domestication, anticipating with excitement the construction of a hothouse to accommodate his increasingly varied botanical experiments…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … At the start of 1863, Charles Darwin was actively working on the manuscript of  The variation of …

Darwin’s hothouse and lists of hothouse plants


Darwin became increasingly involved in botanical experiments in the years after the publication of Origin. The building of a small hothouse - a heated greenhouse - early in 1863  greatly increased the range of plants that he could keep for scientific…

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  • … Towards the end of 1862, Darwin resolved to build a small hothouse at Down House, for …

Women’s scientific participation


Observers | Fieldwork | Experimentation | Editors and critics | Assistants Darwin’s correspondence helps bring to light a community of women who participated, often actively and routinely, in the nineteenth-century scientific community. Here is a…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Observers |  Fieldwork |  Experimentation |  Editors and critics  |  Assistants …

Thomas Rivers


Rivers and Darwin exchanged around 30 letters, most in 1863 when Darwin was hard at work on the manuscript of Variation of plants and animals under domestication, the lengthy and detailed sequel to Origin of species. Rivers, an experienced plant breeder…

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  • … The Project was contacted by the owner of an important Darwin letter that contains a rare instance …

The Lyell–Lubbock dispute


In May 1865 a dispute arose between John Lubbock and Charles Lyell when Lubbock, in his book Prehistoric times, accused Lyell of plagiarism. The dispute caused great dismay among many of their mutual scientific friends, some of whom took immediate action…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … In May 1865 a dispute arose between John Lubbock and Charles Lyell when Lubbock, in his book …

'An Appeal' against animal cruelty


The four-page pamphlet transcribed below and entitled 'An Appeal', was composed jointly by Emma and Charles Darwin (see letter from Emma Darwin to W. D. Fox, [29 September 1863]). The pamphlet, which protested against the cruelty of steel vermin…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … The four-page pamphlet transcribed below and entitled 'An Appeal', was composed jointly by Emma …

Dining at Down House


Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment Dining, Digestion, and Darwin's Domestic Life While Darwin is best remembered for his scientific accomplishments, he greatly valued and was strongly influenced by his domestic life. Darwin's…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Sources | Discussion Questions | Experiment Dining, Digestion, and Darwin's …

Science, Work and Manliness


Discussion Questions|Letters In 1859, popular didactic writer William Landels published the first edition of what proved to be one of his best-selling works, How Men Are Made. "It is by work, work, work" he told his middle class audience, …

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Discussion Questions | Letters In 1859, popular didactic writer William Landels …

Darwin as mentor


Darwin provided advice, encouragement and praise to his fellow scientific 'labourers' of both sexes. Selected letters Letter 2234 - Darwin to Unidentified, [5 March 1858] Darwin advises that Professor C. P. Smyth’s observations are not…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Darwin provided advice, encouragement and praise to his fellow scientific 'labourers' of both …

Capturing Darwin’s voice: audio of selected letters


On a sunny Wednesday in June 2011 in a makeshift recording studio somewhere in Cambridge, we were very pleased to welcome Terry Molloy back to the Darwin Correspondence Project for a special recording session. Terry, known for his portrayal of Davros in Dr…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … On a sunny Wednesday in June 2011 in a makeshift recording studio somewhere in Cambridge, we were …

Dramatisation script


Re: Design – Adaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and others… by Craig Baxter – as performed 25 March 2007

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  • … Re: Design – performance version – 25 March 2007 – 1 Re: Design – Adaptation of the …

Darwin's health


On 28 March 1849, ten years before Origin was published, Darwin wrote to his good friend Joseph Hooker from Great Malvern in Worcestershire, where Dr James Manby Gully ran a fashionable water-cure establishment. Darwin apologised for his delayed reply to…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … On 28 March 1849, ten years before  Origin  was published, Darwin wrote to his good friend …

Darwin in letters, 1865: Delays and disappointments


The year was marked by three deaths of personal significance to Darwin: Hugh Falconer, a friend and supporter; Robert FitzRoy, captain of the Beagle; and William Jackson Hooker, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and father of Darwin’s friend…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … In 1865, the chief work on Charles Darwin’s mind was the writing of  The variation of animals and …

Referencing women’s work


Darwin's correspondence shows that women made significant contributions to Darwin's work, but whether and how they were acknowledged in print involved complex considerations of social standing, professional standing, and personal preference.…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Darwin's correspondence shows that women made significant contributions to Darwin's work, but …



It was crucial to Darwin’s theories of species change that naturally occurring variations could be inherited.  But at the time when he wrote Origin, he had no explanation for how inheritance worked – it was just obvious that it did.  Darwin’s attempt to…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … 'Hypotheses may often be of service to science, when they involve a certain portion of …

Scientific Networks


Friendship|Mentors|Class|Gender In its broadest sense, a scientific network is a set of connections between people, places, and things that channel the communication of knowledge, and that substantially determine both its intellectual form and content,…

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  • … Friendship | Mentors | Class | Gender In its broadest sense, a scientific …

Darwin in letters, 1862: A multiplicity of experiments


1862 was a particularly productive year for Darwin. This was not only the case in his published output (two botanical papers and a book on the pollination mechanisms of orchids), but more particularly in the extent and breadth of the botanical experiments…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … As the sheer volume of his correspondence indicates, 1862 was a particularly productive year for …

Evolution: Selected Letters of Charles Darwin 1860-1870


This selection of Charles Darwin’s letters includes correspondence with his friends and scientific colleagues around the world; letters by the critics who tried to stamp out his ideas, and by admirers who helped them to spread. It takes up the story of…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … This selection of Charles Darwin’s letters includes correspondence with his friends and scientific …

Climbing Plants


Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment A monograph by which to work After the publication of On the Origin of Species, Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, The Descent of Man, and The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals in…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Sources | Discussion Questions | Experiment A monograph by which to work …

Darwin in letters, 1882: Nothing too great or too small


In 1882, Darwin reached his 74th year Earthworms had been published the previous October, and for the first time in decades he was not working on another book. He remained active in botanical research, however. Building on his recent studies in plant…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … In 1882, Darwin reached his 74th year Earthworms had been published the previous October, and …
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