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Darwin Correspondence Project

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List of correspondents


Below is a list of Darwin's correspondents with the number of letters for each one. Click on a name to see the letters Darwin exchanged with that correspondent.    "A child of God" (1) Abberley,…

Matches: 0 hits

Books on the Beagle


The Beagle was a sort of floating library.  Find out what Darwin and his shipmates read here.

Matches: 11 hits

  • in a text written during the voyage and of such a nature (e.g., passages quoted or paraphrased, …
  • in letters from the family as having been sent to CD (e.g., Fleming, Martineau, Pennant); although
  • by CD and Wickham, see  Voyage , p. 128 n.). CUL, Adv.b.79.18 †. * Aubuisson de Voisins, …
  • … . 2 vols. Strasbourg, 1819. (Inscription in vol. 1: ‘C. Darwin HMS Beagle’; DAR 32.1: 61). Darwin
  • observations.  London, 1823. (DAR 30.1: 41). ‡ Daubeny, Charles Giles BridleA
  • 1831. (DAR 32.1: 53). Desaulses de Freycinet, L. Csee  Freycinet, L. C. Desaulses de
  • dhistoire naturelle.  See Bory de Saint-Vincent, J. B. G. M., ed. Dictionnaire des
  • and Desmarest. See Blainville, H. M. D. de and Desmarest, A. G.). Duperrey, Louis Isidore.  …
  • … (Inscriptions: vol. 1 (1830), ‘Given me by Capt. F.R C. Darwin’; vol.2 (1832), ‘Charles Darwin M: …
  • J. M. Herbert, 2 June 1833). Ulloa, A. de. See Juan, G. and Ulloa, A. de. Volney, …
  • vonTableaux de la nature.  Translation by J. B. B. Eyriès of  Ansichten der Natur , 2d ed., …