To A. R. Wallace 16 September 1878
Supports Epping Forest appointment.
Continues work on vegetable physiology.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 16 Sept 1878 |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11695 |
To A. R. Wallace 16 September [1868]
CD’s oscillating views relating to protection and sexual selection.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 16 Sept [1868] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434: 149–50) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6368 |
To A. R. Wallace 30 January [1871]
Responds to ARW’s comments on CD’s argument about protection in Descent.
Comments on St G. Mivart’s criticism [Genesis of species (1871)]. "The pendulum will now swing against us."
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 30 Jan [1871] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-7464 |
To A. R. Wallace [29? September 1863]
Baffling problems with Melastoma. Appreciates ARW’s help with it and the "gorze case".
Has read report of ARW’s paper [to Newcastle BAAS meeting, "On the geographical distribution of animal life"] in the Reader [2 (1863): 352–3].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | [29? Sept 1863] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add. MS. 46434: 36–7b) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-4310 |
To A. R. Wallace 13 January [1873]
Response to ARW’s criticisms in his review [of Expression, Q. J. Sci. n.s. 3 (1873): 113–18].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 13 Jan [1873] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-8735 |
To A. R. Wallace 27 February [1868]
Pleased by ARW’s response to Pangenesis.
On negative reception by his friends.
Further argument concerning sterility and natural selection.
Polygamy and sexual selection.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 27 Feb [1868] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434: 108–11) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-5940 |
To A. R. Wallace 29 January [1865]
Commends ARW’s papers on parrots
and on the theory of geographical distribution [see 4750].
Wild pigs in Aru Islands must have been introduced and later ran wild. Does ARW have an opinion on the subject?
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 29 Jan [1865] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add. MS 46434, f. 49) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-4757 |
To Alfred Russel Wallace 22 January 1866
Welcomes ARW’s paper on pigeons ["On the pigeons of the Malay Archipelago", Ibis 1 (1865): 365–400].
Influence of monkeys on distribution of pigeons and parrots.
Asks ARW to explain a passage in his paper on Malayan Papilionidae [Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 25 (1866): 1–71] on how dimorphic forms are produced. CD knows of varieties "that will not blend or intermix", but which produce offspring quite like either parent.
ARW’s remarks on geographical distribution in Celebes "will give a cold shudder to the immutable naturalists".
Presses ARW to work on his travel journal.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 22 Jan 1866 |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add 46434, f. 61) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-4982 |
To A. R. Wallace 9 July [1871]
Requests advice about Chauncey Wright’s article on Mivart’s Genesis of species [North Am. Rev. 113 (1871): 64–103]. CD thinks of publishing it as a pamphlet to counter impact of Mivart’s criticism of natural selection.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 9 July [1871] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-7855 |
To A. R. Wallace 3 November 1880
High praise for Island life; ARW’s "best book". Encloses notes of comments and criticism. Hooker pleased by dedication.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 3 Nov 1880 |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434 ff. 292–3); Natural History Museum, Library and Archives (Wallace Papers WP/6/4/1) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-12791 |
To A. R. Wallace 20 October [1872]
Remarks about an enclosed specimen,
and extract of letter from W. A. L. Marshall [8560].
ARW’s good review of J. C. Houzeau de Lehaie [Études sur les facultés mentales des animaux, in Nature 6 (1872): 469–71].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 20 Oct [1872] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-8566 |
To A. R. Wallace 10 January 1881
On the proprieties of thanking Gladstone and the signers of the memorial.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 10 Jan 1881 |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-12997 |
To A. R. Wallace 31 March [1870]
Thanks for a woodcut sent by ARW for Descent.
Congratulations on his removal from London,
and praise of his review of Francis Galton ["Hereditary genius", Nature 1 (1870): 501–3]. CD agrees with every word of it.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 31 Mar [1870] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434: 200–1) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-7154 |
To A. R. Wallace 28 [May 1864]
Response to ARW’s papers on Papilionidae ["On the phenomena of variation and geographical distribution", Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 25 (1866): 1–71; abstract in Reader 3 (1864): 491–3],
and man ["The origin of human races", J. Anthropol. Soc. Lond. 2 (1864): clviii–clxxxvi].
The former is "really admirable" and will be influential.
The idea of the man paper is striking and new. Minor points of difference. Conjectures regarding racial differences; the possible correlation between complexion and constitution. His Query to Army surgeons to determine this point. Offers ARW his notes on man, which CD doubts he will be able to use.
On sexual selection in "our aristocracy"; primogeniture is a scheme for destroying natural selection.
[Letter incorrectly dated March by CD.]
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 28 [May 1864] |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add. MS 46434: 39) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-4510 |
To A. R. Wallace 17 June 1876
Further detailed comments on Geographical distribution.
Base treatment [of George Darwin] by Mivart in Quarterly Review [137 (1874): 40–77].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Date: | 17 June 1876 |
Classmark: | The British Library (Add MS 46434) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10538 |