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Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 24 hits

  • of Anat.— Instinct by D r . Alison [W. P. Alison 1847]. No 19. July. 1840 27 Annales des
  • has it Owens Brit. Mammalia [R. Owen 1846a]— Horner has it. (read) Reports to Brit. …
  • … . Hooker. read Fortunes Travels in China [Fortune 1847] read Lettres philosop. sur l
  • Travels in Peru (translated) [J. J. von Tschudi 1847] Gardners Travels in Brazil [Gardner
  • … [North 1826]. (Erasmus) read Hebrew Monarchy [Newman] 1847] Berniers
  • 1843]. (Emma) (read) M rs  Frys Life [Fry 1847] Horace Walpoles letter to C t . …
  • …  animals 54 folio Plates. Maclise 212.6. [Maclise 1847] good for woodcuts. (Roy. Coll. of Surgeons) …
  • to publish one. 45 Gosse. Birds of Jamaica [Gosse 1847], recommended by Yarrel
  • Society of Edinburgh ] Youatt on Pig [Youatt 1847]. Westminster Rev. Oct. 49. Article
  • … [DAR *119: 23] Prescotts Peru [W. H. Prescott 1847] Sleemans Travels to Khiva. 47
  • 1841] Edwardes. Voyage up Amazon [W. H. Edwards 1847].— Cunningham Life of Wilkie
  • Edwards Voyage up Amazon [W. H. Edwards 1847] } Home Library L
  • Eyres Narrative [?V. Eyre 1843].— May 7 th . F. Horners life & Correspondence [Horner
  • … [Metzger 1841] Alison on Instinct [W. P. Alison 1847]. 79  Art. Generation [A. Thompson
  • 1846], skimmed. miserable [DAR 119: 18a] 1847. Jan 14 th  Mem: du Museum
  • 8 th  Tschudis Travels in Peru [J. J. von Tschudi 1847] 15. Skimmed 7 th  Edit of Lyells
  • 7 published end 1838.— [DAR 119: 18b] 1847 Jan 13 th  Life of Tcholtzee
  • … —— 30 Von Ensigens Memoirs [Varnhagen von Ense 1847] Col. Lib Aug. 25. Norths lives of L. …
  • Sismondi. Polit. Econ. Essay translated [Simonde de Sismondi 1847], poor Nov. 1. Goethe
  • … —— 28 th  Sir J. Barrow autobiography [Barrow 1847].— poor [DAR 119: 19a] 1847. …
  • … [Other eds.] [Abstract in DAR 91: 13.]  119: 9b Horner, Leonard, ed. 1843Memoirs and
  • …   conflict . 3 vols. London128: 25 Jenyns, Leonard. 1838. Further remarks on the
  • dit jardin.  Augsbourg128: 16 [Knapp, John Leonard]. 1829Journal of a   …
  • waters.  Philadelphia128: 8 Staunton, George Leonard. 1797An authentic account of

Darwin in letters, 1844–1846: Building a scientific network


The scientific results of the Beagle voyage still dominated Darwin's working life, but he broadened his continuing investigations into the nature and origin of species. Far from being a recluse, Darwin was at the heart of British scientific society,…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … Lyell, George Robert Waterhouse, John Stevens Henslow, Leonard Horner, Leonard Jenyns, Edward Forbes …
  • … the open. In the event, it was not until the beginning of 1847 that Hooker was given a fair copy of …
  • …  vol. 4, letter to J. D. Hooker, 8 [February 1847]). Darwin can be seen as a cautious strategist, …
  • … which formed the basis of discussions with Charles Lyell and Leonard Horner in letters in this …