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Darwin Correspondence Project
Hooker and J and D and 1865 in keywords disabled_by_default
Hildebrand, Friedrich in addressee disabled_by_default
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To Friedrich Hildebrand   20 March [1867]


Thanks for two copies of Hildebrand’s monograph on plant sexuality (Hildebrand 1867a).

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Friedrich Hermann Gustav (Friedrich) Hildebrand
Date:  20 Mar [1867]
Classmark:  Courtesy of Eilo Hildebrand (photocopy) (Original, previously owned by Klaus Groove, sold by Venator and Hanstein, Cologne (dealers), 16 March 2018.)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5450F

Matches: 1 hit

  • J.  D.  Hooker, 17 March [1867] and n.  6). Daniel Oliver had been a botany editor of the Natural History Review , a journal that ceased publication in 1865, …

To Friedrich Hildebrand   25 June [1864]


Thanks for orchids.

Recovering from nine months’ illness.

Discusses fertilisation of Pulmonaria.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Friedrich Hermann Gustav (Friedrich) Hildebrand
Date:  25 June [1864]
Classmark:  Courtesy of Eilo Hildebrand (photocopy) (Original, previously owned by Klaus Groove, sold by Venator and Hanstein, Cologne (dealers), 16 March 2018.)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4545

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1865 , pp.  13–15. An annotated copy of the paper is in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL.  See also letter to J.  D.  Hooker, …
Document type
letter (2)
Hildebrand, Friedrichdisabled_by_default
1864 (1)
1867 (1)