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Darwin Correspondence Project

To R. F. Cooke   31 July 1881

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | (Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.)

July 31. 1881

My dear Sir

I am very much obliged to Mr. Murray & you for your kindness; but I am now uneasy about your risk, & if Mr. Murray really thinks that a scientific work would sell considerably worse at this season than late in the autumn, I shd. be very unwilling to take the responsibility on my own shoulders.—1 I do not forget that the risk is yours. Pray therefore decide as you think fit, & however you decide I am not the less obliged to Mr Murray for his prompt yielding to my desire.—

If the book is to be published as soon as possible, you must inform Mssrs Clowes, for I told them, when I returned the index, finally corrected, that there was now no hurry, as the time of publication was altered.2

My dear Sir | Yours very sincerely | Ch. Darwin

You will see that I am not so sulky as I was when I wrote last.

P.S. I shall be in London on Thursday morning & will endeavour to call on you.—3


See letter from R. F. Cooke, 30 July 1881. John Murray wanted to delay publishing Earthworms until October.
CD’s letter to William Clowes & Sons has not been found.
CD was in London from Wednesday 3 to Monday 8 August (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)).


Earthworms: The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms: with observations on their habits. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1881.


CD obliged to Murray for yielding to his wish for prompt publication [of Earthworms] but now uneasy about the risk. If Murray feels it will sell badly at this season he is unwilling to bear the responsibility. Murray should decide as he sees fit. CD is no longer so sulky as when he last wrote.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Robert Francis Cooke; John Murray
Sent from
Source of text
National Library of Scotland (John Murray Archive) (Ms. 42152 ff. 389–90)
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13265,” accessed on 6 October 2024,
