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Darwin Correspondence Project

Ludwig Andreas (Ludwig) Feuerbach


German philosopher. Studied theology at Heidelberg in 1823; philosophy at Berlin under Hegel, 1824–6. Doctorate at Erlangen, 1828. Applied unsuccessfully for positions at universities until 1836, after which he lived in Ansbach, where his wife was part-owner of a porcelain factory. Moved to Rechenberg in 1860, when the factory went bankrupt, and was supported in part by donations from the Social Democratic Party. Known for his critique of Christianity and support for materialism and liberalism.




NDB: Neue deutsche Biographie. Under the auspices of the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. 27 vols. (A–Wettiner) to date. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 1953–.
