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Darwin Correspondence Project

Charles Emile (Emile) Blanchard


French naturalist. Worked at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, from the age of 14; accompanied Henri Milne-Edwards on an expedition to the coast of Sicily. Assistant to Milne-Edwards and Armand de Quatrefages at the Muséum and at the École normale supérieure, 1847. Member, Académie des sciences, from 1862. Administrative professor at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, 1862–96. Professor, Institut agronomique, 1876–88. Published extensively on entomology, agriculture, and geology, and against evolution.


Conry 1974


Tort 1996.


Conry, Yvette. 1974. L’introduction du Darwinisme en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: J. Vrin.

DBF: Dictionnaire de biographie Française. Under the direction of J. Balteau et al. 21 vols. and 4 fascicules of vol. 22 (A–Leyris d’Esponchès) to date. Paris: Librairie Letouzey & Ané. 1933–.

Tort, Patrick. 1996. Dictionnaire du Darwinisme et de l’evolution. 3 vols. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
