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Darwin Correspondence Project

Jean Crocq


Belgian physician. MD, Brussels, 1848. Worked in pauper asylums in Brussels from 1849. Published on geriatric disorders, hygiene, and control of infection. Co-founder of the Presse médicale belge in 1849 and of the Société anatomo-pathologique in 1857. Professor, University of Brussels, 1859. Member, Académie de médecine, 1862; president, 1883. President, Fédération médicale de Belgique, 1865–75. Held a number of positions in local government and civic organisations in Brussels.


BNB vol. 30


BNB: Biographie nationale publiée par l’académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. 44 vols., including 16 supplements. Brussels: H. Thiry-Van Buggenhoudt [and others]. 1866–1986.
