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Darwin Correspondence Project

Oscar Ferdinand Peschel


German geographer. Studied law and history at Heidelberg and Leipzig, 1845–8. Editor, Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, 1850. Chief editor at J. G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung in Augsburg, 1854. Director of the weekly geographical newspaper Das Ausland, 1854. First chair of the geography department, University of Leipzig, 1871. Introduced Darwinian concepts of change and distribution as analytical tools in geography.





ADB: Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Under the auspices of the Historical Commission of the Royal Academy of Sciences. 56 vols. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 1875–1912.

NDB: Neue deutsche Biographie. Under the auspices of the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. 27 vols. (A–Wettiner) to date. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 1953–.
