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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Ernst Haeckel1   1 July 1881


1. Juli 81

Mein theurer und hochverehrter Freund

Für Ihren freundlichen Brief aus Penrith und die nachgesendete Postkarte sage ich Ihnen meinen herzlichsten Dank; nicht weniger für Ihre gütige Offerte, eventuell meine Reise-Zwecke durch einen Zuschuss von 100£ Strl unterstützen zu wollen.2 Ich hoffe jedoch bestimmt, dass ich nicht genöthigt sein werde, von Ihrer gütigen und überaus grossmüthigen Anerbieten Gebrauch zu machen. Jedenfalls würde ich dies nur im äussersten Nothfalle thun!

Ich habe inzwischen auch an Sir John Lubbock, Huxley und Sir Wyville Thomson geschrieben;3 in der Hoffnung, vielleicht aus dem Grant irgend einer gelehrten Societät in London einen Zuschuss zu erhalten. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, so werde ich die Reise nach Ceylon in sehr einfacher Form und möglichst sparsam ausführen, namentlich das kostspielige Dredgen und Sammeln unterlassen. Um so mehr werde ich dann beobachten und malen. Ich habe genug gespart, um die Reise in einfacher Form ausführen zu können;4 übrigens bin ich von Jugend auf an eine sehr einfache und frugale Lebensweise gewohnt. “Curry and rice” ist ja in Indien nicht theuer!—

Ich freue mich sehr, zu hören, das Sie von Ihrem schönen Sommer-Aufenthalte erquickt sind, und hoffe Sie haben neue Kräfte für den Winter gesammelt.

Nun nochmals, theurer Freund, herzlichsten Dank für Ihre Güte und die Bitte, mir Ihre freundschaftliche Gesinnung auch ferner zu erhalten.

In steter Treue | Ihr Ernst Haeckel

P.S. Gegenbaur war vor 2 Monaten todt-krank, ist aber jetzt auf langsamer Besserung; hoffentlich genest er.5


For a translation of this letter, see Appendix I.
See letter from Ernst Haeckel, 21 June 1881, and letters to Ernst Haeckel, 25 June 1881 and 26 June [1881]. Haeckel was planning an expedition to Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
Haeckel financed his trip with his own means, a grant from the Ministry of State in Weimar, and the help of friends (Krauße 1987, p. 98). He wrote about the trip in Indische Reisebriefe (Haeckel 1883a), translated as A visit to Ceylon (Haeckel 1883b). He thanked CD for his contribution in Haeckel 1883b, p. 11.
In his autobiography, Carl Gegenbaur wrote that in 1881 he succumbed to a grave illness that lasted for six months and from which he did not recover until the end of the summer. According to his physician, Gegenbaur’s condition was caused by the dampness in the building in which he worked. (Gegenbaur 1901, p. 107.)


Gegenbaur, Carl. 1901. Erlebtes und erstrebtes. Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann.

Haeckel, Ernst. 1883b. Indische Reisebriefe. Berlin: Verlag von Gebrüder Paetel.

Haeckel, Ernst. 1883c. A visit to Ceylon. Translated by Clara Bell. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.

Krauße, Erika. 1987. Ernst Haeckel. 2d edition. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.


From Ernst Haeckel1   1 July 1881


1. July 81

My dear and much esteemed friend!

For your kind letter from Penrith and the postcard afterwards I send you my most heartfelt thanks; no less for your kind offer to support, if necessary, my travelling plans with a contribution of 100£ Strl.2 I do however firmly hope that I will not be forced to take you up on your kind and exceedingly generous offer. In any case I would do so only in an extreme emergency!

In the meantime I have also written to Sir John Lubbock, Huxley and Sir Wyville Thomson,3 in the hope that perhaps I might receive a contribution from the grant of some learned society in London. Should this not be the case, I will undertake my journey to Ceylon in a very simple form and as economically as possible, in particular by omitting the costly dredging and collecting. In that case I will do all the more observing and painting. I have saved up enough to carry out the journey in a simple form;4 besides, I have been accustomed to a very simple and frugal lifestyle since my boyhood. “Curry and rice” is not expensive in India, after all!—

I am very glad to hear that you feel revived by your beautiful summer-sojourn, and I hope very much that you were able to gather new strength for the winter. Now once more, dear friend, my most heartfelt thanks for your kindness, and request to keep your friendly disposition towards me in the future.

Yours faithfully | Ernst Haeckel

P.S. Gegenbaur was mortally ill two months ago, but he is now slowly improving; I hope he will recover.5


For a transcription of this letter in its original German, see Transcript.
See letter from Ernst Haeckel, 21 June 1881, and letters to Ernst Haeckel, 25 June 1881 and 26 June [1881]. Haeckel was planning an expedition to Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
Haeckel financed his trip with his own means, a grant from the Ministry of State in Weimar, and the help of friends (Krauße 1987, p. 98). He wrote about the trip in Indische Reisebriefe (Haeckel 1883a), translated as A visit to Ceylon (Haeckel 1883b). He thanked CD for his contribution in Haeckel 1883b, p. 11.
In his autobiography, Carl Gegenbaur wrote that in 1881 he succumbed to a grave illness that lasted for six months and from which he did not recover until the end of the summer. According to his physician, Gegenbaur’s condition was caused by the dampness in the building in which he worked. (Gegenbaur 1901, p. 107.)


Gegenbaur, Carl. 1901. Erlebtes und erstrebtes. Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann.

Haeckel, Ernst. 1883b. Indische Reisebriefe. Berlin: Verlag von Gebrüder Paetel.

Haeckel, Ernst. 1883c. A visit to Ceylon. Translated by Clara Bell. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.

Krauße, Erika. 1987. Ernst Haeckel. 2d edition. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.


Thanks CD for offer of financial support. Discusses application for funds for Ceylon trip.

Letter details

Letter no.
Ernst Philipp August (Ernst) Haeckel
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 166: 79
Physical description
ALS 4pp (German)

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13228,” accessed on 28 April 2024,
