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Darwin Correspondence Project

From A. E. J. Modderman to Charles Darwin and 20 others1   24 March 1875

Aan de 21 buitenlandsake Doctores honoris causa buiten Duitschland | (No. 24–44)


J’ai l’honneur de vous informer que le diplôme, par lequel le Sénat de l’Université de Leide, à l’occasion de son jubilé trois fois séculaire, vous défère honoris causa le grade de                     vient d’être expédié à l’adresse de Son Excellence le Ministre plénipotentiaire / Président de S. M. le Roi des Pays Bas à       .— Ainsi dans quelques jours vous le recevrez de la part de Son Excellence.2

Veuillez, Monsieur, avoir la bonté de m’accuser la bonne réception du diplôme.3

Ce n’est pas à moi, Monsieur, de vous féliciter d’une distinction, qui, dérive sa valeur de celle de l’Université qui vous la défère. Permettez-moi cependant de vous exprimer, au nom de l’Université de Leide, sa grande satisfaction de voir votre nom célèbre occuper une place impérissable dans les fastes de son histoire.

Agréez l’assurance de ma considération distinguée. | Le Sécretaire du Sénat de l’Univ. de Leide | A E I Modderman

Leide, | ce 24 Mars 1875


For a translation of this letter, see Appendix I.
The diploma is in DAR 229: 40. It was published with a translation of the Latin in Correspondence vol. 23, Appendix III. It conferred the honorary degree of doctor of medicine. Jan Heemskerk was chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Netherlands; Willem III was king.
See this volume, Supplement, letter to A. E. J. Modderman, 3 June 1875.


From A. E. J. Modderman to Charles Darwin and 20 others1   24 March 1875

To the 21 foreign Doctores honoris causa outside Germany | (No. 24–44)


I have the honour to inform you that the diploma, by which the Senate of the University of Leiden, on the occasion of its tricentennial jubilee, confers on you the honorary degree of                 will be dispatched to the address of his excellency the Minister plenipotentiary / President of his majesty the King of the Netherlands at        . Thus in a few days you will receive it from his Excellency.2

Would you be so kind, Sir, to acknowledge the safe receipt of the diploma.3

It is not for me, Sir, to congratulate you on a distinction which derives its merit from that of the University which confers it on you. Allow me, however, in the name of the University of Leiden, to express to you its great satisfaction in seeing your celebrated name occupying an imperishable place in the annals of its history.

Please believe me your obedient servant. | The Secretary of the Senate of the Univ. of Leiden | A E J Modderman

Leiden, | 24 March 1875


For a transcription of this letter in its original French, see pp. 546–7.
The diploma is in DAR 229: 40. It was published with a translation of the Latin in Correspondence vol. 23, Appendix III. It conferred the honorary degree of doctor of medicine. Jan Heemskerk was chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Netherlands; Willem III was king.
See this volume, Supplement, letter to A. E. J. Modderman, 3 June 1875.


Informing CD (and 20 others) of the award of an honorary degree by Leiden University.

Letter details

Letter no.
Antony Ewoud Jan Modderman
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
Leiden University Libraries (shelfmark ASF 327 document 55)
Physical description

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9900F,” accessed on 1 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 24 (Supplement)
