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Darwin Correspondence Project

From J. F. McLennan   8 May 1874

61. Bedford Gardens. | Campden Hill. W.

8 May 74

My dear Mr. Darwin,

Many thanks for the Anthropologia of which I have ordered a copy.1 When I get it I shall return you yours.

I shall probably write to you about the papers it contains by & bye.

Meantime as to Mr. Murray, I have neither spoken nor written to any one about my book since I saw him. There is no publisher I shd. more like to have than Mr. Murray if he wd. publish for me; & I shall be exceedingly obliged to you—even if nothing comes of it—if you will write to him in my behalf.—2

I felt moribund a few days ago. Now I am better. The bleeding stopped on Tuesday & Dr. Clark,3 whom I saw today, asks me not to think very much of it.

With kind regards to Mrs. Darwin I am | yrs. sincerely | J. F M’Lennan.

Charles Darwin Esq | &c &c


McLennan had requested a copy of the article by Charles Staniland Wake (Wake 1873) that appeared in the journal Anthropologia (see letter from J. F. McLennan, 5 May 1874 and n. 2).
McLennan had approached CD’s publisher, John Murray, about a new edition of his book Primitive marriage (McLennan 1865; see letter from J. F. McLennan, 5 May 1874 and n. 3). No second edition was published.


McLennan, John Ferguson. 1865. Primitive marriage: an inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in marriage ceremonies. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black.

Wake, Charles Staniland. 1873. Marriage among primitive peoples. [Read 2 November 1873.] Anthropologia 1 (1873–5): 197-207.


Thanks for issue of Anthropologia. Would be pleased if CD would write to Murray on his behalf.

Letter details

Letter no.
John Ferguson McLennan
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Campden Hill
Source of text
DAR 171: 21
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9447,” accessed on 28 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 22
