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Darwin Correspondence Project

From G. G. Bianconi1   28 November 1873


Ma santé a été troublée dans ces jours, et je n’ai pu vous presenter, comme je désirais, mes remercissements de la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’adresser le. 31. Oct. p.—2 Certes vous trouverez, j’espére, dans mon livre que j’ai cherché la verité avant tout; et si j’ai du combattre la Théorie, le Savant Auteur est toujours respecté.3 Vos observations seront pour moi du plus haut intéret; elles pourront corriger les défauts de mon livre, et me donneront sans doute occasion de porter un developpement à plusieurs points qui ne l’ont pas reçu dans ce prémier travail.4

Agreez Monsieur l’assurance de mon respect, et de l’haute considération de | v. trés humble sr. | J. Jos. Bianconi

Bologne 28. Nov. 1873.


For a translation of this letter, see Appendix I.
The letter has not been found.
In La théorie darwinienne et la création dite indépendante. Lettre à Ch. Darwin (The Darwinian theory and the independent creation. Letter to Mr Charles Darwin; Bianconi 1874), Bianconi argued that the structural homologies of vertebrates were not evidence of a common origin, but a set of coordinated solutions to problems produced by an active creator.
Bianconi produced a second edition of Bianconi 1874 in Italian, La Teoria darwiniana e la creazione indipendente (Bianconi 1875).


Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1874. La théorie darwinienne et la création dite indépendante. Lettre à Ch. Darwin. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1875. La teoria Darwiniana e la creazione detta indipendente: lettera al signor Carlo Darwin. Translated from French by Dr G. Antonio Bianconi. Bologna: N. Zanichelli.


From G. G. Bianconi1   28 November 1873


My health has been disturbed lately, and I have not been able to offer you my thanks, as I wished, for the letter you did me the honour of sending on the 31 Oct. l.—2 To be sure, I hope you will find, in my book, that I have sought truth before all things; and if I have had to combat the Theory, the Learned Author is always respected.3 Your observations will have the greatest of interest for me; they may correct the defects of my book, and will doubtless give me the opportunity to develop many points which were not developed in the first draft.4

Please believe me, Sir, yr. very obedient st. | J. Jos. Bianconi

Bologna 28. Nov. 1873.


For a transcription of this letter in its original French, see p. 522.
The letter has not been found.
In La théorie darwinienne et la création dite indépendante. Lettre à Ch. Darwin (The Darwinian theory and the independent creation. Letter to Mr Charles Darwin; Bianconi 1874), Bianconi argued that the structural homologies of vertebrates were not evidence of a common origin, but a set of coordinated solutions to problems produced by an active creator.
Bianconi produced a second edition of Bianconi 1874 in Italian, La Teoria darwiniana e la creazione indipendente (Bianconi 1875).


Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1874. La théorie darwinienne et la création dite indépendante. Lettre à Ch. Darwin. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1875. La teoria Darwiniana e la creazione detta indipendente: lettera al signor Carlo Darwin. Translated from French by Dr G. Antonio Bianconi. Bologna: N. Zanichelli.


Thanks CD for promised observations on his book against evolution [La théorie Darwinienne et la création dite indépendante (1874)].

Letter details

Letter no.
Giovanni Giuseppe Bianconi
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 160: 180
Physical description
ALS 2pp (French)

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9164,” accessed on 28 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 21
