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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Edward Frankland   [10 November 1873]1

2. Bryanston St | Portman Sqre | W.

Monday Evening

My dear Sir

I shd. very much like to call on you to thank you for all your kindness,2 & I have one query to make, though an insignificant one. Now I am a good deal out of health & the early morning is much my best time. Might I call on you between 912 & 10o oclock on Friday or Saturday morning? If the above time is too early a little later. I would not stay long. Will you be so kind as to send me a Post-Card in answer.3

Your’s very sincerely | Ch. Darwin


The date is established by the date of CD’s visit to Frankland (see n. 3, below); the Monday before 15 November 1873, the date of the visit, was 10 November.
Frankland had helped CD with his experiments on insectivorous plants (see, for example, letter from Edward Frankland, 10 October 1873).
Frankland’s reply has not been found, but CD visited him on Saturday 15 November 1873 (see letter to J. S. Burdon Sanderson, 15 November [1873]).


Requests permission to call upon EF either Friday or Saturday morning [14 or 15 November].

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Edward Frankland
Sent from
London, Bryanston St, 2
Source of text
The John Rylands Library, The University of Manchester
Physical description
ALS 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9137A,” accessed on 19 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 21
