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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Federico Delpino1   20 April 1873


addì 20. Aprile 1873

Onorevole Signore!

Circostanze imperiose mi hanno fatto desistere dal progettato viaggio di circumnavigazione. Scesi a Rio de Janeiro e mi vi trattenni circa un mese per fare raccolto di piante e di observazioni sulla vegetazione tropicale di quella località.2

Mentre partecipo alla S.V. la notizia di questo mio inopinato ritorno, colgo l’occasione per offire a Lei in omaggio una breve mia nota sulle relazioni delle formiche colle tettigometre, e sulla probabilità che il tipo tettigometra sia lo stipite da cui discesero gli afidi e i cocci.3 Secondo le mie deboli forze cerco di aggiungere sempre una pietra al grande edifizio scientifico, di cui la S.V. è il grande architetto.

Possa questa mia lettera trovare la S.V. in buono stato di salute, e con questo mio vivo desiderio, mi sottoscrivo | Della S.V. illustrissima | devotissimo discepolo | Federico Delpino | Firenze | per | Vallombrosa

CD annotations

Top of letter: ‘[illeg]blue crayon, del blue crayon
Bottom of letter: ‘Sweet peas’4pencil, circled pencil


For a translation of this letter, see Appendix I.
Delpino had been naturalist on the Garibaldi, making a round-the-world voyage, from November 1872 (see Correspondence vol. 20, letter from Federico Delpino, 10 November 1872).
CD’s annotated copy of Delpino 1872 is in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL. Delpino described the symbiotic relationship between the ant Formica pubescens and the planthopper Tettigometra virescens. He speculated on the relationship of the family Tettigometridae to those of aphids (Aphididae) and scale insects (Coccidae), and concluded that both aphids and scale insects were descended from the Tettigometridae, based on functional similarities and the fact that the family Tettigometridae was the most primitive of the three (Delpino 1872, pp. 344, 348–9).
CD’s annotation is a note for his reply to Delpino (see letter to Federico Delpino, 1 May 1873 and n. 3).


Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.

Delpino, Federico. 1872. Sui rapporti delle formiche colle tettigometre e sulla genealogia degli afidi e dei coccidi. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 4: 343–51.


From Federico Delpino1   20 April 1873


20 April 1873

Esteemed Sir!

Pressing circumstances forced me to abandon my planned journey around the world. I disembarked at Rio de Janeiro and stayed there for about a month to collect plants and make observations of the tropical vegetation there.2

As I inform your honour of my unforeseen return, I take the opportunity to offer you a complimentary copy of a brief note of mine on how the Formicae are related to the Tettigometridae, and on the probability that the tettigometric type is the ancestor of both the aphids and the coccids.3 Within the limits of my feeble powers, I try always to add a stone to the great scientific edifice of which your honour is the great architect.

May this letter find your honour in a good state of health, and with this my lively wish I remain | Your most illustrious Highness’s | most devoted disciple | Federico Delpino | Florence | for | Vallombrosa


For a transcription of this letter in its original Italian, see pp. 180–1.
Delpino had been naturalist on the Garibaldi, making a round-the-world voyage, from November 1872 (see Correspondence vol. 20, letter from Federico Delpino, 10 November 1872).
CD’s annotated copy of Delpino 1872 is in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL. Delpino described the symbiotic relationship between the ant Formica pubescens and the planthopper Tettigometra virescens. He speculated on the relationship of the family Tettigometridae to those of aphids (Aphididae) and scale insects (Coccidae), and concluded that both aphids and scale insects were descended from the Tettigometridae, based on functional similarities and the fact that the family Tettigometridae was the most primitive of the three (Delpino 1872, pp. 344, 348–9).


Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.

Delpino, Federico. 1872. Sui rapporti delle formiche colle tettigometre e sulla genealogia degli afidi e dei coccidi. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 4: 343–51.


Left the Garibaldi at Rio de Janeiro.

Phylogeny of aphids.

Letter details

Letter no.
Federico Delpino
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 162: 151
Physical description
ALS 1p † (Italian)

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 8868,” accessed on 30 November 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 21
