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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. M. Hacon?1   29 August 1871

Down, Beckenham, Kent

Aug. 29, 1871

My dear Sir

The most convenient time for your clerk2 to come here tomorrow (Wednesday) will be by the train which leaves Charing Cross at 5.5 or Cannon St 5.15 arriving at Orpington at 5.47, where I hope he will take a fly for the four mile drive. A suitable train to return will be the 8.20 from Orpington. I hope these hours will not be inconvenient.

I beg leave to repeat my thanks for all your kind assistance in this affair, | and remain, my dear Sir, | Yours sincerely, | Charles Darwin


The recipient is suggested by the proximity of the date of the letter to the marriage of Henrietta Emma Darwin. Hacon was CD’s solicitor. CD settled £5000 in debenture stock in the North Eastern Railway Company on Henrietta on her marriage to Richard Buckley Litchfield on 31 August 1871, the day after the proposed visit of the clerk (CD’s Investment book (Down House MS), p. 135; Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). George Howard Darwin had discussed the details of the settlement with Hacon on CD’s behalf (see letter from G. H. Darwin, [17 July 1871] and n. 5).
The clerk has not been identified.


Sends details of trains for a clerk to travel to Down from London and back.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Mackmurdo Hacon
Sent from
Source of text
B. and L. Rootenberg (dealers) [2003]

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 7918F,” accessed on 1 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 19
