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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Anne Jane Cupples   [28 November 1870]1

56 Ludgate Hill | EC

Monday morning.

My dear Mr Darwin,

I have come up to London at the request of Mr Strahan (publisher)2 who has kindly volunteered to help me to get a pension from Government for my husband. The Duke of Argyle3 has agreed to present the memorial but as there is no time now to get one up in the usual form, Mr Strahan thinks if I could get a few letters from friends, stating that Mr Cupples was worthy of it. Mr S has asked me to write to you, but as my husband does not know about it I must ask you to excuse the trouble   As you do not know him so intimately as the others, the only thing you might be able to say, that he shows powers of some kind and that were his mind more at ease he might yet do something worthy of himself & the world   Mr S thinks you may be able to do this judging from his letters to you. If you can do this for me, will you be so good as to address the letter to Mr Strahan. The others I have got begun their letters My dear Mr Strahan I hope you will succeed in this undertaking for my friend Mr Cupples who &c &c” These letters are to be fixed to the memorial.4 Mr Cupples has not been very strong these last six months, and I am anxious to get home immediately else I would have been so glad to have run down to see Mrs Darwin before leaving

please give her and Miss Darwin5 my very kindest regards. and with the same to yourself I remain | yours very sincerely | A J Cupples

C Darwin Esq | Downe Beckenham Kent,

PS I hope the puppy is getting on nicely.6 I write this in Mr S’s office with the fog so thick it is like night, so I hope you will excuse the writing


The date is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter to A. S. Strahan, 29 November 1870. The Monday before 29 November 1870 was 28 November.
There is no record of a petition for a pension for George Cupples being presented before Parliament.
Anne refers to Bran, a deer-hound puppy that George had sent to CD (see letter from George Cupples, 14 November 1870).


Requests CD write in support of Government pension for her husband, George Cupples.

Letter details

Letter no.
Anne Jane Douglas/Anne Jane Cupples
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
London, Ludgate Hill, 56
Source of text
DAR 161: 280
Physical description
ALS 2pp †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 7053,” accessed on 1 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 18
