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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Allan C. Pagan to George Cupples   16 July 1869

Laurel House | Crief

16 July 1869

Dear Sir

I now append you a list of Lambs on my Farms for 8 years—1 If necessary my Books can be produced, I give you this for Mr Darwins private information as of course no one has a right to know what my Farm produces but my self.

If you require any more information I will be happy to give it

Yours Faithfully | Allan C Pagan


Account of Tup & Ewe Lambs on Innergeldie Farm for 8 years — on Cheviot and Blackfaced Hirsels

Male Female Male Female
Cheviot Stock Blackfaced Stock Total
1862 481 494 449 477 1901
1863 505 494 541 547 2087
1864 523 511 536 553 2123
1865 516 499 538 581 2134
1866 506 502 562 617 2187
1867 526 513 588 560 2187
1868 545 536 581 578 2240
1869 502 551 600 553 2206
Total 4104 4100 4395 4466 Total 17065
Male Female Male Female

Allan C Pagan | Innergeldie | 15 July 1869


In Descent 1: 305, n. 41, CD thanked ‘Mr. Payan’ for his information on sheep. See also letter from Robert Elliot to George Cupples, 4 June 1869.


Descent: The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871.


Appends an eight-year list of lambs for CD’s private information.

Letter details

Letter no.
Allan Cunningham Pagan
George Cupples
Sent from
Invergeldie, Comrie
Source of text
DAR 85: B54–5
Physical description
ALS 1p, table

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6831,” accessed on 1 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 17
