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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Louis Rérolle   17 March 1869


Allow me to offer you many thanks, concerning the letter you wrote to Mr Faivre, in which you authorise the translation of your Orchis book.1 I will be happy to present to the French naturalists your remarkable and interesting experiments.

The importance of this undertaking required on my part, a few day’s reflection, before coming to a decision. I pray you to excuse the delay of the present letter. I have made up my mind to publish the translation of your work, making all the rectifications you think fit. I have not yet taken any engagement with a publisher; but I will soon apply to one, at Paris.

As soon as the business is settled with him, I will receive with pleasure and gratitude your precious foot-notes; they will certainly add much value to the publication.2 I will then inquire of your publisher the terms on which the stereotypes of the woodcuts can be supplied.

I have now translated the whole book, save only the twenty last pages; I shall have to review and copy it, but previously I will persue the practical study of the Orchid-flowers mentioned in your volume. Mr Faivre is so kind as to leave at my disposal the very rich collection of the botanical garden of Lyons;3 I will carefully examen under his direction every flower you have described, in order to exclude any chance of error. Though I cannot exactly know at what time the translation will be published, yet I hope it will appear at the end of the present year, or at least, in the course of the two first months of the following.

I thank you much, Sir, for your kindness in offering to send me your work on climbing plants; I have heard of it, and will read it with the greatest interest.

Allow me, Sir, to assure you of the deep respect with which I have the honour to be | Your very obedient servant | L. Rérolle

17 march 69.

4, place d’Ainay. Lyon.


See letter from Ernest Faivre, 15 March 1869 and n. 2. Rérolle refers to Orchids.
For more on CD’s notes to the French edition of Orchids, see the letter to J. D. Hooker, 8 March [1869] and n. 5.
Ernest Faivre was the director of the botanic gardens at Lyons (DBF).


DBF: Dictionnaire de biographie Française. Under the direction of J. Balteau et al. 21 vols. and 4 fascicules of vol. 22 (A–Leyris d’Esponchès) to date. Paris: Librairie Letouzey & Ané. 1933–.

Orchids: On the various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilised by insects, and on the good effects of intercrossing. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1862.


LR undertakes translation of Orchids [1870]. Awaits CD’s new footnotes and intends to look at every flower CD mentions.

Letter details

Letter no.
Louis Rérolle
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 176: 129
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6667,” accessed on 2 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 17
