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Darwin Correspondence Project

From RFCooke   10 March 1869

50A, Albemarle St. | W.

March 10. 1869

My dear Sir

On the otherside I send you a statement of the actual expenses of Fritz Muller & what the Vol will produce, if sold at 6/—1

I shall wait to hear, if you agree to 6/— before I publish.

By this post I also send you a copy, so that you will see the thickness. The lettering in all other copies will be as you wished.2

I hope to send off your other copies tomorrow evening.

Yrs faithfully | Robt Cooke

C. Darwin Esq


The statement referred to has not been found. Cooke refers to Dallas trans. 1869.
Cooke refers to CD’s request regarding the lettering on the spine of the book (see letter to RFCooke, 9 March [1869]). The lettering in the end read, ‘Facts | For | Darwin | Muller’.


Sends statement [missing] of cost and proceeds of publishing Facts and arguments for Darwin at 6s. Asks whether CD agrees to this price.

Letter details

Letter no.
Robert Francis Cooke; John Murray
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
London, Albemarle St, 50a
Source of text
DAR 171: 366
Physical description
ALS 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6653,” accessed on 2 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 17
