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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Edward Wilson   14 October 1868

Hayes | Bromley, Kent.

14 oct 1868

My dear Mr Darwin

By the last Australian mail I received another budget of black fellows “emotions”, which I now enclose to you.1 The purport of them seems to be that the manifestations of emotions are usually spontaneous & to a great extent uniform in spite of the vigorous shrugs of our friend the Frenchman

I am glad you were pleased with those last sent. My relatives address is Dyson Lacy Esq



Near Rockhampton


⁠⟨⁠    ⁠⟩⁠ writes that he has read your last book with the greatest pleasure & profit.3 Let your labours be cheered therefore with the reflection that your teaching soon reaches, & influences, even distant Aramac

I still hope for further observations on your queries from South Australia to which they were sent under good auspices but there seems to have been a little delay

With kind regards to Mrs Darwin & yr family I am Dear Sir | Yours very truly | Edw Wilson


Wilson enclosed the letter from R. B. Smyth, 13 August 1868; Smyth’s letter included a number of responses from Europeans who had observed aboriginal Australians.
Wilson had forwarded the replies from Dyson Lacy; see letter from Dyson Lacy, [before 13 August 1868] and n. 2. The address was excised and pasted on to the bottom of the letter from Dyson Lacy, [before 13 August 1868]. For the location of Aramac, see the letter from Dyson Lacy, [before 13 August 1868], n. 21. The Barcoo is a river near Aramac.
Lacy evidently read CD’s Variation.


Encloses further replies from Australia to CD’s queries on expression. Wilson’s letter to CD enclosed the letter from Smyth with its enclosures (see S6314).

Letter details

Letter no.
Edward Wilson
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Hayes, Kent
Source of text
DAR 181: 125, DAR 186: 49
Physical description
ALS 2pp † (part on 6374),

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6419,” accessed on 5 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 16
