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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Thomas Walker   5 May [1840]1


I have been prevented by ill-health, from which I am still suffering, from sooner acknowledging your letter of the 1st of April.—2 I hope to be able in a short time to write to Mr Kemp on the subject of his important discovery of ancient water-lines on your Eildon Hills; and I am very much obliged to your kindness in affording me the means to do so by giving me his address.—3 I am much gratified at the impression, you have been pleased to form of my geological work in the southern hemisphere.—4 I fully concur with you in estimating most highly the pleasure derived from investigating the ancient history of the world, and every geologist must hail with joy, so auspicious a fact, as the concurrence of several warm followers of the science in the formation of a country Society.—5

With every wish for the prosperity of your Society, Believe me | Dear Sir | Yours respectfully | Chas. Darwin

12 Upper Gower St | Tuesday May 5th


The year is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter from Charles Maclaren to Thomas Walker, 30 March 1840 (this volume, Supplement).
This letter has not been found.
See Correspondence vol. 18, Supplement, letter from Charles Maclaren to Thomas Walker, 30 March 1840 and n. 1. CD refers to William Kemp.
CD had made observations on South American geology while on the Beagle voyage. See Journal of researches and Geology of the ‘Beagle’.
Thomas Walker was secretary of the Galashiels Geological Society (‘The Galashiels geological society’, Scotsman, 21 March 1840, p. 3).


Acknowledges TW’s letter supplying him with William Kemp’s address.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Thomas Walker
Source of text
Jim Somerville (private collection)
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 565G,” accessed on 19 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 18 (Supplement)
