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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Nicholas Trübner   7 May 1867

London. | 60, Paternoster Row E.C.

May 7 1867

Dear Sir,

A correspondent of mine, Mr. Weisse of Stuttgart,1 is very desirous of publishing a German translation of the work upon which you are now engaged. In case you have not already arranged with a German Translator I shall be very glad if you will permit me to negotiate with you on behalf of my friend.2

I have the honour to be | Dear Sir | yours most respectfully | N Trübner

Charles Darwin Esq


Mr Weisse has not been further identified.
Trübner refers to Variation. CD had already accepted the offer of Julius Victor Carus to translate the work; it was published by E. Schweizerbart’sche Buchhandlung (see letter to J. V. Carus, 11 April [1867]).


Weisse of Stuttgart is keen to publish a translation of the book on which CD is working [Variation].

Letter details

Letter no.
Johann Nicolaus (Nicholas) Trübner
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
London, Paternoster Row, 60
Source of text
DAR 178: 194
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 5530,” accessed on 6 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 15
