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Darwin Correspondence Project

From H. E. Darwin to Thomas Warner1   14 October [1863]2

Down, Bromley | Kent S.E.

Oct. 14th


Mr. Darwin is too unwell to write himself but will be happy to have his name put down for Mr. Buckman’s testimonial.3

your obedient servant | H. E. Darwin

Mr. Darwin encloses a cheque for 2.2.04


Possibly Thomas Warner of Gosditch Street, Cirencester, Gloucestershire (Post Office directory of Gloucestershire, with Bath, Bristol, Herefordshire, and Shropshire 1870). A Thomas Warner is listed as an original shareholder in the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, founded in 1845 (Sayce 1992, p. 351). See also n. 3, below.
The year is established by reference to CD’s Account book–cash accounts (Down House MS). See n. 4, below.
James Buckman retired from his position as professor of geology and botany at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, in 1863; upon resigning his appointment, Buckman ‘received two valuable testimonals, one from the inhabitants of Cirencester and his scientific friends, and the other from his pupils’ (Men and women of the time 1868). Though only one letter to Buckman is extant (Correspondence vol. 6, letter to James Buckman, 4 October [1857]), CD evidently took an interest in Buckman’s research (see letter from S. P. Woodward, 14 February 1863, n. 7).
CD’s Account book–cash accounts (Down House MS) for 14 October 1863 records the payment of £2 2s. to Thomas Warner.


Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.

Men and women of the time: The men of the time in 1852 or sketches of living notables. 2d edition, 1853. 3d edition, 1856. 4th edition, 1857. New edition, 1865. 7th edition, 1868. 8th edition, 1872. 9th edition, 1875. 10th edition, 1879. 11th edition, 1884. 12th edition, 1887. 13th edition, 1891. 14th edition, 1895. Men and women of the time: a dictionary. 15th edition. By Victor G. Plarr. 1899. London: David Bogue [and others]. 1852–99.

Post Office directory of Gloucestershire, with Bath, Bristol, Herefordshire, and Shropshire: Post Office directory of Gloucestershire, with Bath, Bristol, Herefordshire, and Shropshire. Post Office directory of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, and the City of Bristol. Post Office directory of Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Gloucestershire, with the City of Bristol. London: Kelly & Co. 1856–79.

Sayce, Roger. 1992. The history of the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Alan Sutton.


On behalf of her father, she asks that his name be put down for James Buckman’s testimonial. His cheque for £2.2.0 is enclosed.

Letter details

Letter no.
Henrietta Emma Darwin/Henrietta Emma Litchfield
Thomas Warner
Sent from
Source of text
Mrs Carole Cockett (private collection)
Physical description
ALS 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 4320A,” accessed on 1 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 11
