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Darwin Correspondence Project

From T. H. Huxley   20 February 1863

The Athenæum

My dear Darwin

I am glad you have received the monkey book and I shall be right glad of criticisms by & bye if you have any time to spare for them—1

I am ashamed not to have answered your former letter but I fell ill on the Tuesday after you were with us—spent a day or so in bed and have not got right yet2

As soon as I am square again I will look up the fish business3

Ever | Yours faithfully | T H Huxley

Feb. 20th 1863


See letter to T. H. Huxley, 18 [February 1863]. The reference is to Huxley’s Evidence as to man’s place in nature (T. H. Huxley 1863b). CD stated his opinion on T. H. Huxley 1863b in his letter to Huxley of 26 [February 1863].
Huxley refers to CD’s letter of 16 February [1863]. CD visited Huxley on 8 February, during his stay in London (see letter to T. H. Huxley, [8 February 1863]).
CD had consulted Huxley on the anatomy of fish fins, a subject which formed part of his researches on polydactylism (see letters to T. H. Huxley, [8 February 1863] and 16 February [1863], and letter to J. J. Briggs, 2 February [1863] and nn. 1 and 3).


Has not answered CD’s former letters. Has been ill. Will look up fish business as soon as he is square again.

Letter details

Letter no.
Thomas Henry Huxley
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Athenaeum Club
Source of text
DAR 166: 297
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 4001,” accessed on 4 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 11
