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Darwin Correspondence Project

From the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury   31 August 1837

Treasury Chambers,

August 31, 1837.


It having been represented to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury, from various quarters, that great advantage would be derived to the Science of Natural History, if arrangements could be made for enabling you to publish, in a convenient form, and at a cheap rate, the result of your labours in that branch of science, my Lords will feel themselves justified in giving their sanction to the application of a sum, not exceeding in the whole one thousand pounds, in aid of such a publication; upon the clear and distinct understanding that the Work should be published, and the plates engraved, in such a manner as to be most advantageous to the Public at large, upon a plan of arrangement to be previously submitted to, and sanctioned by the Board, after consultation with those persons, who, from their attainments in this branch of science, are the most capable of advising their Lordships thereupon; and that the payments on account of the said sum of one thousand pounds are to be made to you from time to time, on a certificate that such progress has been made in the engravings, in accordance with the plan previously approved of, as to justify the issue then applied for. My Lords have therefore directed me to communicate to you the views they entertain upon this subject; and to apprize you that they will be prepared to act in conformity with their arrangement, upon learning from you that you are ready to proceed with the Work upon the principles above laid down, and upon receiving from you a statement of the manner in which you think the Work should be published, and the plates engraved, so as most effectually to accomplish the object my Lords have in view, in sanctioning the payment from the Public Funds, in aid of the expenses of the Work in question.

I remain, | Sir, Your Obedient Servant, | A. Y. Spearman.


The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury approve CD’s request for £1000 in aid of publication [of Zoology].

Letter details

Letter no.
Secretary of the Post Office
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Treasury Chambers
Source of text
Fossil Mammalia, pp. ii–iii

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 377,” accessed on 19 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 2
