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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Emma Wedgwood to F. E. E. Wedgwood   [24 October 1836]1



My dear Fanny

Jessie’s confinement was safely over on Sunday of a little girl.2 Caroline3 & I went to call on them on Saturday & Jessie seemed very well but expecting that it was coming on. & she sent for her Dr & nurse very soon after we left them & at 912 the next morning it was over after a very good time which it might well be for the poor little thing is borne before its time & wretchedly small. They were afraid it would not live yesterday but today Hannah is in good heart about it. Eliza4 looked harrassed & tired. We did not see Jessie who is going on as well as possible. She left orders that no visitors were to see the child till it grows less ugly, though Hannah & Bessy protest that it is very pretty5   it has dark hair & is nothing but skin so you may imagine how pretty it is. It seems much better than yesterday which is a very good sign. There is not a chance of Jessie being able to nurse it yet & so they are going to have a wet nurse for it & the child for Jessie as her own is too weak & small to attempt it. It was very lucky their getting to Seabridge which looks very nice & cheerful.

The wedding at Boulston was a regular Sir Charles Grandison one. Flowers strewed & setting off with 4 horses. All the Cresselly folk were there & say Tom & Anne looked very happy & it was quite a merry wedding.6 It is a comfort to hear that Bro7 keeps to his old words of Dadoo &c which I was afraid he had lost.

We are getting impatient for Charles’s arrival.8 The Langtons9 must go on Monday any how so I hope he will come soon. We all ought to get up a little knowledge for him. I have taken to no deeper study that Capt Head’s gallop10 which I have never read before. I am afraid it wont instruct me much. He seems to have been much struck with the sight of Hensleigh11 walking up the st with a band box in one hand & a child in the other.

Your account of Violet12 will certainly make us get it. Aunt Emma & Penelope may think themselves lucky not to be in Italy now for we heard a most pathetic story of a party of ladies & gentlemen in a ship at Civita Vecchia being put into 2 rooms & not allowed literally to stir out of them for 11 days. John Jones who was one of the party had no sort of objection to swearing falsely that they had not been at Genoa, for he said there was no Testament & nothing but an Image of the V. Mary.13 The whole party forswore themselves most comfortably except a clergyman who scrupled the oath though he had no objection to a false declaration   Lady Strachan14 pathetically exclaimed, “Is there nobody who will persuade this gentleman that it is merely a matter of form? This came from Harry through Mr Vaughan Williams.15

Loo is here whom we are going in earnest to begin calling Louisa.16 The new one is to be Caroline Elizabeth. Charles seems to have nearly settled in favor of living at Cambridge, which is a pity for Erasmus’s17 sake but I shd feel sure that Charles wd like Cambridge best as he has a particular spite to London I believe.

Yours & [El’s]18 letters came in very apropos just as we were beginning to get rather cross. I am glad Mr Richmond is going to do the children.19 I wish we could send up Godfrey20 at the same time.

You shall hear again pretty soon how the poor little thing goes on but I expect it to do well. | Goodbye my dear Fanny.


The date is established by the postmark; the Monday before 26 October was 24 October. A summary extract from this letter was published in Correspondence vol. 1.
Jessie Wedgwood was Emma’s cousin and sister-in-law; her new baby was Caroline Elizabeth Wedgwood.
Neither Hannah nor Bessy has been identified.
Jessie Wedgwood’s brother Thomas Josiah Wedgwood married Anna Maria Tyler. Sir Charles Grandison is the eponymous hero of a novel by Samuel Richardson (S. Richardson 1753). Emma’s maternal relations, the Allens, were from Cresselly, Pembrokeshire, about ten miles south-east of Boulston.
Following the Beagle’s return to England at the beginning of October, CD had announced his intention of visiting the Wedgwoods at Maer (see Correspondence vol. 1, letter to Josiah Wedgwood II, [5 October 1836]).
Emma Allen. Neither Penelope nor John Jones has been identified. A cholera epidemic had spread through Italy having first been detected at the port of Genoa and in Turin in November 1835 (Snodgrass 2017).
Henry Allen Wedgwood, and possibly Edward Vaughan Williams, who had been Wedgwood’s contemporary at Cambridge University.
CD’s brother, Erasmus Alvey Darwin, lived in London.
Possibly Emma’s sister Elizabeth Wedgwood (1793–1880).
George Richmond; Fanny’s children were Frances Julia Wedgwood (b. 1833), and James Mackintosh Wedgwood.


Head, Francis Bond. 1826. Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. London: John Murray.

[Malet, Marian Dora.] 1836. Violet; or, the danseuse: a portraiture of human passions and character. 2 vols. London: Henry Colburn.

Richardson, Samuel. 1753. The history of Sir Charles Grandison: in a series of letters published from the originals, by the editor of Pamela and Clarissa. 7 vols. London: S. Richardson.

Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. 2017. World epidemics: a cultural chronology of disease from prehistory to the era of Zika. 2d edition. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co.


They are impatient for CD’s arrival.

EW is reading F. Head’s "gallop" [Rapid journeys across the Pampas (1826)] "to get up a little knowledge for him".

CD has nearly settled in favour of living in Cambridge.

Letter details

Letter no.
Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin
Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Mackintosh/Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Wedgwood
Sent from
26 OC 26 | 1836
Source of text
V&A / Wedgwood Collection (MS WM 233)
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 315,” accessed on 19 October 2024,
