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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Charles and Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin   [13 January 1861]1


Sunday morning

My dear William

There are 2 letters for you at Erasmuses (one marked to be forwarded), which the Boys took up as we did not then know your address—2

Poor George came back last night, having had teeth out & ever so many stopped.—3 Consequently he did not call at Moores the Cutler (164. Oxford St) for his Skates—4 Please be sure call for them & pay for them.— If not done have them sent to care of

Mitchell, Postman


Remember carrige will meet Train at Bromley which leaves London. B.6 at 2o.30’—

Your affect | C. Darwin

Dear Wm,7

I expect Eva will come with you, so please call at the Macks & see. The girls stay till tomorrow week which is very nice.8

Georgy is frantic for caps if you have time   38 Broad St | Golden Sq9


The letter is dated by the reference to George Howard Darwin’s dental treatment (see n. 3, below) and references in Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242; see nn. 2 and 8, below). In 1861, 13 January was a Sunday.
CD refers to his brother, Erasmus Alvey Darwin, who lived at 6 Queen Anne Street, London, and to Francis and George Howard Darwin, who, according to Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242), went to London on 10 January 1861, returning to Down on 12 January.
George underwent extensive dental treatment between December 1860 and February 1861 (see letter from G. H. Darwin to W. E. Darwin, [9 December 1860] (DAR 251: 2226), letters from Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin, [30 January 1861] (DAR 219.1: 36), [12 February 1861] (DAR 219.1: 37), and [20 February 1861] (DAR 219.1: 38), and Correspondence vol. 9, letter to J. D. Hooker, 4 February [1861] and n. 3).
CD refers to Sophia Matilda Morrell, cutler and jeweller of 164 Oxford Street, London (Post Office London directory 1861).
Mr Mitchell (see also Correspondence vol. 9, letter to W. B. Tegetmeier, 22 March [1861]) has not been further identified.
London Bridge station.
Emma Darwin added this note to CD’s letter.
The references are to Eva Mackintosh, who arrived at Down House with William on 14 January 1861 (Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)); to the London home of her father, Robert James Mackintosh, at 2 Hyde Park Terrace (Post Office London directory 1861); and to Katherine Euphemia and Hope Elizabeth Wedgwood, who arrived at Down House on 11 January 1861, and left on 21 January (Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)).
Emma was mistaken about the address. Eley Brothers, percussion-cap makers, occupied 38 Broad Street, Golden Square, London, until 1858; by 1861 they had moved to Calthorpe Place, Gray’s Inn Road, and 38 Broad Street was being used by Oetzmann & Plumb, pianoforte makers (Post Office London directory 1858, 1861).


Two letters for WED at E. A. Darwin's. G. H. Darwin has been to dentist. Please collect and pay for GHD’s skates.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin; Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin
William Erasmus Darwin
Source of text
DAR 185: 117
Physical description

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 3046F,” accessed on 19 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 13 (Supplement)
