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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Frederick Wollaston Hutton   8 March 1860

get you some more if you wish for them; If they are of no use to you please throw them away as I can get more if I want them.

I may mention also, on the chance of its being useful, that, on Nov 9th. 1852, I caught on board the Alfred in Lat 2o〃20 South and Long 88o〃40 East, a species of Land rail.1

Hoping that you will excuse me for taking the liberty of writing to you | I remain | Yours truly | F. W. Hutton | 23rd. R. W. Fusiliers

March 8th. | 1860

diagram 2

CD annotations

1.1 get you … them. 1.2] crossed ink
2.1 I may] ‘(18)’3 brown crayon
Diagram 1: ‘F. W. Hutton | 23d R. W. Fusiliers.’ ink; ‘375 miles from N. Point of Sumatra & rather more distant from Ceylon’ pencil
Diagram 2: ‘F.W. Hutton | 23. R. W. Fusiliers’ ink ; ‘Nearly 600 miles from W. c. of Africa near Sierra Leone’ pencil; ‘There were about 100 of these Dragon-flies’ ink


Hutton was a lieutenant in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers who had served in the Crimean War and during the Indian Mutiny. In 1852, he was attached to the Indian mercantile marine. Having since returned to England, Hutton was studying geology and mineralogy at the Sandhurst and Woolwich military academies. He may have recently read Origin (see Hutton 1899, pp. 32–3, and Stenhouse 1990, pp. 415–18).
For CD’s notes on the diagrams, see CD’s annotations.
The number of CD’s portfolio of notes on the means of distribution of animals and plants.


Hutton, Frederick Wollaston. 1899. Darwinism and Lamarckism: old and new. London.

Origin: On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1859.

Stenhouse, John. 1990. Darwin’s captain: F. W. Hutton and the nineteenth-century Darwinian debates. Journal of the History of Biology 23: 411–42.


Reports catching a landrail on board ship.

Encloses drawings of insects caught at sea.

Letter details

Letter no.
Frederick Wollaston Hutton
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 205.2: 241
Physical description
ALS 2pp inc †, 2 sketches †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 2727,” accessed on 5 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 8
