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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Henry Coe   14 November 1857

Asylum. Knowle— | nr. Fareham. Hants.

14th. Novr. 1857.


I beg most respectfully to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 13th.— You very kindly thank me, for having forwarded the Sample of Beans; I can only assure you, that I felt a pleasure in so doing—1

The case is indeed an extremely interesting one.— Being short of the Black Negro Bean, the four rows mentioned in my last as having been planted, were reserved for Seed, I have therefore several quarts of the varieties, which I shall assort (as near as possible) and plant separately next year, (of course carefully watching the result)

I will now proceed to answer your questions.—

1.— The pods were gathered by myself from the Negro Bean. There was no possibility of any mistake— The three sorts (with the addn. of the Scarlet runner) being all the sorts that were planted in the grounds—

2.— Having several bundles of the Plants from which the Beans are not yet removed, I have to day examined several of them, and do not find any difference in the same actual pod.

3.— I feel a great pleasure in complying with your request I have therefore enclosed a dozen Beans of each pure kind—(the exact variety used by me—)

4— The Beans forwarded in my last—Were all from the Negro Plant—Sown in June last, and gathered this Autumn.

I have only to add that I shall feel it a pleasure to answer any further questions—(should there be any) you may wish to ask—

With the greatest respect, | I am, Sir, | Your most obedt. servt | Henry Coe.— | (Gardener) C. Darwin. Esqe. | &c —


More on kidney bean crosses.

Letter details

Letter no.
Henry Coe
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Knowle Asylum, Hampshire
Source of text
DAR 161: 193
Physical description
ALS 4pp †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 2171,” accessed on 19 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 6
